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Posts posted by Girlzarefanstoo

  1. I think I mentioned it before but I will say it again. Tom Telesco is a very sharp mind. We have one ourselves in Ryan Grigson.


    If Bill Polian had not gone the nepotism route with Chris Polian, Tom Telesco would have been the right guy for our GM.


    Minds like Bill Polian, Tom Telesco and Ryan Grigson draft football players, do not get pre-occupied with their 40 speed and workout warrior abilities.


    Recent cases in point, Dwayne Allen, Manti Teo, Keenan Allen, they make picks of players that can flat out ball, based on their body of work and not get enamored with Sport Science specimens (though Coby Fleener is the contradiction :)).

    Yeah - being a college athlete myself back in the day, there's one other intangible that is very important but often overlooked.  People that come from a winning program, are used to winning and doing what it takes to win.  Our #1 pick from Bama, #2 ND.  They are guys that are used to being in the hunt. 


    I played Basketball and I remember a player we had that no matter what, never quit and hustled to the end of every game.  She wasn't the star player but she made things happen and spurred the rest of us on.  Love those kinds of players. 

  2. Hey there Girlszarefanstoo, 


    I just want to say that I respected how well Philip Rivers played yesterday especially in the 4th QTR. Yes, Playoffs losses really hurt, but San Diego had a nice year & Philip was very dignified in his post game press conference about the Broncos & what the Chargers accomplished this year. I just wanted to tell you that Girlzarefanstoo.  :thmup:


    I will always view Philip Rivers as an elite QB who always scares me in the Playoffs because he is so darn smart, talented, & dangerous.  :worthy:

    Thanks.  I appreciate the shout out.  One of these days the stars (and injury report and Defensive game) will all align and he'll get his ring(s).  The new management is set up well to make that happen. 

  3. Fingers crossed that Reich might end up being our OC now.  I would really like to see him get the chance and I would like to see a BALANCED offense, not a total run offense.  I like being able to do so when needed but we have an incredibly accurate gunslinger who throws one of the most catchable balls in the NFL and I don't want to see him not allowed to be a threat.


    I want to see teams not know what we're bringing against them this week.  That would be a major headache for opponents :D 

  4. I hate Rivers, seen that guy flip off a young grade school age girl...

    He probably kicks puppies too...

    I'm assuming you are jesting and this should be in green ink.


    If not, I feel sorry for you. 


    You're flat out wrong - I don't care what you "thought you saw" it is not in his character.  And all he said to the Colts fans was something along the lines of, "Don't worry, I'll be back." 

  5. I like him.....I dont think he's mean-spirited..he's just full of juice\\..and he completed 69.5% of his passes


    Denver just has a better team right now....


    ....we're up here near Bear country and I'd take Rivers over Jay Cutler for the Bears in a minute..

    What's funny is that Rivers got his "reputation" because of Jay Cutler.  It was Jay's immature actions that people actually attributed to PR and again, Rivers didn't bother pointing fingers.  Even at an opposing player. Time has shown the truth of that situation. 


    What is Denver's FA and contract situation next year?  We're in a better place.  This year was brutal for us thanks to the "visa" bill coming due for the Christmas AJ Smith charged to the card to try and save his hide.

  6. Was surprised it ended up being the Titans, but not at all that he's gone.  We expected that basically the moment we hired him last year.  He was a great help to Mike McCoy with helping him his first year as a head coach. 

  7. Keenan Allen is really special.  142 yard in a playoff game his rookie year holds a lot of promise for our future when we get #1 and #2 receivers back.  Who are you going to double team?  I hope he gets OROY this year, it's one of the toughest positions to learn and perform well in - much tougher than running back to be sure.  He was a beast in that game. 


    As a person I love Quentin Jammer - but his best years are in the rear view mirror.  He has really slowed down the past couple of years.  He gave us a lot of good years before he was let go.  I'd be surprised if he's back next year for Denver. 


    I am looking forward to the AFCCG game.  I'm not sure that Denver gets by the Patriots.  In a way I hope they do and Peyton retires for admittedly purely selfish reasons.

  8. I disagree...Denver never punted and SD showed no ability to stop them...nothing suggest they could have stopped Denver. The only time Denver was stopped they did it to themselves by fumbling and letting balls bounce off their chest. If it wasn't for the onside kick recovery there would have been no suspense at all. SD had a good game plan...throwing in that wind a lot was not going to be a recipe for success. Phillip was close to a few interceptions of his own and a couple of 3 and outs do to passing would have put them down even further/quicker. Listen to Rivers post game conference and see what he said about it. It was a good game plan but they didn't execute it right. They tried to throw but Denver was all over him early...sure you have to take chances but SD's winning formula all season was run first...that weren't going to win a shootout. I know it looked good late winging it around but doing that for 4 quaters was not going to be the answer.

    I agree with your assessment.  Our best D wasn't doing the job and then we started losing guys rapidly - young guys were trying too hard and literally destroying our own players with "friendly fire."  We had 3 players go out with concussions, all from team mates.  Our D was improving through the last quarter of the season but it was paper thin.  We're at least another draft away from solidifying it. 


    This game wasn't as close as it started to feel at the end and as exciting as it would have been for us as fans, had we won, the Patriots would have had a cake walk to the Super Bowl walking right over our broken bodies.

  9. I dunno. When you run and are getting 1 yard or less per rush you have to switch especially down two scores. When they went to the spread they were killing the Denver D. I think SD got caught up in what worked the first two games and Denver was ready for it and SD was unable to adjust until the fourth. Too late IMO.

    Ryan Mathews has been playing on a high ankle sprain for a few weeks.  We fans and the press didn't know it, but it was worse than we hoped.  He gave it all he had to go on Sunday but couldn't perform after the first couple runs.  Ronnie Brown isn't RM and Danny Woodhead is a change of pace back, he'll never grind out the long hard yards that RM does.  Without that effective grinding, the offensive strategy doesn't work.


    They gave the game plan a thorough shot, which is necessary with a running game, but by at least the middle of the 2nd qtr. they should have changed to adjust to the facts on the ground and didn't.  That's on the coaches. 


    Rivers had 2 interceptions in the last 6 games, so I would have liked them to have gone to the pass more quickly.  We'll never know what might have happened.  Keenan Allen had something like 148 yards in one HALF.  Part of that was due to the Broncos losing Chris Harris. 


    The biggest reason however we didn't go any deeper in the playoffs has to do with our depth.  I've said all along that the reason we were inconsistent during this season was that the fall off between our #1s and #2s was way too steep.  If we could have stayed as healthy as we managed in the 2nd half of the season all the way through the playoffs it could have been interesting.  But that's not playoff football.  There are always injuries and the deepest and most talented team has the best shot of winning it all. 

  10. I couldn't disagree more. He is passionate and puts it all out there.....I have huge respect for him especially when he played on that torn ACL years back. Guy just wants to win...he is very animated sure...and I think since people can't hear what he is saying take it totally wrong....listening to his post-game press conference was extremely enlightening...gracious loser/winner and full of class. He is confident in his abilities (rightfully so) and his team. I've never once heard him say anything remotely negative about anyone much less the Mannings. If anything he reminds me of my brother...and people take him the wrong way too...often thinking he has a bad temper or complaining a lot but rather he often knows the rules very well or makes very good points but because of how animated he is sometimes gets taken wrong. Great qb and would love to have him leading my franchise if we didn't have what we have been so fortunate to have.


    This isn't directed towards the OP...just me adding something...but its like we automatically dislike the guy that beats us or has had lots of success against us. Brady, Rivers, Brees I just don't get the dislike....I FULLY understand not rooting because they aren't our qbs but I have never thought you had to dislike your competition...I respect all those guys but of course always want to beat them. If there wasn't something to not like about a person because they've done very disrespectful things or hurt people or done things off the field and have a poor reputation I would at least understand...but very respectful guys like Rivers and Brady and Brees...just don't get it...why we even need to make it personal.

    You got this dead on.  There isn't a whiney, crybaby bone in Rivers' body - that's totally off base.  I understand people have their opinions, but these types of opinions have nothing to do with facts.  He is very animated, passionate, and is a great leader on and off the field.  He has his team mates, coaches and fans respect and approval.  He has never had anything but 100% support in his locker room even when he "slumped." 


    You know why?  His "slump" was directly attributable to very poor line play in an offense that required exceptional amounts of time for a seven step drop and receivers going long - pure and simple.  Search the internet for him pointing a finger at his coach or linemen and you will never find it.  He let the world think the problems were his when he was the #2 sacked QB in the entire NFL behind Rodgers. 


    He'll always have my respect and affection and I'm incredibly glad we have him.

  11. "House money" meh.... that's a sportcaster's and fan's term.  The only benefit to how the Chargers got into the playoffs (missed kick et al) is that the fans won't be shredding the team should they lose like the Broncos fans will shred Peyton.  There is a thread on their board "Do we Fire Fox if they Lose?"  To which I replied, "Did the Patriots fire Belicheck when they've lost?"  Just dumb stuff. 


    I can guarantee that Philip Rivers doesn't consider it so - he knows how long it can be between playoff appearances and that you can't take a single one for granted.  The veterans on the team have made that abundantly clear to the young guys these weeks.


    Besides - it isn't house money when you've won 5 "playoff games" in a row to even be there.  Every game meant the end of the season if they didn't perform. 


    Playing loose doesn't mean playing carefree or carelessly.  Chargers are loose.

  12. I don't really care "who the best of all time" ad nauseum is... I want my qb to be the best on the field TODAY, each game at a time.  the quarterback that does what needs to be done to win - whether that means throw 100 times or hand off to the RBs 50 times.  The guy who rallies his team to perform at their peak and shares the glory with every person that contributes.  One player does not win the game alone.


    Brady typified that last night.  Including holding the kicks - doing whatever it took to win.


    The rest of the football world is pretty tired of "legacy" talk - you guys don't see that because they're your guys. 


    Brady is good.  Manning is good.  Rivers is good.  It's a team game.  Let's see who the best, most unified TEAM is today and then next week.

  13. I sincerely hope that we disappoint all of you and end Peyton's season tomorrow afternoon.  Do I expect to?  Probably not, but we're capable of it and I would love to see it!


    I really dislike the Broncos fans and team, lots of bad blood over the years.  My team is still alive, for one more night  :D   It's hard, but only one team's dreams are alive at the end of the season... 

  14. Luck is a second year qb with incredible talent, physical strength and brains - and not enough experience yet.  He has overperformed in his first two years and I wouldn't be surprised to see some struggles in the next two.  AND it wouldn't mean anything except he's still learning the ropes in the NFL.  Most really good QBs take about 4-5 years to really get consistently solid. 


    He's not looking off the defense, he's staring down receivers and playoff level defenses capitalize on that.  You just can't make mistakes at this level of competition and advance. 


    That was a tough game and nothing to be ashamed of even though it stings.  Especially to the Patriots - there's no love for that team in any of our hearts.  Our household was rooting hard for the Colts :applause:

  15. I don't care what he does when he retires... just that he does - the sooner the better ;)


    I know you Indy fans adore him, but I am soooooo over the hundreds of PM posts and NFL Peyton hype this year.  One of the things I would love most about beating the Broncos tomorrow would be to shut that talk down. 


    However I feel, I think Philip Rivers would disagree.  Interestingly, when Manning announced he was coming to Denver, the most excited person in the NFL was Philip Rivers.  He said that Peyton Manning coming to our division would make us instantly better and make it harder to compete for the division title making him and our team a better team.  This year's play has prepared us more for the playoffs than earlier years where we we played too soft of a schedule. 

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