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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. On 2/21/2019 at 7:04 PM, Scott Pennock said:

    I'd still rather see Lewis in more of the Sheard role instead of yet another undersized 3-Tech on the Colts dline.


    Yeah. I think that is what he will evolve into for us. I see him eventually lining up at LDE against right tackles. 


    He has to get healthy though. He missed half the year, and played hurt the rest. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, BleedBlu8792 said:

    I don't think it was totally the injuries. I believe he was pushed to add weight so he could play inside (3-tech) more, and I believe there was an article during OTA's that talked about this. He didn't play as much inside, as people believe, at OSU, so I don't know why the Colts want to push him more into that role.  In the rare times that the Colts want to use their speed/NASCAR package, sure move him inside, but Tyquan should always be a DE first.


    It would make no sense to move Lewis inside on non-passing-downs. I am sure the coaching staff has no desire to do so. 

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  3. 47 minutes ago, BleedBlu8792 said:


    I want to see a healthy Tyquan Lewis as well, but at 260'ish lbs, not the 275-280 they have him ballooned up to now. He didn't play anywhere close to that at OSU, and I get they want him to play more inside, but I don't think his frame holds that weight very well. He looked better, and played faster, when he was in the low 260's. 


    Yeah. He is much heavier than what he played in college and it shows. I think it could have something to do with the injuries though. 


    A friend of mine played for the Oakland Raiders, and we were talking about this yesterday. When you’re working out every day and not missing practice then it’s normal to lose weight as the season progresses. However, the opposite typically happens when you’re hurt and missing reps in practice. 


    I think Lewis just needs to get healthy. Once he is available full time, then we should see that weight drop. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, krunk said:

    What about Zach Allen?  Seems powerful to me but I kind of get this Bjoern Werner fear that's probably unwarranted but never the less it happens.


    I agree with your fears. I liked him at first, but I’ve changed my mind on him. He has production, but I don’t think he is a full time starter in the NFL. He is not very athletic and he can’t bend. 


    Once he gets his hands on you then it’s over, but I am not sure if he has the wheels to catch these new-age NFL quarterbacks from the outside. He might need to move inside, but how well can he defend the run inside?


    I’m not taking a guy high in the draft, who I need to experiment with. 

  5. Just now, krunk said:

    Think he'd look good with Turay and Lewis.


    I think he is one of those players who can destroy the draft season and climb the boards. He has those physical traits that typically test well. 


    He was a 4-star recruit... Obviously based on his physical abilities. He is a heck of a pass rusher... But can he keep that quickness when he adds the necessary weigh? We have seen that go both ways. He does a better job against the run than he gets credit for. He doesn't take any plays off. He checks a lot of the boxes for me. :) 

  6. 31 minutes ago, Superman said:


    The question I have is whether they keep the scheme simple out of necessity because we don't have good corners, or if they aren't too worried about corners because they're going to keep the scheme simple.


    Based on recent comments from Ballard, I'm thinking it might be more of the former than the latter, and once we have corners who can play more coverages, we'll mix up the coverages more than than we did in 2018. 


    Either way, I don't think Ballard will be spending big money on any corner this offseason, especially not an average journeyman like Desir. 


    I don't think we will evolve into a defense that drops both safeties in the box and leaves our corners one-on-one. Therefore, a shut-down corner is just not necessary. Even if we did call cover 0 on a few plays, it would be very rare. 


    In my opinion, we don't need track stars with long speed at corner. I think we need physical, quicker than fast players, with good balls skills. Deandre Baker would be a great fit, but I am not sold on taking a corner that high in the draft if an edge player is there. That said, I believe Baker would be more than worthy at #26.

  7. 54 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Ballard let Desir walk last year and he came right back to us after he saw nobody would pay him. I still don't think the year he had last year was better than what Melvin did and Melvin couldn't get any more than a 1 year deal on the market.


    Correct. And Melvin technically didn't fit the cover 2 scheme that well. 


    Plus, I think Ballard wanted to get Melvin out of Morrison's crosshairs. He probably saved Melvin's life by shipping Antonio to the NFC. :D 

    • Like 1
  8. 16 minutes ago, Larry Horseman said:

    One thing to consider is that I actually think Ballard wants the D to play more aggressive coverage packages so I'm not sure the "cover 2 CBs are a dime a dozen" argument holds weight. Not saying PD is worth a big contract, but I don't think the cover 2 rational is why. 


    I think we will eventually get more complex with our scheme, but right now we are playing a lot cover 2 in the nickel and our corners are not required to have long speed because they are mostly playing zone.


    As the defense progresses, then we will need to add some press-man with help over the top, but even then the corners will not be required to have long speed. We need to them to be more physical and sticky within 20-yard spaces rather than super-fast track stars. 


    Think of it this way... Darrelle Revis would not have been a good fit for our current defense. It would have been a waste of his talents and it would have exposed is only weakness - tackling. However, he would have been a perfect fit for the 3-4 man scheme that Pagano ran.


    It's about fitting the right pieces in the right places and fortunately for us, corners who have the skill set to play in the cover 2 are not typically high-priced. 


    By the way, I love your Shoe! I feel like I am starting a revolution.   :) 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, throwing BBZ said:

    A nice primer for the many here that Need one.
    There is good reason to expect a jump from our current youth in year two.


    I agree. Our young defense has some potential, and our scheme is masking some of our inexperience and weaknesses. Matt Eberflus is doing an outstanding job. 

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, aaron11 said:

    edelman is better than any colt receiver besides ty, gronk is better than any of our TEs.  they also just spent a first round pick on a running back


    i dont think we can replicate what they do either, thats a product of brady and BB.  the two most recent winners besides NE did have highly paid and drafted receiver groups.  the patriots also do spend a lot on corner backs


    We could do this all day, but I won't. :)


    I have my opinion and you have yours. We do not agree, and we are not going to agree. 


    No offense, but I am not spending any more of my time discussing this. I've already had this discussion several times with others and myself over the past 30 years or so. I have come to my beliefs based on a few decades of data that has flowed in and out of my brain. 


    There are people who believe the way you do (like Grigson) and there are people who look at things the way I do (like Belichick). 


    You are free to have your own opinion on how to build a football team. :) 

  11. 1 minute ago, aaron11 said:

    not many teams have won super bowls with worse receiving groups than what we have


    Do you think the Patriots have a great group of receivers?


    How well did they protect their quarterback and how well did they get after the opposing quarterback?


    That is what wins football games in the modern era. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, aaron11 said:

    i dont think thats a super bowl winning team.  the best teams in the league now have highly paid guys at the skill positions 


    I consider the quarterback, the offensive line, and the front seven to all be skilled positions. 


    So I disagree. 

  13. We don’t need to pay a cover 2 corner big money. They’re the easiest to find. We are not asking them to protect an island all day like we did Vontae in our old man scheme. 


    Our defense requires our corners to be physical and they will take a beating. So will our safeties. 


    In my mind, we should only pay big money to our quarterback, the front seven and the offensive line. Every other position we need to get at a bargain or we let walk. 

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  14. 50 minutes ago, coltsva said:

    Two options:

    1. Brissett to Redskins. With the uncertainty of Alex Smith they get a cheap one year look to see if Brissett is a long term solution.


    2. Brissett to Eagles. Assuming they trade Foles they will can get a cheap one year insurance policy on Carson Wentz. Brissett being with Reich should be familiar with a lot of what Philly does. Also gives them a chance to see if Wentz can make it through a season. Maybe they like Sudfeld. Who knows.


    I think the Redskins make a lot of sense too... Good thoughts...

    • Thanks 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


    I've never understood teams giving up so much capital to pick a quarterback that usually isn't a sure thing. I'd rather bring someone like Brissett in that has the measurables and some experience in a couple good organizations and build the roster up with what I saved. Too many teams have dug themselves in a pit they can never get out of and still couldn't put a decent qb out on the field. 


    I agree. And if the Dolphins were to swap first round picks with the us, then they'd still have a first round pick. 

  16. 1 hour ago, MikeCurtis said:

    If the Dolphins just sit still at 13, they may get the QB they actually want, If I am the Dolphins, and my QB is on the board at 13...... I am pulling the trigger 


    If there is a run on QBs, and the Dolphins have few options, maybe they trade with us....  


    I would RATHER trade to the LATE teens


    One of the 3, Burns, Sweat, or Polite, SHOULD still be sitting there


    ANY of these 3 would help our team


    At 26, its mush less of a chance








    This is obviously something both teams would have in their back pockets on draft day. You want to see where the chips fall. 

  17. 18 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    I would like that pick but if you do the math, that means that Brissett is worth a mid 2nd round



    At this point, a  3rd round pick may be the best that we can get for Brissett, even up. 


    If I am Miami, I am not giving up a first round mid teen pick


    If there is a WILL,there will be a way............  Many options





    I don't think a second round value is out of the question at all. In fact, I think it's the right value. 


    Trading Brissett and our #26 for the Dolphins #13 makes sense because Jacoby is a free agent after this year, and barring another injury to Andrew... I don't even want to think it... But barring an injury then Jacoby will not be useful to us after this year. 


    I think the Dolphins might love this deal because at #13, they really are not in good range for a top quarterback and it would cost too much in the long run. Instead, the Dolphins can slide back 13 spots, give Brissett a year (on a 2.02 million dollar deal) to show them what he has, and if it goes south then they lose very little. If Brissett is a hit then they just got a quarterback very cheap.


    Plus, if we get a real offer to let the kid start somewhere then we need let him loose.

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