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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. The year Arizona went to the Super Bowl they backed into the playoffs with a bad record and a week 17 blow out loss, then they caught fire.........but that doesn't mean that will happen to us if we are playing bad at the end of the season.

  2. My experience as a teacher, player and a coach for many years is that while teaching has moved completely in the direction of positive reinforcement and farther and farther away from the use of negative reinforcement both in principle and practice, the same is not true with coaching. Coaching remain the last bastion of negative reinforcement. For every Tony Dungy (quiet, calm, non profane, teacher with positive reinforcement), there are literally thousands of Bill Cowers or Mike Ditkas. Heavy use of negative reinforcement can cause a coach to put a player in the dog house and keep him there and that's even more true with a very talented, under performing player, than a marginal less talented player. Does this situation apply to Rogers in Buffalo, I don't know but it edges into my mind as a possibility. mind you, I am not expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of negative reinforcement vs positive reinforcement, but rather that either method can completely fail with certain players.

  3. An organization works top down. We have the best owner, and if the coaches don't right the ship, he will.

    Mr. Irsay is the only part of management team that is like the rest of us, a Colts fan. He is the only one who cares what the fans think. The coaching staff may wear blue but except for a few exceptions, they are hired guns that do no lose a wink of sleep if the horseshoe on their cap becomes a Raven, they are fans as long as they draw a paycheck. Perhaps this is not true of someone like uncle Ted but really it's the small people in the organization that will be here for years and years that really care about the Colts first and always. I think Mr. Irsay should give this coaching staff grief for being so slow to react to our slow start problem and I suspect he has done so. Bravo.


    On why weren’t Chris Rainey and Da’Rick Rogers active on Sunday:

    “Two young, talented players, as we all know. There’s been a lot of talk about these two young players and excited about having them up, having them on the roster. Having Chris here just one week and Da’Rick being up on the active roster two weeks, there’s an acclimation period. These guys are working hard. They’re doing everything they can. As soon as they are more familiar with the playbook and we can start to implement them into our plan offensively, we are going to try and get them out there as soon as we can.”


    It's a poppycock double standard unless I missed something and Trent studied as a Rocket Scientist at Alabama cause he played on 3 days practice the first week he was acquired.

  5. 8. Our punter is over-rated. I said it last year, and I'll say it again. Boo me if you like.


    Dear Mr. Braveheartcolt,


    Regarding # 8 on your list, the following players (Rohn Stark 43.4, Hunter Smith 43.0, David Lee 40.6) have assured me that Mr McAfee (45.8), our franchise player, is of the highest quality. In addition Mr. Trindon Holliday confirms with me that next time he will fair catch and abstain from returning as he suggests you should do and turn away right now from your keyboard. Mary mother of Christ, what's next? People attacking Matt Overton? Is their nothing sacred for a fan to hold onto even our franchise player!


    Sincerely Geffory

  6. This coaching staff has a lot of rigid ideas (I'd call them hang-ups). If we are playing the 32nd ranked run offense this staff is still gonna say the game plan is to "stop the run". If we're playing the 32nd ranked pass defense this staff will still say first we gotta "establish the running game". I think they defer because they think (fill in the blank) is always the right thing to do. I would say that when Walsh and the 49ers were at the top of their run that staff became famous for taking the ball first and for already having scripted the first 10-15 plays. The 49ers had so much success doing that that teams began to emulate and try to script their first drive too. I think that in some cases if you've studied film, devised a good game plan and found plays that you think might work do it at the opening gun cause game conditions (injuries/turn overs/etc.) might limited you later in a game. I would usually take the ball but nothing is right all the time and if I thought I could run something that would absolutely work on defense (exotic blitz maybe) and was anxious to try it then maybe I would defer. 

  7. AFTER the loss in Arizona Chuck's own words were if there was a lack of effort by our players I would be worried but there was not a lack of effort. If Chuck's not worried then there is something seriously wrong. Most games in the NFL are not lost because the players of the losing team were not giving it their best effort. I suspect that Chuck was trying to reassure fans that the players are giving maximum effort in both games and practice but I don't remember seeing a single fan thread saying our players are not giving 100% effort. You make enough plays or you don't and in that game we almost didn't make any plays. My answer would have been to reassure the fans that either players will execute better or there will be changes AND that would have been my answer 2 weeks ago cause this is 5 weeks in a row with a first half where the team was unprepared to play effectively at the first whistle. It is not coincidence.

  8. Is this the same medication Chuck was on when he said he was not worried because the effort by the players was there no question "If the effort was not there then I would be worried" ? Also I would like to know the side effects of this medication does it also relieve worry symptoms if your players miss open field tackles, how about suspect play calling, or mounting injuries? Granted, Chuck did not say I am not worried period, but he did imply that if he was worried about say missed tackles that was no problem because he would just go back and make those corrections and " clean that up". Finally if I was happy with the medication my Dr. Had me on at the beginning of the season when the Colts were beating Sf, Seattle and Denver can I keep that same Dr. And medication or must I switch to this new chill pill to continue watching the Colts and maintain my current health? Period.

  9. Fixing this starts with defense. Our front 3 on defense do not force double teams very often. Franklin seems only slightly better than Johnson was last year. Chapman seems too big at 340lbs to move. Age seems to be wearing down Redding. Francois was supposed to be unblockable last year at SF but he has been single blocked a lot this year. Hughes being scratched on game day has probably stunted his development. The front was supposed to occupy double teams and stop the run and they have been wildly inconsistent. Angerer is not a LB who is good in coverage or a power hitter to strike fear in opposing offenses. Freeman was used to blitz early in the season but is now needed to play pass defense. The blitz schemes Pagano was supposed to bring from the Ravens seem to have been discarded for Manusky's vanilla defensive schemes. Bethea and Landry both play FS and SS which seems to me to cause more confusion for them than opposing offenses. From this mess what changes will the coaching staff make to right the ship?

    100% agree about Angerer. At least with Conner when he runs supports he hits and can make a play for a loss and Angerer gives you nothing..... No big plays and can't cover a lick.

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