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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. Matt schaub struggled this year, RG3 struggled this year, Matt flynn struggled this year, Blaine Gabbert struggled this year, I could go on but 8-5 with a questionable supporting cast no sorry. Oh I did forget one, Pep Hamilton struggled this year. Please don't misunderstand what I have said this here, Andrew has missed a number of open receivers, he's overthrown balls, underthrown balls, and been lucky that a number of bad throws were not picked but he's a second year QB that continues to show growth in a very imperfect offense and situation.The players above have gone to the sidelines and should have...... that's my definition of struggled.

  2. I think the Colts will win in a game with a fair amount of scoring (maybe 27-24 or 31-24). 


    I think the young receivers (including TY will be a factor).

    I think the TE's and backs have some catches as well.

    I think for once we open the playbook a little earlier and get off to a better start.

  3. Oh for sure, everybody knows Pagano and staff are bold "outside the box" thinkers always looking to "change things up"….it's not as if they spent the season running the same ineffective plays over and over or playing the same ineffective players regardless of performance.

  4. My game plan would be to try and protect Luck from J.J. Watt at all cost. Letting that big guy lose could cost you a season or a career. If you come out passing like that, I think Watt will have a field day knocking down passes and attacking Luck which could be unlucky for the Colts.   :D

    He didn't have a field day in the second half of the game at Houston. Our regular way is to try to score with a 10-12 play drive (more chances for JJ to get to Luck) and I advocate no huddle score as quickly as possible like the 2 quick strikes to TY in Houston (less chances for JJ).

  5. If I made the game plan for this week, my first possession would be no huddle, with 3 WRs (TY, Lavon and Da'rick). I would run as much hurry up offense/no huddle as possible in the first half. I would tell the offense we are going to play from the opening kick as if we are already down 21-0 and now we need to move the ball quickly down the field to get back in the game. I would keep the O-Line from the Cincy game intact as that was the best pass blocking we've had in a while. I would try to stay out of third downs and get bigger chunks by running deeper routes with all three WRs. I would run the ball from audibles when the box was "unstacked". I would run at least 2 or 3 gadget or trick plays.


    I think every team we have played this year knows our game plan is always the same, every single week, try to run, conservative play calling to start and take small chunks to get to third and short. My primary purposes for this game plan was to get as much work as possible for the young receivers but more importantly, Make Kansas City wonder what we will do next week when we play then. Will we go back to conservative for them or sling it. Give them more to prepare for.


    What would your game plan look like?



  6. If I read one more thread about Trent, I'm gonna legally change my name to Trent so I can pretend everyone is always talking about me and that I'm more popular than I've ever been.

  7. If we use the next three games to substitute players into the lineup where performance has been lacking, Oline, ILB, WR, giving players like Conner, McNary, Rogers, Brazile, Reitz, Holmes, Studebaker a chance maybe it could be the start of a 2006 run. Or we could just "follow the process", and "make the necessary corrections", and "improve our execution" with the exact same players and see where that gets us. How to decide the best course? Help Mr. Irsay, Help!

  8. He deserves to start given our situation and if this coaching staff has any brains at all they'll play as much as possible the next three games to get him as ready as possible for the playoffs. Wasn't Victor Cruz a back bencher until he suddenly wasn't? And what about Jeremy Lin.....we could have a case of Da'rangement syndrome on our hands

  9. I like Mcnary and Studebaker and in limited snaps those guys have made plays. I agree that Pat is not the same player that he was before his foot injury so I am hopeful that this coaching staff will see the seasons high hopes from the beginning of the year slipping away and at least give McNary a shot if not Studebaker...... they couldn't be worse than some of the play we have had on the inside. You can't tell me that Pagano doesn't see that even when Pat does not bolt to the wrong hole he still can't bring guys down and his angles are sometimes embarrassing. Sheppards penalty today got him pulled at least for a while.

  10. I really think the most fundamental problem with our slow starts is that the play calling is geared towards getting first downs via 3 short gains and taking the ball down the field in many short chunks and we start the game with that exact strategy every game. Once we get behind and the clock and a limited number of possessions become a factor then we try to move the ball down the field in bigger chunks and have success. I think that while we are sometimes helped because teams with the lead tend to trade yardage for no quick score and making the opponent take time to score making it easier to move the ball, I also think teams know that at the beginning of the game we are always running plays that are going to be near the line of scrimmage pass or run and as a result the defense is bold in playing up and tight to the line of scrimmage. Finally just listen to the language that the coaches constantly use about how important it is to get a good gain on first and second downs so we can get to third and short....... WHY? They always say we need to stay "on time" (what?). For heavens sake lets try to get the next first down on first down and try to take the ball down the ball down the field without having to convert so many third downs. Weren't we like 0/6 on third down at one point today? The coaching staff has acknowledged we have really not been good on third down conversions on this streak yet they keep running an offensive strategy that puts us in many third down situations.

  11. Werner has done everything you could ask for a rookie. From what I've seen when he is healthy has been good not great. Still quits on a play when it's not directed his way and that's my only knock against him. He gets QB pressure and shows a display of power and quickness when ball is snapped

    Doesn't get off blocks on running plays very fast or very well. If you can't shed blockers you can't be a great LB.

  12. This game will turn on defense, meaning our defense has to play lights out because the Bengals D is very good and they will bring it in this weather. If our D can play very good we have some favorables for this weather, our RBs especially Donald do not fumble, our kickers have been good all year, our special team are the best we've had in a while. I want a low scoring game where 2 or 3 big runs by Andrew are enough to put a Td and maybe field position for a couple of field goals. I hope the weather makes this into a running game.

  13. Before the draft they will have a housecleaning to do. Are they able to do what the Colts did and erase the board and start over with new coaches and front office cutting ties with players like Foster, Schaub, and will Johnson want to stay and start over. It's a similar situation that the Colts found themselves in. I don't see the Texans having the nerve to wipe the board and if they do they then have to find a good staff and front office. The Texans did not get to the playoffs by thinking bold, they used a very slow incremental 2 steps forward, 1 step back and it took them a very long time just to get the division 2 times with the help of injury to the Colts franchise player. Finally they have some of the worst fans in the NFL, go to the bullpen and read what their fans say, listen to the Texan players talk about their own fans. Schadenfreude.

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