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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. Every time the Colts lose a game this forum turns into a mob on a Witch hunt. Put your torches, pitchforks, and powdered wigs away.

    Thank god, I just sent my out wig out to be repowdered never expecting that I would need it this weekend, and there's nothing I hate more than going to a mob with just my pitchfork and torch.

  2. It's Pat's fault he missed the tackle on the punt return and I've come to expect more of him. On a serious not when you get you rear kicked on offense, defense, and special teams then finding a few players to single out as in "It this guy's fault" makes no sense to me. The whole chain failed yesterday but it wasn't due to 1 or 2 weak links.

  3. DHB and REED should be cut after this game. DHB hasn't caught balls hitting his hands all season and Reed keeps taking the ball out when he has no reason to and he is nothing special. Satele should not be the starter at center, maybe Mclynn but even then, he is marginal and should not be stRting at RG. You can be sure if there was a tough coach here, these changes would have been made already and you live with those changes but DHB has to get cut.

    This is a terrible team that has been fortunate to win games with come backs, its not well coached.

    Recycled Tony Dungy thread.

  4. I wouldn't dispute Marshall's observation, I think Trent needs to make better decisions on some runs and I see that myself, but I do not agree that there is a single reason for Trent's underperformance and a more fair evaluation might include the fact that Trent is often asked to run in obvious, smash mouth formations and situations. The idea that the Colts are not successful in smash mouth football does not rest solely on Trent's abilities, how about better blocking TE's, how about interior linemen that get more push, how about more effective run fake passing (i.e. the first drive pass to Fleener last week came off a run fake from a formation that had 6 down linemen and 2 TE's) but that's a rare exception. Just saying…...

  5. As a fan I kinda hate having to wait until the last drive (or play) of a game to find out if we will win. As a former player who played on some really good teams that were always favored and sometimes got behind I can saying that those kinds of wins strengthen and relaxed my play. When you string those comeback wins together you are never out of a game. I always knew we were going to make a run and that when we did that other team would panic and collapse. As a player I loved those wins as they reinforced my confidence more than ever. When Colt players say in interview after interview that there is no panic at the half or even the 4th quarter I know that's how I felt. When you play on a bad team you're never confident even when you have a lead.

  6. Luck is not afraid to get hit in order to deliver a throw and he dosen't conceed that rushers are able to get him down so he does take a lot more abuse than most other QB's. Luck is a modern day Roman Garbriel, who could stay on his feet and still throw the ball down the field with multiple defenders grabbing him in an effort to get him down, and unfortunately he did that to our Colts too many times. Rams 34 Colts 10 (Roman Gabriel Rams beats the Unitas Colts in the last game of the 1967 season, both teams finish with identical 11-1-2 records and the Rams win the Costal division and the Colts are out of the playoffs with only 1 loss on the season). My heart is broken, dang you Roman Gabriel, dang you Jack Snow, dang you fearsome foursome.

  7. I recommend re-watching this game to anyone who feels negative (I re-watched 2x's already). It really changed my perceptions of how both the team and individuals played to a much more positive place. Watching the video of a game in which you already know the outcome really helps remove the negative emotional overlay for the parts of the game where things are not going well. You know whats coming and you can really zero in to watch how individual did or did not perform their job. Also,  some of what made me feel very negative in the real time experience of the game went away in the 2nd and 3rd viewings (like the field goal block on which Watt makes a great play and then both Adam and Pat make equally great plays and the D stops Houston on 4th down of that drive and they get no points from the block). Despite the fact that we had a number of very bad breaks against us (the "blocked" punt that clearly should have been a roughing call and WAS reviewable even though Pagano was told it was not and the reversal of the recovered punt for which the reason given for the reversal was not only clearly not what happened but there was absolutely not clear evidence for overturning that call).

    As bad as the O-Line blocking seemed to be Andrew simply missed some open receivers that could have gotten us more points much earlier (Whalen was wide open for a TD on the drive that produced the second field goal and Fleener was wide wide open on the first 2 point conversion Andrew just didn't see him).

    We didn't play our best it's true and maybe one would say we were lucky to win this game but this team has a no quit attitude that you absolutely have to love and I think some players have made significant improvement from the beginning of the season (Walden, Angerer, T Y, Fleener, and as a group the Special Teams).

    Last thing I'll say….we took Houston's best shot. Houston had the crowd, the breaks, momentum, and some really good play by a number of players on both sides of the ball and we still beat them. Next time we play I think we will annihilate them.

  8. I'm not sure what people would expect from Bill. Do they really think Bill has any loyality to thiss franchise c'mon man. Bill was always a hired gun he cared about the Colts success for his paycheck but more importantly as a reflection of his own success and ego. I believe Mr. Irsay bleeds blue and he cares about the success of this team not just as the owner but because he's a Colts fan too. Every time I watch an NFL game  my interested rests solely on how does the outcome of this game effect the Colts and if a game has no effect on the Colts chances of success then I lose interest fast. I think some past players have great loyality and affection for the horeshoe (Marvin, probably Edge, Peyton, Reggie will when he's done, etc.) Bill was never a very likeable person so I'm not suprised he's somewhat bitter. He was always an extremely defensive person when here. I know many/most fans are like me they bleed blue, but the front office people and coaches they are not always so loyal and many don't bleed blue.

  9. You know somebody else here on the forum said imagine what Luck would do throwing from a clean pocket with plenty of time.....I thnk it would be much better that 26/6. His protection is not much better than last year and his progress is amazing.

  10. There may be but he has a Canal exemption and his swimming merit badge.... so he gets a pass...

    Okay then I just want to say that it was Adam that forced the runner on the blocked kick back to the middle of the field and then Pat who wrapped up for the tackle and I'm thinking that's not only unsung hero territory but maybe Pat and Adam could go into tag team wrestling and of course their outfits would include colorful swim suits.......oh wait...maybe Pat wasn't wearing a swimsuit when he earned his exemption? so nevermind.....

  11. Dear Jim Irsay (or Grigson)

    We really need someone tall and dependable at reciever. I know it sounds desperate but how about Randy Moss? Or anybody that can catch a ball!!!!! To replace Wayne...

    I know any of those players will come at a cheap price.

    This thread belongs in the dust bin along side the let's get Albert Haynesworth threads.

  12. I would add McAfee; he gets some quiet credit, some publicity when he has a big hit; but he is tough in other ways.  After watching the phantom blocked punted, he had to be almost super human to not have been injured, like a broken leg.  Also the ability to scoop up the bad snap and still keep the presence of mind to get off a punt, a great one at that..... the ability to pin the opponent inside the 5yd line.....  McAfee, an unsung hero...... GO COLTS!

    I think there's a league rule against calling your franchise player unsung.

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