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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. If i'm wrong on this, I will admit it, but I am confident we will turn this around. First off our defense isn't this bad, and they will get back to their normal selves, and getting Toler back should help, also, we need a running game with T-Rich and Brown. It doesn't need to be consistently be 150-200 yards from them, just enough to keep the defense honest giving us more room to work in the passing game. Lastly we need a #3 target for Luck to emerge. Whether its Brazill, Heyward-Bey, or Rogers, someone needs to step up. Again if i'm wrong, i'll come back and admit it, but we will turn this around

    The title of your post implies something is broken but the context of your post is essentially we'll be okay if we stay the course and just keep doing what we've been doing, and playing whom we've been playing but just play better. Am I missing something that you are trying to say?

  2. I find it infuriating that Chuck has the nerve to say on his show last night that Rogers, Rainey have to go thru some acclimation process that takes time before they can play. First of all, Rogers has been here all season and what about that platitude that you are always spouting to fans Chuck that every player prepares as a starter because with next man up they are 1 play away from being on the field as a starter. But even worse, where was that acclimation process when Trent played on 3 days practice? IMO, any coach that uses where a player was picked or how big a contract he has as even a factor in determining how much a player sees the field is unqualified to coach. The league is replete with coaches who will play the player that is performing rather than the player with the contract, reputation, or high draft pick # beside his name. Russel Wilson immediately plays in front of Flynn despite Flynn being a brand new toy FA signing with a huge contract........that's how it's done coach......remember your own platitude Chuck about competition, "steel sharpens steel". Competition demands you only take in account what happens in practice and in games..... Not seniority, feelings, reputation, draft status, contract.

    Do something instead of just talking.

  3. I don't care about losing a game where we play poorly and get blown out but when a pattern develops where we play extrodinarily bad for whole games and halves of other games for 5 games in a row that's a giant concern and the frustration in Andrew's face and body language is very hard to see...... he doesn't deserve that.

  4. It's a sink or swim defense. Corners are almost always in press man so they have to win their battles AND they need a good pass rush to hold their coverage. The run game requires down linemen to occupy multiple blockers and be immovable, the OLB's need to set a hard edge on every run play and the 2 ILB's and safties need to be in their holes quickly and not miss tackles. In short it's a coordinated  defense that when everybody does their job can shut down an offense. Our old Tampa 2 was prdeicated on not giving up any chunks and relying on the fact that the offense would make mistakes before they could complete a 10 play 80 yard drive AND this defense is the opposite of that it's a "i  challenge you to beat me" defense.

  5. Very Pedestrian, had one nice pass defended, I've not yet seen him set a hard edge, he fast enough to chase down a runner from the back side when the run goes away from him if he can get off his blocker which he rarely does.

  6. "We gotta figure out a way". No Chuck you gotta figure out a way, it's your responsibility to find the answer especially when your team has a glaring weakness of starting so slow. Let's see you talked about it, then you said you were not gonna talk about it any more. Might I suggested that if you get of to a bad start over and over that you might want to consider that the "Starters are not getting the job done". They are called starters for a reason. You say Chuck, that everyone is to be held accountable. Might I suggest that starters that play poorly be held accountable and be replaced by a backup. It might make the starters play better. It might give a backup who has had little or no chance to play a chance to shine. At very least, your everyone will be held accountable will not be just a platitude.


    Finally, it's not as if there are not starters that have not been outperformed by bench players. Trent has been outplayed by every other back (Donald, Vick, Boom, Ahmad). Every time Linkenbach has played we have run the ball well. Can Rogers contribute? We don't know but we are not getting performance from Reed. Angerer could not be replaced by Conner? McNary isn't ready, well neither are our starters at the beginning of the game (Freeman excepted). 


    Coach don't bury your head in the sand, make some changes, you are in charge.

  7. If you can, go back and watch it. In slow-mo if possible.

    Pep used him to great effect.

    Quick to the right spot with great leverage and execution. Jack, you were Big Time Bro!

    That's what I did and he was very effective on every play both when the point of attack or sealing his man away from the play. It makes me a little sad that unless you watch the game in replay and use the remote to freeze and watch the play develop most people will never see how effective he was. I am a definite fan of Jack's now. He is a perfect third TE behind Allen and Fleener. Don't let him get away Colts!

  8. I run between 70-85 miles a week. I have a toe that is constantly giving me issues, I've lost the toenail on that toe 3 or 4 times this year. When that flares up it is brutal. I feel for anyone with a toe injury.

    I played in multiple basketball leagues until I was 56 (I'm 59 now) and my big toes on both feet lose the toenails 3/4 times per year each. The blood vessels under the toenail will rupture and bleed at the slightest trauma now (the toenail will then eventually fall off). I sympathize with the toe issue, people who have not had this probably wonder how bad/painful could it be? For me 24/48 hours then it would subside. Take care of that toe, happy running.

  9. I would cut Gordy....he is awful.  He may be the worst cover corner I have seen, and Cassius 'My back yearns for you ball' Vaughn is not far behind him....


    You could very well be correct on extra DBs though.  Just had to write...when I even saw Gordy's name..... :)

    I agree Gordy is terrible but it's not that I agree with the strategy that Gordy is a better active than Rogers it's the pattern that has emerged witht the inactives in other weeks that makes me say that. As for Cassius he's more physical and a better tackler than josh even if he's no better at covering.

  10. Whalen released Cunningham elevated to the 53 says to me more power sets with 2/3 TE's on the field at all time fewer 3 WR sets. Empty backfield sets will be with FB and HB lined up as WR's. I think the Colts are convinced that there is more advantage to throwing the ball to Stanley and Trent/Donald than trying to coax catches out of Lavon/Griff/David and yes gasp Rogers!

  11. When the Colts moved they retained all Franchise Properties, the only things they left behind were hurt feelings and a band with no team to play for.


    I started out as a Baltimore Colts fan, and have mixed feelings still.

    Now I am 100% Indianapolis Colts fan, life goes on.

    Me too, the only dislike I every had for the Colts was for Robert Irsay and his first GM Joe Thomas. They were both a piece  of work.

  12. I could easily see him tagged again. Tags for punters are cheap by NFL standards and I don't think we have another free agent worth the tag at his poistion other than maybe Adam.

    He could be franchised again but I hope not. We will not have a first rounder to sign next year so maybe that's an upside to the Trent trade that can free some money for Pat?

  13. What they said about colts after last nights game: colts are an immature team that thinks they can keep flipping a light switch after they get buried early in games. D-line cant get off blocks and get manhandled. O-line cant block anybody in the ground game or pass protect,get blown off the line. Too many key injuries to key players. They say basically an early exit one and done in playoffs because of these issues and we will struggle against upcoming teams cuz they all except jax,have tough defenses. I cant really argue with them in my opinion,those are facts that are true. I would love to see colts make a super bowl push but more likely next year barring injuries to the wrong guys again.


    Yes and before the season we were the # 1 team likely to regress anf fall out of the playoffs so did we get a disclaimer prior to this analysis like " we were completely wrong about our analysis before but please believe us now while we find fault with the Colts".

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