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Posts posted by EastStreet

  1. 19 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    OK.....    if you insist.


    I'll give you my favorite of yours.    And my post here will be long because there's so many facts on the other side of your argument.    But I'll list it all.


    You have, in at least two threads that I'm aware of,  and two posts in one of those threads,  claimed that in your view,  Frank Reich was a poor play caller last year.     I confess I found that jaw dropping.  Simply astonishing.    You also said you hoped he'd be better this year.    I don't recall any argument you made for that.    And I found the view so stunning,  that this is why I wonder how many Colts games you actually watched last year?   Perhaps you didn't see most games and are relying on the box score and the play by play sheet?     But here would be my response....   again,  it's going to be long.


    FACT:   Andrew Luck couldn't even practice with the team until camp opened in late July, and even then was on a limited pitch count.   He had to play his way into shape which didn't come until sometime in mid-late October.    Luck couldn't even throw a Hail Mary in September,  that's how poor his arm was.


    FACT:   The team's offensive line,  now widely viewed as a strength,  had tough times for the first third of the season.   AC was out with his hammy,  and various players tried to hold down the RT spot until the Rookie, Smith,  finally did a solid job in October.


    FACT:    We had a virtual unknown at running back.   Marlon Mack missed 4 games and surprised us all with what he delivered in the 12 games he played.


    FACT:    Our WR core, was so poor,  that we used a TE, Eric Ebron,  to mostly play WR so there was a quality player opposite TYH.    It wasn't until the half-way point of the season,  that we plucked Darnelle Inman off the street and he immediately became our 2nd best true WR.   That's how poor out WR group was.


    FACT:   Luck didn't have one of his favorite targets for most of the season.   Jack Doyle was hurt in September and we lost our best true tight end.    We used guys like Hewitt and Alie-Cox to fill-in.


    And with all that working against us,  this is what Reich's offense did with what you believe was poor play calling......    Ready?


    Scoring Offense:   5th in the NFL,  27 points per game.


    3rd Down Offense:     1st in the NFL


    Red Zone Offense:    5th in the NFL.


    Passing Offense:      6th in the NFL.


    Offensive Line:      1st in fewest sacks allowed.


    I won't even go into individual achievements.    I think the facts speak for themselves.    I can't imagine what in the world your comeback argument is going to be.    But I'm quite sure you will have one.    Be my guest.    Make the case that Frank Reich had a poor year calling plays.


    I think you've got your work cut out for you....


    I've cited just about every one of those facts. So thank you. Since you've listed all that, then you must agree that we have the physicality and talent to compete. I've been most critical of playing calling in only a few games (I'll address below). In terms of how much I watch, if I'm not travelling during the game, I'm watching (which was almost all last year)


    So to play calling.... not much work. pretty easy.


    Since you agree we have the physicality and talent, then why ------ with the least sacked QB, the 5 ranked scoring O, and the 6th ranked passing O, we could only muster 6 pts vs the 31st ranked passing defense and 27th ranked rushing defense? Our D held them to under there average on their home field, so the loss lays purely on the O. 


    You can lay the blame either on the game plan / play calling, or Luck. IMO, the O game plan and play calling sucked. During the 1st half, I think we had 3 and outs the first 4 possessions (we only 5 in the first half). The play calling was predicable as hell. I think we only attempted passing the ball more than 10 yards down field twice. Mostly run on 1st down, short pass the rest... 


    Everyone knew they were going to double TY yet you can tell a good majority of plays had him as the first read. There was a complete lack of creativity to get others free/open. Our RB average yards/carry wasn't bad at all. And the half time adjustments got us nowhere. Our next 4 drives had 5 or fewer plays and resulted in punts and one fumble. We didn't really move the ball at all except for two drives at the end of each half when we finally went deep.


    So our D did their jobs. Our RB average was OK. So did Luck just suck that day, or was Reich's play calling to blame? I know where my vote is.


  2. 20 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

    He certainly does have a tough road ahead. Hopefully he can outplay his draft position though. Geathers was also a 4th round pick. 

    I think Geathers was a very different player though. 3 inches taller, better vert, and more agile. Geathers was a 4 year starter, and averaged over 100 Ts/yr his final 3 years. Willis was a full time starter for 2 years and averaged 74 Ts those years. Geathers only crime IMO is that he came from Central Florida. Not saying that Geathers is a rock star at all, just that he probably had a higher ceiling coming into the league, and had more production.


    Willis could potentially excel in our system, but he's got an uphill climb. Kindred doesn't wow me, so perhaps Willis can rise to the occasion.

    • Like 1
  3. First of all, I just hope he stays healthy this year. He's at an age where all the wear and tear over the years can start to catch up. I definitely want him back assuming he can stay healthy and is reasonable (which I think he likely will be). 


    Second, we absolutely need to start planning ahead. We have draft capital if we needed to move up and take a LT in the middle of the first. We also have the money to chase a FA. Hope that's not the case, but we have the ability to do something if we had to.


    Hopefully, AC will stay healthy for a few more years, he gets extended, and we nail a LT in the draft late 1st or 2nd in 2020 that can develop into a young stud to be Qs running mate for years to come.

  4. Not sure it's really quiet. We're projected by almost everyone to win the AFCS, are the #1 Futures power ranking, etc.. We're just not the flashy, or "proven" team right now. KC is flashy. Cleveland is flashy. Pats are proven. And while we made it to the playoffs, we didn't win the AFCS, and we beat an AFCS south team in the WC before getting smoked by KC.


    We're a different team this year, with lots of upgrades, and in year two of schemes. I think most expect a better year from us. And a better year at minimum, is making it to the AFC finals.


    Like @NannyMcafee said, NOBODY is going to sleep on us this year.

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  5. On 7/19/2019 at 3:14 AM, NewColtsFan said:

    I don’t care if you find my “sad” reactions are weak.    I find your views of the Colts....   unique.    Makes me wonder how many games you were actually able to view last year?


    As for your claims of using facts and data....  don’t forget opinion.   You live yours (which’s fine),  but sometimes you think your opinion is fact.   Those have drawn some of my sad faces...  and even some laughing faces too. 


    Camp starts in a week...   plenty for you to opine on.... 


    Everyone has an opinion. I use facts/data/stats, to support the large majority of my opinions. If you disagree, I'd welcome facts/data/stats that support your disagreement. 

  6. On 7/19/2019 at 8:59 PM, Defjamz26 said:

    Agreed. Yeah he’s an underwhelming prospect overall. Which is surprising because he seemed to be the opposite trend of the players we drafted. 

    I think perhaps they were dead set on getting a S in the draft, and he was simply the best of what was left. The stats around TE yards vs our D might have been the driver. Kindred is not a guarantee, so perhaps he can dig deep and find a fit within the scheme. Tough road.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, NannyMcafee said:


    With more intense practices you'll notice that last year was one of our least injured years in quite a long time!

    Mack was out more or less the first 3rd of the season. AC was hobbled. Doyle was hobbled. Cain, who I'm sure they expected something out of was out. And the WR was pure mediocre after TY.


    That's our lead RB. Our LT (arguably the most important OL position), and our TE that was PB the year before. You can call it least injured in several years, but it really sucked for a QB that was just coming back from a severe injury. Add in a new O scheme. Add in that our best (thought to be at the time) FA add (Grant) sucked

  8. 9 hours ago, gspdx said:


    Although I do think Clowney is better than Sheard I am not sure I agree with the bolded.  When offenses have to focus both on JJ Watt and Clowney it makes it more difficult for the oline.  If the oline only had to focus on one elite rusher - say Clowney - it could be tougher for him.

    They're coming from opposite bookends and play different schemes. A good rushing 3-4 team has 5 guys capable of hammering the OL typically. A 4-3, really only 4 typically (unless you have beasts in the 4, and another at SAM).

  9. 12 hours ago, Peterk2011 said:


    Yep. Compared to Sheard. But not if compared to Houston for example. Even the 2018 Houston. And no, I don't think playing alongside Watt is a disadvantage. Actually, I think it is an advantage, because Wattt gets double teamed most of the time. Bradley Chubb had 14 sacks in his rookie year alongside Von Miller. He was great, but the fact that it was Miller who was double teamed all the time, helped Chubb a lot.


    Ballard could get Houston for relatively cheap for relatively short term. That was a very good deal. But he would not be able to sign Clowney for cheap and short term, plus he would have to give away a pick on top of that. I don't think that would be a good deal at all. Clowney is a very-very good player. But, I dont want the Colts to pay 20 ish million for a great edge setter, who is a formidable rusher (at best). I want them to pay 20 million for a great rusher. Like Frank Clark, Lawrence, or Ngakogue for example


    Clowney is different from Houston. And Clowney is younger.


    And we're comparing him to the spot he would take, which is Sheard.

  10. 12 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    I agree.  Waiting until the end of preseason isn't ideal.  My thought was Ballard and the staff will want to take a hard look at our current DE's to see where they stand.  Especially the new players.  Injuries could certainly play a role as well.  Since both teams are contenders we might have a player they would like to fill one of their needs and that player could be part of a trade.  I think we are probably done turning over players looking for a hidden gem but a trade or two to position the team for a run at cut down time could present itself.  That said it is hard to imagine Houston dealing him to us. 

    The only late pre-season move I could see, is if Houston says no now, and then gets desperate at the 11th hour. Outside of that, I think Ballard will offer his equated value, and then forgetaboutit. 

  11. 21 hours ago, superrep1967 said:

    Yes very well put I was thinking the same thing you just spelled it out better...lol That's also why if everything falls into place we could be in the Super Bowl but like I said everything has to go well with injuries and a little Luck no pun intended.  

    yup. if we can keep away from the injury bug, it's simply all about execution and living up to what we did last year.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 minute ago, CheezyColt said:

    I didn't see a topic for this. If there is one, please feel free to merge.


    On Tuesday, the NFL Network had their AFC South day, which aside from Darius Leonard being featured on Total Access, included the 30 minute season reviews for all 4 AFC South teams.


    I've watched a couple times already and it's got me stoked for the next season. This episode really seemed to highlight Ebron and I can't say enough about how much love he shows for this team. My son has outgrown his size 2T Hilton jersey, and I think Ebron might be the next one I buy for him. Either that or Leonard, who is understandably featured a lot in this episode as well.


    Last year was a hell of a thrill ride. I think, partially, because the expectations vs the reality was so different in a positive way.  This year should be just as thrilling, but only if we can keep the enthusiasm with the higher expectations. I, for one, am PUMPED!


    Go Colts!

    By your son a neck beard hat with a 12 on it. he won't grow out of that as fast...


    • Like 1
  13. 18 minutes ago, Defjamz26 said:

    I think he’s a ST’s guy almost exclusively year 1. If Geathers goes down he might split some time with Kindred. We’ll see though 

    It's going to be interesting. Can't remember if it was Ballard or Reich that talked about him being more than just a box safety. Regardless, he's definitely not a FS...... It's going to be a battle for him to make the 53, especially if we only keep two SSs. It's not like Kindred is a lock though. 

  14. 1 hour ago, richard pallo said:

    Today , right now, a trade would probably not happen.  But by the end of preseason and cut down time a lot could change.  For the Colts I don't see the need to rush into this.  Let's see how the players perform in preseason and go from there.  By then Ballard might feel the team is ready and adding a talent like Clowney would make sense.  He did inquire about him so It's a move he has thought about.  I think this idea has to run it's course through the preseason.  Then we shall see. 

    Waiting till the end of preseason isn't really ideal for many reasons. He'd be changing systems and going back to a 4-3. He might be out of shape if he hasn't participated in camp, etc..


    Guys we pick up normally towards the end of preseason are typically either 1) additions to fill injury holes, and/or 2) turning over rocks to find good guys who where just cut/waived by teams getting to 53. 


    Unless we're waiting for Houston to get desperate, I don't see Ballard wanting to wait that long. Like I said earlier, doubt Houston would send him to another AFCS team anyway, but who knows.


    And as far as us turning over stones, our roster has improved a bunch, so those types of pick ups should be less frequent. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, superrep1967 said:

    I strongly believe this season that Luck will win the MVP. I just think he is primed for it he has the O-line and the receivers now to put up huge numbers.  I think  he will have the running game compliment everything. Watch out the rest of the league because Luck is  primed and ready. 

    There's a lot that would suggest he could have a crazy big year stat wise.


    Great OL. Check

    Upgraded WR unit. Check

    Good TEs. Check

    RBs that can catch. Check

    Will go against a lot of great Os that will likely require him to throw more. Check

    Second year in the offense. Check

    Confidence high after putting injury concerns to bed. Check.



    We play 9 games vs teams that were in the bottom half of the league (pass defense), and 6 of those 9 are in the bottom 7. Check, check, and triple check.


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