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Everything posted by Jason_

  1. How about we let him actually get in 2 years of NFL coaching.
  2. thank you for your in depth opinion that I have no doubt comes from years of experience grading and evaluating QB talent for the NFL. I got news for you. Ballard did not make that decision on his own. I got more news for you. You are wrong.
  3. you don't think that had anything at all to do with Andrew Luck, do you?
  4. Could not disagree more with the bolded.
  5. Didn't even take an hour for someone to come along and demonstrate what you were talking about lol
  6. what does that have to do with the comment you were replying to?
  7. has anyone claimed that they did?
  8. your question is irrelevant. Just because they have been ranked #1 does not automatically mean they are elite. It means they are graded the highest right now of the 32 teams. What if none of them are currently playing at an elite level?
  9. Have you watched every other game to be able to grade and compare the other 31 Offensive lines to that of the Colts?
  10. I used that word once, and I used it correctly. Fantastic movie though ;)
  11. Um, more than just a handful of games. Like, a full season at least. Good god, that's not even a good strategy on Madden lol
  12. any time. thanks for your contradictions.
  13. not sure why this is a hard concept for some to grasp aww, speculation is fun, isn't it? there have been well documented reasons why the team (not just Ballard) punted the QB position after Luck retired. "Trying to save his job by not drafting the wrong guy" was never one of those reasons.
  14. To the bolded, that is absolutely not true. lol...oh the irony.
  15. sadly, that's the case with most sites any more.
  16. The Texans' offensive coordinator came in with a great game plan. Most of their running was outside the tackles, which is running away from the Colt DTs which is the strength of their run defense. Bradley needs to figure out how to adjust and defend outside zone running.
  17. Empathy and understanding have their limits. We also know enough about these regular chicken Littles to know they're adults for the most part. When do we get to expect adults to act like adults? And no, sorry but each of them do not make the forum better. Most do in some way but not all and the positive rarely outweigh the negatives.
  18. I agree and said the same in the post game reaction thread. Conventional wisdom used to be to not go chasing the points until around midway through the 4th quarter. This changed when coaches started leaning more on analytics. Yes, had they made it the game would have been tied. But had they just taken the PAT then it's still a 1 score game at the end. No added pressure from needing 2 scores.
  19. Irsay doesn't need ballard to resign to keep steichen. If irsay wants to keep Shane then he'll keep Shane. Just like he did with Pagano.
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