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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. I hate that about this board sometimes...it's one thing to root against or for a team...its another to wish an injury or ill on someone...regardless of what someone thinks of another player. I've seen it with RGIII, Ray Lewis, Tom Brady, and this and it doesn't represent most of us....you get all types on this board...but we all know the posts don't represent everyone...just one person's opinion. I admire River's fight and fiestiness...lol if that's a word...sometimes it seems very "in your face" so I can see how some like to rub it in for him to lose too....I think it is hard for a lot around here because we always had Peyton who seems the same "gracious" winner/loser. We also wildly love Larry Bird around here and he was probably one of the cockiest, trash talkers there is and a good ol Indiana boy so we can be really hypocritical lol....sorry!

    Thanks - I've been around here for I'm guessing maybe 5 years?  So I know the truth of what you're saying.  AND I totally get "hating" a player that beats you in a normal, sportsmanlike fashion.  I "hate" Brady, only because he has ended our dreams way too many times :-)  Have I ever dreamed of sending someone out with a baseball bat to take him out - of course not and the year he was out I was sorry for him and their team.


    A local sports personality summed up Rivers something like this, "He's the guy who's in the car next to you all animated, pounding on the steering wheel and seemingly screaming angrily to AC/DC - then you role down the window and he's singing to some Disney tune."  He's passionate in a very wholesome, clean and fun-loving way.  I swear he's a throwback to the 50s.  Have you ever heard someone in your adult life say things like "Golly,"  "Gee whiz" or "Gol darn it?"  How about, "That was a good old-fashioned rear end whippin'?" 


    He's an amazing Dad (7 kids).  Philanthropist.  Team leader, talk about humility - you will NEVER hear him take credit for any win, throw or accomplishment and you will never hear him throw a teammate under the bus no matter how stupid something they have done or how much it impacted the outcome of a game or season.


    Okay, I'll shut up now.  I like my guy.  Some people here don't.  I can handle it I'm a big girl :-)

  2. would you like me to post some videos of phillips sportsmanship

    Old stuff, wasn't true at the time and you know NOTHING of the man or his sportmanship. 


    I understand Colt's fans "thought" he cussed them out or flipped them off or something, but he didn't.  He doesn't use any word tougher than "Golly" and he was young and fiesty at the time.  If you don't care enough to know the real man inside the uniform than your opinion is just that and bears no resemblance to fact.


    Add to that, I don't care how much I might dislike a person or player I would never wish ill to them.   PERIOD.


    No.  Class.

  3. I'm not sure the 49ers are guaranteed to be toast - Candlestick park is not a nice weather location.  They have constant swirling winds, heavy fog, rain, moisture and believe it or not it can feel HORRIFICALLY cold above freezing with the almost 100% humidity.


    I grew up in San Diego and my uncle visited us from Anchorage Alaska in January.  He couldn't get warm the entire time he was there because of the humidity factor.  And he was a tough guy, at -8 in Alaska he'd be outside in a tee shirt to take the trash out!


    And Colt Fan 4 Life - yyuuuccckk!  As a woosey California girl, I can't even imagine cold like that.  I know the difference between 100 and 115 degrees and that's a lot, but I have no frame of reference for cold!  The coldest I've experienced was -5 in Seymour, Indiana.  I'm a professional artist and Dicksons Gifts (A Christian Gift manufacturer) had flown me in for the Christian Booksellers Convention that was in Indianapolis and a signing and showing at their facility afterward. 


    My experience:  I sat in a toasty hotel lobby, walked to the nicely heated car they sent for me, got out and walked 25 feet into the company's offices.  Not thinking that qualifies for "cold weather" experience, LOL!

  4. Yeah, Freeney showed a lot of promise early in the year the injury was heart-breaking though not unexpected with his history.  I sincerely hope he's coming back - he had a lot to do with growing up some of our young guys.  We're a young team.  Only 6 guys remain from the 13-3 playoff team.  


    Going into the playoffs we're minus one choking field goal kicker (GOOD)

    We're minus some less than stellar character guys that made stupid, emotional penalties in the playoffs (GOOD) 

    We're healthier than I can ever remember us being going into the playoffs, minus some great starters but we've been able to move on (GOOD)

    We've had to play much harder this year, no walk-in-the-park division (GOOD)

    Our strength of schedule I think was very high (GOOD)

    Weather - we've played a couple cold weather games this year and won both of them, so feeling okay about that but who knows.


    Now I hope we didn't use up all the luck and fairy dust last weekend to get into the ballroom....


  5. You have to give me some analysis, rather than just undermining the people you disagree with, like ESPN. What exactly is it about the Texans roster that you think is so terrible? With slightly above average quarterback play, they won 12 games last year. They have playmakers at every level, and they have promising young players. So seriously, without telling me how wrong everyone has been about the Texans for the last few years, help me understand the problems they have.

    The reason I love this forum - not just pointless smack but quality analysis and a willness to be convinced of an opinion other than my own.  Well done Superman :thmup:

  6. I think I only saw one or two of their games all season long so I don't have any perspective on them.  I did love Mike Tolbert when he was with us, not a great player, but good hands as a receiver and once that bowling ball gets rolling it's darn hard to stop.  He gives it all he's got. 

  7. I was heartsick in 1982 when we had to play in those conditions - Dan Fouts beard had icicles hanging off of it.  The ball didn't float - it's hard to describe, but I think they said the cold made the airpressure in the ball less so it was like throwing a rock.  It hurt the receiver's hands to catch it.  BBAAADDD, bad conditions for any human to do anything much less play football. 


    I don't know what they can do about it, but I think fan safety and player safety is more important than game location.  These cold weather teams use it to an unfair advantage. 

  8. Hey he's just terrible across the board.  There is a probably a prop bet on which team he will screw the Chargers or the Bengals

    I'm already sick of hearing about last week's ref screw up, so I don't want to "benefit" again and hear about it some more and I CERTAINLY don't want to get screwed to "even out" last week. 

  9. Jules - haven't you heard "San Diego is Kryptonite to Peyton!"  LOL!  Everything you said about Indy applies with us as well.  We were up 24 points the first 1/2 in SD 2 years ago and folded like a cheap tent - but we could and should have won that game.  We lost our first game to Peyton in SD this year by only 8 points and had a good shot at that one as well.  Our guys won in Denver this second game in very solid fashion.  We have a great record in Denver.  Don't count us out.


    Now - because you know I'm an honest fan.  I'm not at all sure how far we will go in the playoffs.  I know what we are capable of, but we have a lot of really young and inexperienced players.  You never know how they're going to handle the pressure.  Our vets are strong and have a great presence in the locker room and we're really healthy for the first time in recent playoff history.  Ryan's ankle has been somewhat of an issue, but he'll tough it out.  Eddie Royal's had some issues and hasn't been practicing, but other than that I don't recall any injuries Sunday. 

  10. A league darling in the Steelers got screwed. So now it's San Diego's turn to pay?


    I guess if we win Saturday we may be going to Peyton. Now prepare for the media frenzy unlike ANYTHING before.......

    I would LOVE for you guys to take over the sideshow role but since we have to beat Peyton before you could, I'm hoping it never happens :-)

  11. I heard an interview with the Chargers color guy last night and he argued the refs evened out because in week one they lost to the Texans thanks in large part to a bad call on a field goal attempt where they said the Chargers made contact with the Texans center but on reviews it was clear they never touched him so he argued the mistakes even themselves out even if it took all year to even out. 


    With that said it still doesn't make the mistakes okay. 

    It's true.  Nobody is saying it's okay, just that the mistakes tend to even out over time.  The NFL announced the next day that it was a bad call, so we definitely know what it feels like.  Had it been called correctly, 4 points are off the board and it's quite possible we win the game against Houston, and are 9-6 prior to game time and Sunday's game would have been irrelevant. 


    That said, there will NEVER be perfection in sport's officiating.  We're dealing with humans and our limitations.  I used to ref high school basketball.  It is amazing how much clearer the view is up in the stands rather than when there are 3 or 4 people between you and the ball and we're not talking 6' 5" 350 lbs. guys!  Add to that the game moves so fast and has so many complicated rules. 


    Besides what would we have to gripe about in the off-season?  ;-)


    Here's the story: http://nfl.si.com/2013/09/10/vp-of-officiating-key-penalty-in-chargers-texans-game-shouldnt-have-been-called/

  12. Wow!  File this under the "What Could Possibly Go Wrong?" category!!!  I wasn't aware of that call/play, but that was a trip up that bounced him and it couldn't be clearer that he was short. 


    Can I go on the record in advance that we don't want to be helped or hurt by the officiating?  Just the right calls and an even hand on PI and holds? ,

  13. I find it very simple - whatever the rules and procedures that are in place on a normal day and a normal game should apply to this record as well.


    If they normally check the work of the local statisticians and make changes - that's what they ought to do.


    If they don't normally check the work of the local statisticians and make changes - that's how it should be done.


    Nothing special either way, even though the record is very special.

  14. Statistics should be "amoral" and without emotion.  They are what they are or aren't.  There should be no fond thoughts that are allowed to color them.  Also, bad non-calls that prevented additional yardage are exactly that non-calls.  You could require a statistician to go look at an entire season's film to "adjust" the totals if you even thought about making that adjustment.  Every league record in history was set with imperfect officiating results.


    If it's a backward pass, they should shift the yardage into the appropriate column.  It's on his coaching staff who chose to pull him out of the game for obviously important reasons. 

  15. I am not counting you guys out at all but I do hope someday Cincy can get the playoff monkey off their back again and this seems like a good time. But, I am also happy to see you guys get back in the playoffs too after some rough years and ESPECIALLY since it's not against us. :thmup:  But, I do think the possible 1 pm start on the east coast Sunday could help Cincy if you get to a slow start too. Should be a great game. I think Bengals fans are excited to have you guys momentarily because it's NOT a hated heated division rival. Some of them were freaking out at the thought of getting Pittsburgh I saw on their forums. I don't think they wanted Baltimore either but they dreaded the idea of Pittsburgh and I don't blame them.


    It's an interesting weekend, two rematches in the AFC and the hosts beat the underdogs on the road already this year.


    More then likely no matter how far I try to predict this thing I will have no finger nails left by Saturday night. ;)

    I love being underestimated... and I really hope that teams get cocky thinking about playing us.  AND we take no one for granted since we know how we just squeaked in.  We should have been at least 11-5 this year though - we're "potentially" better than our record.  The reason we have been inconsistent this year is because we are so thin.  Great teams have enough depth to not drop drastically when injuries hit. 


    Rivers really deserved this playoff chance - he's such a good guy and team player.  He's done so well this year simply because he is being protected (Indy fans know what happens to a great QB who is not kept safe \) and because the offense is set up for him to use his football intelligence (like another QB we know) AND to be a fast offense.


    Thank you Indy for Tom Telesco.  His first draft was nothing short of amazing. 


    For Pittsburgh fans, sorry about the bad call... I don't like that it's going to color everything about our playoffs, but it is what it is.  We've been on the other side of that equation more often than we've ever gotten the benefit. 

  16. Time for them to drive the other Carr, Derek.   :)

    As a Fresno State Bulldogs fan, Derek is a VERY good pro prospect.  He didn't have much of a line and didn't have a great running game this year either, but he has an amazing arm.  Accurate.  Precise.  Big distance with hardly and effort.  He's a thinker.  He didn't throw an interception in like almost 400 passes, crazy.  Had he had the front line that some of the higher rated QBs had, he would have been noticed more.


    Had he accepted a scholarship for any of the majors that wanted him, he might have had the Heisman - but Fresno is his family school.  He's a quality man.  I just hope he doesn't land somewhere where he'll be beat up like his brother :-(

  17. Yesterday was an annolmally - I hope that the Bengals are betting on seeing a team that looks like the Chargers did yesterday.  I don't know whether we'll be able to beat the Bengals in their house, but I'm not afraid of them either.  Our team beat Denver (in their house), KC's starters (in their house) and Indy and barely lost to Cincy in a bad game. 


    1.  We had no film on their backups and the coaching staff chose not to go back and look at preseason games as they would have been useless anyway.

    2.  Their backups had a lot to play for in their last game of the year.  More than a few were playing to remain on the team next season or not.  Their QB had his chance to shine - and he did.  His running hurt us first half until they made adjustments.

    3.  Our team didn't settle down quickly enough after the Ravens & Dolphins losses.  Bad on their part.  Got to be pros and go take care of business. 

    4.  We have a lot of rookies that will be facing their first playoffs, that's always unpredictable.  But our best came from winning programs (Fluker/Bama, Te'o/Notre Dame, Keenan/Cal)  so they are used to winning the big games. 

    5.  You guys that don't know THIS team, don't know that there is a huge difference in that locker room.  Norv's gone...

  18. I was looking for a post I read on the chargers forum this week but with the volume of posts I can't find it. It was a comparison about how we played against the top teams compared to bottom teams this year. There was a HUGE swing to the better against strong teams - the opposite of past seasons.

    Personally I was really concerned when we were playing their scrubs. No film, guys highly motivated, playing for a spot on the team next year.

    We caught some breaks -a lot of breaks, for once! Bad calls/non-calls happen every game and relatively even out. The whole field goal thing went against us and cost us a game vs. Houston which if we had won would have made this outcome irrelevant. I loved that as bad as the game was going there was no quit.

    Good teams win even when they play badly, the flat out find a way to win.

    I'm glad we had a bad game/wake up call without losing. No matter what happens this was a bonus.

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