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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 4 minutes ago, Mr. Irrelevant said:


    Funny thing is that I definitely got the vibe from Irsay that the trade down was a plan B because we didn’t get our Plan A from first round. Funny because Ballard didn’t show his hand like that at all during his presser. Especially since Ballard said he already Monday got the vibe that they might end trading out of first round, so maybe Ballard was more cool about missing Plan A than Irsay. haha Just a gut feeling from watching those two.


    Yeah. In this situation, we see the passion in Irsay and the savvy in Ballard. 


    Historically, Irsay falls in love with prospects, which is why he wasn’t an effective general manager. He would give away too much for his guy. Fredd Young, Eric Dickerson, Jeff George, and so on... 


    Irsay knows that about himself too, which is why he decided to hire general managers instead of going the Jerry Jones route. 

    • Like 2
  2. 8 hours ago, JPFolks said:

    Certainly if the draft is any indication.  But not sure where the "competition" is if we don't sign anyone BETTER than the worst guy currently on the lineup.  He says he's ALWAYS wanting competition.  Bring in Suh and I don't think he loses to the others.  Just sayin'


    I think there is near zero chance that Ballard brings in Suh. I don’t think Ballard believes our locker room is ready for a player like Suh. I think down the road he might take a chance on a player with some character concerns, but I don’t believe we are there yet. 


    As far as bringing in someone else (without any character concerns) then I think there is a possibility. That said, Ballard said himself that he is happy with the competition we have across the defensive line. So much that he traded away Ridgeway to get more interior offensive line competition.


    I think we will add to the offensive and defensive line in just about every draft. 


    We are not far from being one of the best teams in the NFL. I don’t think Ballard looks at the short term. He is playing the long game, because he wants the Colts window to be open for a long time. 



  3. 21 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Spin What?!?


    I wanted a WR at pick 59 too.   I was glad it came.    But Ballard passed THREE TIMES and went defense the other two.   I don’t have to spin anything.   YOU’RE the one who is spinning, not me.


    If Ballard only had one pick in each round, he prioritized your position non higher than third.   You lose again!


    And again...  just two WR picks in the entire first round.   You can keep spitting into the wind and telling yourself that moisture is rain, but it’s not.    You’re losing, even if you think otherwise.


    It sounds like this feud has been going on for a while between the two of you. I’ll freely admit that I don’t know the history between you two. Honestly, I don’t care to know the details. 


    That said, it does appear that you are on the wrong side of this argument and digging your heels in on top of it. 


    Over the past couple of years you were against taking an interior offensive lineman early, against taking linebackers until the mid to later rounds, and this year you were against taking a corner or receiver early. I disagreed with you on all of those things, and so has Chris Ballard. 


    You’ve admitted that you place positional value on players, and it’s clear that Ballard does not. 


    Not attacking you. Just describing the facts that I know. Maybe there is more history between you two that I am missing though. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, #12. said:


    Maybe, who knows.  


    The black and white view that Ballard would do this or that early in the draft is and always was ridiculous.


    Yeah. I think Ballard has proven that he will take any player that improves the team, regardless of position, at any spot in the draft. It’s one of the qualities I like most about him. He doesn’t seem to use a positional value system. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Apparently, it’s news to you....


    Ballard didn’t take a WR early.   


    He passed at pick 26.


    He passed at pick 34.


    He passed at pick 46.


    He finally grabbed one in his 4th opportunity at pick 59.    The “never grab a WR early” crowd have nothing to disapprove of.  Ballard apparently agreed with us.    


    And in the entire first round, just 2 WRs taken.   More evidence for our side, not yours. 


    I am not sure about this “West side vs East side” thing going on. I haven’t been around much. But did you watch the Jim Irsay presser?


    It’s not hard to read between the lines. I think it’s reasonably obvious that Hollywood was our target and that the Ravens took him right in front of us. 

  6. 11 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

    JMV was saying on his radio show Friday that the Colts were targeting Josh Jacobs and that the team doctors gave a "thumbs down" to Montez Sweat. Thus the trade down.


    I haven’t listened to JMV today, but I think he got the wrong guy. Everyone and their brother mocked Jacobs to the Raiders at 24. That was no surprise. Ballard would have known he needed to move up to get Jacobs.

  7. 4 hours ago, JPFolks said:

    I was just think that this draft SEEMS to leave the door wide open to us signing a high impact, short term FA at DT.  Corey Liuget or Ndom Suh? Of course it also leaves room for Ajayi or Ware at RB as well.  


    There's no question we're going to have some massive battles at LB, CB & S.  There seems to be less competition at DT/NT.  Why not bring one of these two DTs in for a short term look? I don't think we can be done at one of our biggest positions of need.  I never imagined signing a player like Suh, but maybe all these Captains and Leaders we are drafting are ALSO building a team that could absorb antics from a guy like Suh? 


    Thoughts? And what other FA's might we now bring in?  


    I guess it’s a slight possibility, but I think Ballard is more than happy with our current defensive line. 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    In my 7 years here,  I don't recall being more wrong than I have today.     And I'm OK with it.   I never think I know more than Ballard.   I have complete trust in CB, and it would take a long string of failure for me to lose it.    And I don't see that happening.   As I've said before,  he just oozes competence and professionalism.     So glad he's our GM.


    But to all my mistakes.    We can start at the beginning...   for roughly 6 months I've been convinced we'd pick a DL in the first round,  and for a fair amount of those months,  I thought we'd double up and take another DL at pick 34.      Wrong and Wrong!    And I certainly never saw our first overall pick of the draft being a cornerback?!    Cornerback?!?   Wrong again!   I guess Ballard's definition of "Premium position" is limited only to the first round.   Ballard has now had 3 drafts and take a corner in the 2nd round twice.   Can't be a coincidence.  I would've thought that a top-50 pick would be premium.   Wrong again!    So, for those posters who I have pounded on,  trust me,  it will STOP from here on out.   After R1,  I guess anything is possible.


    At pick 49,  I didn't see Ben Benogu going that high.   And I posted here that I thought he'd play DE for us.   And then the Colts called him an OLB.   And Kevin Bowen said we talked to him about playing next to Darius Leonard.    At his presser,  Ballard said BB can play all 3 LB spots, plus DE and could even kick inside to DT.    Called him a "rusher".     They're very high on him.    Tested as a top athlete for his size. 


    At pick 59,  I wasn't surprised we went WR.   But I had no feel for whether we'd go tall like Butler, or small like Isabella,  or someone in the middle?  No idea.    Ballard and Reich gushed over Parris.  


    And, even as a Stanford fan,  I confess to being surprised at Bobby Okereke going at pick 89.   I posted in the last month or two, that I thought Bobby was a quality back-up,  but wasn't sure he was a starter,  especially for us since I think he'd play the same spot as Darius at WILL.  I thought he might be a R4 or R5 guy.   But tonight.  CB says Okereke can play all three spots, which surprised me.    Bobby has been mostly an under-achiever at Stanford.   Even this year, his best,  people were not wowed by him.   He was listed at 6'3" and 235,  and those close to the program chuckled all the time about that.   They claimed he was neither that tall, nor that heavy.    And then he showed up at the Combine and under 6'2", so he was shorter,  but weighed 239.   That shocked everyone.   I'd guess he put on 8-12 pounds of good lean muscle after the season.  That also surprised the Stanford community.    He tested surprisingly well at the combine and pro day.    And Ballard seems very high on him.


    Ballard talked tonight about adding, speed and athleticism.   He and Frank seem very happy with their results.    They gave no hints for tomorrow.


    I'm eating crow.   A little garlic salt helps!    Washing it down with water.   Topping it off with some Humble Pie!      Bon Appetite!





    I wouldn’t call you wrong. I don’t remember you making any guarantees. There’s nothing wrong with having an opinion. 


    The draft went about the way I thought it might. I felt we might get in a jam at 26, and it appears that we did. I think Ballard had his eyes set on Hollywood Brown and the Ravens snatched him right in front of us. After that, I think he had a few players in mind, including a few corners bunched together (Baker, Murphy, and Rock), so he decided to take the Redskins deal and trade back. Rock was the only one to make it to 34. 


    I think it was our Plan A all along to take Hollywood at 26 and Rock at 34. Had Hollywood not been snatched up then I think Ballard might have rolled the dice and traded back from 34, hoping that Rock was still there. But I think the Raiders would have grabbed him at 35, because they immediately traded back after we selected Rock. 

  9. I just listened to Jim Irsay’s press conference and he referenced the Clay Matthews deal that he has talked about in the past. 


    I think the same thing happened in this draft, and that Hollywood was the target. The Ravens jumped right in front of us and took him. Makes sense too, because Ballard drafted a very similar talent in Tyreek Hill. 


    In the end, I think it worked out. While Parris will need more experience running the full route tree, I like his upside. Like Irsay said, time will tell. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    You said Deandre Baker was the choice at 26 


    Baker WAS on the board at 26 .... The Colts chose to NOT take him........  YOU WERE WRONG


    I would have taken YOUR money


    A pick at 34 is NOT a pick at 26


    Honestly, I was surprised at a CB even at 34......


    But.... since your self worth seems to be tied to this thread.................. 

    lets just say that you were 100% right.........   L


    ets just say that we took baker at 26, so that you can feel good......


    I personally don't care


    Take care of yourself








    I never said we were taking Baker the 26. I said it would make sense if we do. It’s literally in the title of this thread. 


    I don’t think comprehension is your strong point. Probably a reason you make terrible guarantees. 


    Turns out that that none of your logic made any sense at all, and that all of my logic made perfect sense. You can downplay the facts, but deep down inside, you know the truth. 

  11. Just now, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    That's cool.  I don't mind calling people out.  I do it too.


    But when you bump your own thread by quoting yourself and tooting your own horn, it has very different optics than quoting others to hold them accountable.  :dunno:


    I am quite sure the people who were wrong... They weren’t coming back to this thread without a little bit of help. :D


    It’s all in good fun. They had a good time telling me I was going to be wrong and that my logic didn’t make any sense. I am having a little fun poking back and shining a little light on why my logic was sound. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:



    Dude... just to be clear, I think you're very knowledgeable.  You're better than me at talent evaluation and predicting picks.  You're one of the best members when it comes to this stuff.


    IIRC you nailed the Leonard pick last year, and were like the only person to do so.  Props for that.


    But this obnoxious post-pick rub-it-in-your-face "I told you so" crap completely ruins your reputation as a great member of this community.  :2c:


    I have no problem with anyone saying that they think we might take this player or that player. No problem at all. I welcome everyone’s ideas. It’s when they guarantee it. That’s when I hold them accountable. 


    This really isn’t about me being right. I had a feeling, and logically things added up to me. But nothing is guaranteed. That’s what I want people to learn. I’d like to see some have a more open mind. I want people to take a step back from the group think that happens on this board and have an original thought. 

  13. Just now, MikeCurtis said:

    WOW... are you that insecure?


    Lets review


    The title of the Thread says........    "Deandre Baker makes a lot of sense at 26"


    Dendre Baker at 26....... DID NOT HAPPEN


    A CB at 26... DID NOT HAPPEN.......



    I gave you an opportunity to bet me........ you ran .......











    I did not want to take your money. 


    I wasn't sure if we would take a corner with our first pick and I said so, but I believed the possibility was there. You are the one who guaranteed we wouldn’t take a corner. That’s on you for making guarantees that you shouldn’t. 

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