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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. We are 30 seconds of game time away from being 5-1.  If we pulled down the potential interception at the end of the Titans game, it would have sealed the win.  The last second loss to Houston, the same.  We didn't finish those games.  We didn't do enough to win and great teams do.  We're getting better each game and finishing our games.


    As to Rivers, he never needed "fixing," as so many people thought.  Rivers' only issue the past 2 years has been no protection from his front line (remember Peyton going through that?)  He tried to hard to be the hero as too often he's had to carry the entire team to victory on his own shoulders.  We he tries too hard he made some poor choices.  Basically, he had no time to throw in an offense that was based on long ball - a recipe for trouble.  This year he's getting time and needing less of it because the offense is full of quick, shorter passes and medium length passes, with the occasional long throw to keep the threat.  It used to tick us off royally when we had a 3rd and 2 and Norv would go for the bomb... why?!  Get the two and just keep the threat going... SMH 


    I don't expect us to reach the playoffs this year.  We have some good players but we're really thin in crucial places.  The front line already has been decimated, the only person that has played every game is Hardwick at center and he's played injured.  Clary played a game with a damaged clavicle without telling anyone because there wasn't anyone else left to come in. 


    Our secondary is too porous, we don't have shut down corners (Peyton is going to pick us apart).  Our draft was excellent though and the rookies are performing really well.  With Freeney going down and Melvin Ingraham probably out for the year and last week losing Jarret we don't have power pass rushers.  We may over perform, but we don't have the pieces to make a run yet. 

  2. It was a pretty strange game IMO. Wayne is normally the clutch go to guy but tonight he dropped that key 3rd down. Fleener is usually 50/50 so his big drop wasn't a shock. DHB hasn't caught much this year. Luck certainly has to do a lot to make up for errors like this and more often than not he can but tonight there was just way too much that went wrong in all phases. I am on an island by myself when I say that we can beat Denver next week. They will correct their mistakes. 

    You guys had your bad game this week like we had ours last week against Oakland - timing was off, everyone was just not quite in synch.  I'm rooting for you to pull it together and pull off the upset.  I loved Peyton, until he came into our division - he was why I was a Colts' fan.  But when he put on that ugly orange uniform all bets were off, LOL! 

  3. I haven't had a chance to watch any Indy game this year except the Seahawks game so I can't really comment about how this compared to normal - but there is absolutely no doubt if those balls were caught it's a different game.  It wasn't sure wasn't our pass D stopping your pass game. 


    Luck was cool under pressure, made some great throws and guys got wide open (our CBs are spotty at best).


    On the flip side, we didn't make mistakes tonight, we controlled the ball and our run game showed up.  It was a good, hard fought game.


    PS go take Denver apart next week, okay?!!!!

  4. It is almost good to lose 1 or 2 games in your last 3 games of your regular season to go on a run in the postseason, it seems like. The odds favor those kinds of teams who dont get complacent.



    The last time the Chargers were in the playoffs, I think it was 2009, we had won 11 in a row, finished with a 13-3 record and had a bye game with a home playoff against the Jets.  Serious complacency cost us.  Stupid, childish penalties and temper tantrums - several players had gotten too big for their britches.  VJ was stopped by the police for driving without a license on the way to the game... after having been arrested for a DUI earlier in the season. 


    I'd much rather a team go into the playoffs a little "scared" than thinking they're a lock.

  5. Thanks for the perspective, I knew I'd get it straight from this board :-) 


    I have to say I really don't have any idea who I want as HC, there are some good options, but I would probably prefer not having a "retread."  But then it's a decision way above my pay grade and knowledge. 


    I wasn't a Norve hater.  In fact, I don't really think our losses were as much on Norv as on AJ.  Letting proven players get away, playing ego trip negotiating games, and always trying for the spectacular and surprising draft pick instead of just making consistent, good solid picks that begin to add up and just a FEW of the reasons I'm glad he's gone.   Having a $90+ million quarterback and no one worthy of protecting him... doesn't make much sense. 

  6. Just listened to the interview with him, I was hoping that we would go out of the organization.  Whatever is systemically wrong needs to have fresh eyes and a willingness to go in a new direction. 


    I haven't been around much - work has kept me nailed to the wall with deadlines, plus a crappy season definitely puts the damper on things! 


    A belated CONGRATULATIONS to my Colt's friends, you have had an amazing turn around and no team deserves it more.


    What do you think of Arians as a potential HC?  Honest opinions sought :thmup:


  7. not a biased viewpoint or anything, especially now that he's in your division :)

    Honestly not - I was a Peyton fan when he was with the Colts as they were my second favorite team. Like his commercials. Don't want him to do well at all now - no mercy in the division!

    But really... you should have heard his last conference call with the San Diego press, it was the last time we played the Colts in Indy. Thin skinned would be an apt description. :D

  8. Peyton has always been "snippy" about any D that gets the best of him. Perhaps since you all were fans of his own team, you didn't see or hear the interviews with opposing reporters. His reaction after Atlanta was pretty much average of what I've seen over the years. You should have heard him after the last Charger's victory, it was almost comical.

  9. I've said all along that Peyton wouldn't just come in and pick up where he left off - his style of play is complex and requires his team mates being on the same page. It's going to be later in the season before that begins to gel. It might even take a year.

    He took some hits tonight, his O-line gave up two sacks and I'm not sure how many hits on top of those. I'm no longer a fan now that he's in our division, but I don't want him to get hurt. They'd better up the protection.

    Atlanta looked good, we play them next week. Denver's D looked good at times.

  10. Colts' fans need to be realistic - Luck is a rookie. Yeah, he's the first round pick, but in the end he's still a rookie QB. He'll look great one day and terrible another. Most rookies don't have to take the burden on their shoulders from the start. He's going to get a baptism by fire... Chances are it will be a couple years before you really know what you've got.

  11. We had let our tv go after we moved - we had been living without it for a few months and really liked the quiet and peace. BUT Directv had my number - they offered FREE Sunday ticket and a big package for just about nothing :-) to come back. So if anyone doesn't have TV you might be able to swing a deal.

  12. I've had it the past couple years. This year we have NFL ticket so I won't need it, but it's a great and inexpensive option. On the west coast, it's nice because the day's games are available after 9 pm pst so you can watch your game before going to bed.

  13. LT is a good man, a great husband and father and was a very exciting player to cheer for. One of a kind and he played with his whole heart. It was really special to see his wife and babies today. You guys may not know it but they lost a baby girl at 8 months in an earlier pregnancy and had a very hard time having a family. His father abandoned him when he was young and eventually died from alcohol (if I remember right), he's really committed to doing things right with his family - which is a big part of his retiring.

    BTW, he NEVER quit... if he could have played he would have. A QB in the pocket can play on a torn knee, a running back can't cut or run with one. No more than Cutler quit on Chicago a year or so ago (and I don't even like Cutler).

    I was watching highlight footage today, still brings a thrill. Thanks for the memories LT

  14. Rivers just did an article this week - there was no injury, nothing at home, nothing unusual just a crappy year. He thinks it's kind of people to make excuses for him, but he makes no excuses for himself and as usual shoulders the blame for the bad year. We will miss VJ, but he wasn't on the field as much as needed with injuries the past couple of years and Rivers was able to pick it up with who ever was put in the game. Vincent Brown is a name to watch for. He really came on last year after being injured in training camp as a rookie. Gates is healthy and excited to be playing at full strength for the first time in 2 years. Ryan Mathews put in the work this off season and is looking like an absolute beast - AND has worked hard on ball protection.

    As always... we'll see. I personally would not bet on Rivers having two bad years in a row.

  15. Peyton Manning's response was really thoughtful.

    I've waited to post anything to this topic, though I've read things here a few times. Junior was as dear to our family as if he were family. Our kids grew up as fans watching him for 14 years. He was as much an icon in San Diego to our fans as Peyton Manning has been in Indy. Can you imagine what you would feel like if Peyton had done the same thing? It's impossible to believe. The city is in grief mode. There are so many questions and no answers...

    I lost a cousin this spring to suicide. No warning. No note. No way to comprehend what he was feeling and why he did it. When I got the text telling me he was gone, it was as if a knife went through my heart. He was an amazing man. He was like Junior, amazingly encouraging to others, ALWAYS smiling. A school principle that never had children of his own, he poured his life into his students and was an amazing impact on their lives. He left a wife that adored him. A family that adored him. We'll NEVER understand. One thing I understand now is that for some reason he wasn't able to be real with those around him and he kept his pain to himself. If he had been able to share, he would probably still be here.

    I lost two friends just out of high school to suicide as well. The wounds are still there 35 years later...

    ViriLudant's post of their friends' thoughts is outstanding and very well-informed. It's simple - depression kills. Those who feel "blue" from time-to-time do not understand the warped perspective of view that someone who is deeply depressed has. It isn't understandable and it isn't something that those individuals can deal with alone - and that's what most people try to do.

  16. Interesting, this just popped up on NFL.com


    Smith now is considering changing agents,

    a league source told the San Francisco Chronicle

    on Saturday. NFL Network insider Jason La Canfora reports that Smith has not yet interviewed any prospective new agents.

    Condon has been Smith's agent since the quarterback entered the league as the top-overall selection in the 2005 draft. Smith became a free agent when he was unable to agree to a new contract with the 49ers."

    Entire article here:


  17. Thank you Mac, it's definitely INTERESTING at times, but I wouldn't trade it for anything AND working from home most of my business life has allowed time for my favorite "addiction" ie football!

  18. I've got to agree with Brent here. Manning is dripping with dignity & integrity. Please never put that clown Farve in the same sentence with #18 ever again. Manning wanted to remain a Colt for life while Favre, the spoiled cry baby that he inherently is, held the Green Bay franchise in limbo because he loved being the center of attention.

    No disrespect intended... I withdraw the term. It's just for those of us not involved we're pretty sick of the breathless coverage of who sent their plane, the flight plan that was filed, who drove the car blah blah blah. That's the part I meant in using the term, Favre-ing, the media circus, not that Peyton was anything like Favre.

    I have posted here defending Peyton to his own fans.

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