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Posts posted by BlueShoe

  1. 22 minutes ago, wig said:


    I have felt that Murray to AZ and Rosen Giants makes a ton of sense throughout the process. 


    Makes sense? Sure. However, giving up on a top quarterback who would be in the discussion as the number one overall pick in this draft (if he was a 2019 prospect) after only one year is just not something that happens.


    Thinking outside the box and acting outside the box are two totally different things. 

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    Quite possible, but not out of necessity.  Rookie contacts on each player makes it financially feasible to keep both and figure out which (if either) is the QB of the future.


    That's just silly. No way the Cardinals draft Murray and keep Rosen. 


    Financially, yeah it makes sense. Practically, it would one of the dumbest things the Cardinals could do. 

  3. 2 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

    It's no secret Kingsbury likes Murray.


    No one knew that Keim was seriously interested in Murray. He is the decision maker. 


    Up until the rumors started swirling at the Combine, most people thought the Cardinals were happy with Rosen... Even with Kingsbury stating that he would take Murray number 1 prior to getting the job. 


    Most of us thought it was possible for the Cardinals to take Murray, but hardly anyone believed there was any real substance to it. Now there is substance. 

  4. Buzz at the Combine is the Arizona Cardinals plan to take Kyler Murray number one overall. 


    That would put Josh Rosen on the trading block. 


    A month ago, I thought he would measure in at 5’8” and about 175 pounds. At the time, I figured he would be over-drafted and still go in the first round. 


    However, Murray was closer to Russell Wilson, and that has changed things. He measured in at 5’10” and 207 pounds. 


    Murray’s measurements surprised me. Haskins looked like a Giant next to him at the Heisman Trophy Ceremony. 

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Valpo2004 said:


    If we are going to pick up a OL in the draft I think it should be a developmental tackle who can if he fails at playing tackle can at least play guard.  


    Castanzo has his contract coming up and he's getting up there in age, although he probably has 3 or 4 good years left in him.  But if we are thinking about OL, we should think about a possible replacement at LT.  


    When possible you want to draft from the outside in... However, available talent inside sometimes takes that choice away. I think Bradbury would be in our sights at 26 if we didn’t already have a nice unit inside. 


    Because we would be drafting OL for depth, he will likely be long gone before our need/value would hit.  

  6. 5 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:

    Doesn't he have short arms though?


    Regardless . . . for the first time in a long time, OL is not a need.  


    Garrett does not have the preferred arm length to play outside. It should not impact him playing inside though. 


    I agree that it is nice to not have a need on the OL. However, we can quickly get back into a bad situation if we are not replenishing... I am not saying we are in a position to use a first round pick, but if Bradbury falls to #59 then it would be very enticing. I think he might be gone in the late first or early second though.  

  7. 33 minutes ago, Coffeedrinker said:

    That would indicate you are in favor of "reaching" for draft picks just because they play DT.  Am I reading that correctly?


    Because Polian stated numerous times that for the DT they would prefer size and speed/agility but those players are rare and they weren't going to abandon their board to draft a position.


    No. I would not reach, but I would highly value the position.


    Bill Polian valued "skill players" more than I do. If all things were equal (Grade and Need) between a receiver and a defensive tackle then I think Bill  liked to side with the receiver... On the other hand, I would side with the defensive tackle. Bill was a great GM, but he often fell for the desert and candy without first eating the steak and potatoes.


    I am absolutely all about building the trenches. I would prefer to have above average RB,'s WR's, and TE's with a great offensive line than to have an average offensive line and great talent at the other positions. I have the same philosophy for the defensive side of the ball as well. 


    That said, I believe that franchise QB's need to be properly paid. As a GM, the majority of my cap space would be invested in QB, OL, and the front seven. 


    I know others will have a different opinion and everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and ideas. These are my core beliefs of how a football team should be built. I understand that my ideas are not for everyone. :) 

    • Like 2
  8. 49 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

    I agree. One other thing that entered my mind is someone suggested we trade Mack in an earlier thread. My question is why?  No matter if we acquired another RB Mack has no business not wearing a Colts uniform.


    His patience is amazing. Most running backs panic if the hole donsn’t open right away. Mack will get in the hip of his offensive lineman and wait until the right time to turn on the juice. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Scott Pennock said:

    I feel like we'll double down on interior defensive lineman in the draft this year and those guys will develop with Stewart, Ward, and Autry to form a solid group of tackles.


    Sheard and Lewis over the RT

    FA/Draft Pick/Turay over the LT


    With the likes of Winbush, Phillips and Muhammad pushing for a spot on the roster.


    Of course free agency will help shape the draft.


    I think that is very reasonable.


    I think we are solid at defensive tackle, but we are not great and it's a position that we should constantly spend draft picks on. We made the mistake of not spending enough draft picks on defensive tackles the last time we ran this defense, and our defense struggled because of it. Hopefully this go around we will invest in the defensive tackle position. 

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