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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. On 3/23/2019 at 1:23 PM, MikeCurtis said:

    No.... But a guy named Blueshoe PROBABLY is.....  


    Like I said..... put your money where your mouth is


    If I am wrong, which will ONLY BE PROVEN BY WHAT THEY DO, 

    I will freely admit it


    The very (EXTREMELY) small "CB in the first round" crowd, will be sorely disappointed 




    Not sure if you heard, but the Colts drafted a corner with their first pick of 2019. :colts:

  2. On 3/23/2019 at 12:50 PM, BlueShoe said:


    We are not as set at corner as you might think.


    Below are the years we have our corners under contract. 



    Pierre Desir (2019, 2020, 2021)
    Quincy Wilson (2019, 2020)


    Nate Hairston (2019, 2020)
    Kenny Moore (2019)



    I apologize for the logical thoughts I use on this board. Some people are not prepared to hear sound reasoning. :thmup:



    1 minute ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:


    Why?  Because you started it?


    All of it except for the last few posts is from over a month ago...  :scratch:


    It’s a continued discussion. If you don’t like it then post in another thread. 

  3. On 3/24/2019 at 1:30 PM, DerekDiggler said:

    I believe there is less than a 10% chance we take cb with the 1st or second pick. - 5% taking one with 26.   I think there is less than a 10% chance we take a WR with either of the 1st 2 picks.


    We have a better chance at taking a TE than we do cb or WR


    I believe there is a 80% + that we take a SS in the 1st 2 picks because that is where the best value will be.


    Stay away from Vegas. :funny:

    • Thanks 1
  4. 2 hours ago, shastamasta said:


    Admittedly I don't think I was around here during that time...but until Nelson came around...Ryan Kelly was like the least surprising pick this team has had in a long time. I am surprised that there were people who thought there was no chance of that happening...especially with the reports that leaked about them loving Kelly.


    But the Kelly and Nelson picks are a bit different in that the Colts didn't have an incumbent in their spot...they were both drafted to be Day 1 starters at immediate positions of need. Baker could be that...but he has to beat out a Ballard 2nd round pick and a guy he just extended.


    Anything's possible I guess. I think the Hooker pick was more relevant to BPA...as it was very surprising that he slipped that far. 


    There may have been 3 or 4 people on this board who agreed with me when I said that Ryan Kelly made the most sense with our first round pick. 


    There were dozens with pitch forks and gasoline. Another few dozen were arguing over whether or not to use a lighter or matches to burn me to the ground. There was a March Madness Rock, Paper, Scissors bracket to determine who got to light the fire. 


    But yeah... Now everyone agrees that the Ryan Kelly pick made sense. This board has a selective memory and very few members understand the definition of, or care to have any integrity. 

  5. 51 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    These corner threads are all head scatchers to me....    all of them...


    I can't speak for everyone else, but the reason I see corner as a possibility is because of BPA. 


    I think there is a good chance we could have a couple of corners sitting on the board who might be the best player available at 26. If Baker is there then it could be a similar situation that we had with Hooker. I think it is logically sound to think that Baker could be high on our board, and if he falls then it makes sense. 


    Unfortunately many people on this board think everything is black and white and when someone says, "hey we might take this specific corner", well their comprehension ability is so elementary that they read, "corner is what we are targeting in the first round". 


    I had to actually argue with people as to why it made sense to take a center in the first round a few years ago. There was no way we were going to take Ryan Kelly. I was insane to even mention it. No one takes an interior offensive lineman that high. Especially a center. Last year we took a guard at 6.... How did that work out for us? Funny how quiet those people are now, after they talked so much trash. I could write a 5,000 word response about how many times this has happened on this board. 

    • Like 2
  6. 9 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Blue Shoe is not alone in wanting a corner with our first pick.     We recently had a thread for Williams at LSU.     And we one for the big Penn State with the unusual name,  but that was in a trade down scenario where pick 34 is our first pick.


    I don't think Greedy is a good fit for our defense. Greedy is a man to man corner and he is probably not going to do well against the run. On the other hand, Chuck Pagano would have loved him and he would have been a great fit for what we used to do. 

  7. 21 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    Players that are 6' to 6' 2" that carry 200Lbs. 


    Players that are strong tacklers that have Zone experience


    First of all, Deandre is a hair away from 6 foot 200 pounds so that argument is completely out the window. 


    Second, do you know anything about Deandre Baker? He is excellent in zone or man (as long as he doesn't always have deep responsibility) and run support is not an issue for him. 

  8. 21 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    No.... But a guy named Blueshoe PROBABLY is.....  


    Like I said..... put your money where your mouth is


    If I am wrong, which will ONLY BE PROVEN BY WHAT THEY DO, 

    I will freely admit it


    The very (EXTREMELY) small "CB in the first round" crowd, will be sorely disappointed 




    You're more than welcome to throw a stink because you don't like hearing me speak the truth.


    Many on this board have learned not to make bets with me. My track record speaks for itself. 


    That said, I am not saying that we will draft a corner in the first round. I do think we have more of a need at corner than most Colts fans believe. I also think Deandre fits us so well that if he falls then I think he would be on our radar.


    You on the other hand, are emphatically saying that we will not take a cornerback in the first round.. And you have gone as far to say that we will not take a corner at all in this draft....


    I have logical laid out reasons why Deandre Baker makes sense at 26, but made no guarantees. However, you are All-In on your guarantees. You can see why I always win these types of bets, right?



    15 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    You can’t say that about a guy who hasn’t played one snap in the NFL.


    I can. And I did. :D 

    • Like 1
  9. 14 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    Your missing my point. If a guy at 26 is expected to start who is going to sit. Kenny Moore is going to be extended soon. Your not going to sit Desir or Wilson or Moore.   Yes we can use some depth but you don’t pick a depth guy at 26.


    Kenny Moore is a slot corner. He is not playing outside. He might get extended, but right now he is only under contract for 2019.


    Eventually we want to draft players to replace what we will lose the following year, and not trying to throw rookies into starting roles immediately because of need. That said, Deandre Baker is better than Wilson or Moore and he can play inside or outside.

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    Actual Quote from Ballard - April 2017


    “Bigger is better,” he began. “Bigger, longer is better. Bigger, longer, with hands. That’s important. Defensive players that can’t catch the football, I have a hard time with because those are game-changing plays during a game. A dropped interception, that’s a missed opportunity. So corners with hands that can take the ball away is an important skill that we look for. But we want longer, taller guys. I’m not gonna say we won’t ever take a shorter corner, but the shorter corner has to be a unique athlete, a special athlete, to overcome his size.”


    Deandre came in at 193 lbs and 5'11" at combine  He played at less than less than that this year


    He had TWO interceptions.... Total


    he seems to NOT fill the requirements


    Now I understand what you're missing. First of all, you think that 5'11" and 193 is small for a corner... WRONG!


    Obviously you don't think Deandre Baker is "a unique and special athlete". WRONG AGAIN!


    You also think that Deandre Baker has issues with his hands. He had 7 interceptions and 23 pass defenses in college. Also he did not give up a single touchdown over the past 2 years. Quarterbacks did not like throwing the ball his way. Just to remind you, he played the big boy conference too. MAMA'S WRONG AGAIN!


    And overall you're just missing the big picture. Eventually Eberflus wants to be able play more cover 1 and cover 3. You need corners who can press to pull that off. Baker excels in press man.

  11. 10 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:



    We can definitely agree to disagree


    I will even put my money where my mouth is


    I made a bet with another poster on whether the Colts would take a CB


    I am willing to pay FOUR to ONE that the Colts WONT draft a CB.......

    PM me and we can work it out


    I would be VERY surprised if the Colts drafted a CB, ESPECIALLY when there SHOULD be BPA (Or close) at the SS spot, The DL spot, the WR spot.....heck... even an OL spot


    I think the MANTRA of "BUILD THE LINES FIRST" is a dead giveaway, and him saying 

    "We need pass rush"  may just mean .......EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS


    But... we will see


    I think you are forgetting that Ballard took Malik Hooker with his first ever Colts draft pick. 


    Building in the trenches is a real thing, and I have written a lot about it on this forum. I expect us to take some trench players with our first 3 or 4 picks... That does not equate us always using our first pick. Ballard is going to take the BPA in the first round, and Baker would certainly fit the profile of a player we could have highly ranked, because he is a PERFECT fit for what we do.


    We are not going to reach for a pass rusher, and unless we move up then the elite ones will be gone by 26. 


    Hence, Deandre Baker makes a lot of sense at 26.

  12. 10 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    If your drafting a CB that high you expect to start them. At least that is my thinking. We have three starters all ready.  One which we just re signed and another we will soon. Wilson is just now coming into his own and playing great.


    There was a CB eberflus was seen scouting. But I think he was a later round kind of of guy.


    We are not as set at corner as you might think.


    Below are the years we have our corners under contract. 



    Pierre Desir (2019, 2020, 2021)
    Quincy Wilson (2019, 2020)


    Nate Hairston (2019, 2020)
    Kenny Moore (2019)


    • Like 1
  13. 35 minutes ago, MikeCurtis said:

    Respectfully, I would disagree



    This defense.... the VAST majority of the time, the CB is in zone coverage


    They must be able to come up, and make a tackle. 



    According to the "experts" Deandre is a man to man CB......... 

    We dont play man to man.... very often


    He would be a fish out of water and a wasted pick



    Ballard doesn't value CBs


    A decent CB, that can play a zone defense can be had in mid rounds




    There is so much I disagree with in your post....


    First of all, Deandre Baker is a perfect fit for a Cover 2 scheme. God does not make a player who fits the profile better. Deandre's best team fits are the Cowboys and the Colts.


    As far as man, I think you're really confused... He doesn't have the long speed to play man to man all over the field, but he has exceptional man to man traits... Our scheme will provide help over the top to accommodate for his lack of deep speed. 


    Ballard does value corners. He was part of a Kansas City staff that drafted Marcus Peters. 


    I don't think it's possible for you to be more wrong... But that is just my opinion. 

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, Scott Pennock said:

    For the sake of argument......IF Eberflus wanted this guy so he could run a more traditional 4-3, inserting him in at the MIKE and sliding Walker to SAM would still give us roughly the same sideline to sideline coverage as having Geathers in the same role.


    At least in my humble opinion....


    We run a lot of nickel to counter 11 personnel so we don’t often have 3 linebackers on the field. When we call cover 1 or cover 3, having a strong safety who is strong against the run and can also drop into zone coverage is very important. 


    Its damn near impossible to play effective cover 1 without a lightning quick free safety (Hooker) with ball skills, and a multidimensional strong safety (Geathers) who can penetrate gaps when needed (cover 1) and also drop into coverage (cover 2 & 3). 


    If we drafted a linebacker then it would cut into Walker’s playing time. We need to ask if an upgrade is even needed or if our depth is that poor. Then there’s also a possible BPA argument that could be made. That’s another debate and an argument can be made either way. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Anything on Jaylon Ferguson?


    Hes the Small school pass rushing terror that most here are cool on?


    Ive seen no numbers on him.   Was he uninvited for some reason?


    Any info would be appreciated.



    The NFL rescinded his invite... He had some issues in his background check. 


    These numbers are off the charts though. Even though he did play mostly against non-Power Five teams. 



    • Thanks 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, stitches said:

    Gary Johnson in the 4th-5th would be nice. He ran 4.43. I've been a fan of him for a while... I'm not sure he lasts til the late rounds now, though. Bobby Okereke is another later round prospect I like. 


    Gary Johnson is having a good day.


    I agree. He is worth a Day 3 flyer. 


    I am still holding out hope that we bring in Tranquil in the 4th, 5th or so. 

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