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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. I'd like the pass play to Fleener that we ran against the Texans to be used on the first drive. Jumbo package stacked to the right, fleener on the right side of the formation, Luck fakes a handoff power run to the right and then boots right, Fleener fakes a bad block and then runs a shallow cross back to the left, Luck plants and throws back to the left to Fleener.Fleener went for 40 yds against the Texans.

  2. Oh yes let's get Dez Bryant I think he will be a member of the all tantrum team for years to come. In fact I can envision a senerio where Dez could top the tearful press conference of TO. a few years ago and maybe he could pull a double and do the Vince Young APB we're afraid he's suicidal disapperaence gig. That would write all whole new chapter in Colts football drama taking it directly from the field into the everyday scene.

  3. You can't resign a guy at this position, who runs with abandon, and who has had a surgery for a neck injury that has been described as similar to Peyton Mannings. Can he rehabilitate it probably yes. Will he successfully return to play long term like Manning (QB) or end up like Chris Spielman (LB) preseason and done? It is the latter.

  4. I would preface my opinion of Coach Pagano and his performance as head coach by separating NFL head coaches into two groups, those that want/get near complete control (the Andy Reid, Mike Shanahan, Bill Parcels types) and the head coaches that essential don't make the decisions on buying the groceries (Pagano, Marchibroda, Jason Garrett) although Im sure Pagano was in the car when the Trent trade was made I feel sure he wasn't driving. That being said…..


    If you're asking me for a number my standard as the Colts best Coach ever is Ted Marchibroda (all due respect to Weeb Ewbank, Don Shula, Don McCafferty, and Tony) and I would give Marchibroda an 8. That is why my number would be a 6.5 for Pagano and probably a 7 if we have some playoff success. I hope someday Chuck will pass Marchibroda if he can somehow be a successful cross between a players coach like McCafferty and an x and o coach like Marchibroda.

  5. I think this game will a lot tougher than the first and I think will come down to a FG.

    Very possibly someone kicks a field goal for the lead in the last minute or two but I can't escape the idea that maybe our D will need to stop them from getting the equalizer at the ebd.

  6. If the D plays well we will be in this game. If Luck takes his game up a notch, passing well, escaping the rush with his legs when needed and gashes the Chiefs with some first down runs then we will win. If we are to go deep in the playoffs I think we will have to see Andrew play at a different level. I am 100% confident Andrew can take his game up a notch or two but will he do it this soon in his career? IDK

  7. It's my hope that instead of just picking 5 and playing them, we will have ready contingencies if we are getting pass rush pressure or big penetration on run plays and that if needed we substitute. Also in the heavier packages we will have some choices as to whom to use and depending on the play/point of attack I would like to see flexibility in how we use all the linemen (except the bookend tackles). Lastly, I kind of fear that Nixon may be a healthy inactive if all the others are active and that's too bad cause I'd like to see him groomed as the extra lineman for some plays.

  8. Chiefs fan here.


    Good luck guys! I'm excited about this game as we get the chance to avenge some heart breaking losses in the playoffs to you guys. 


    I think the Chiefs actually hold the advantage within this topic. During the first matchup, Hali was playing injured and lacked his normal burst. He's been handled easily by average LT's recently because of it. Hopefully the week off will do him good because he hasn't been the same since November when he was injured in the first half of the SD game. Houston has also been out since that same SD game and he will be back, refreshed and hungry. If the Chiefs can return to form defensively with their two star OLB back, and everyone refreshed after a week off, then Luck will be running for his life back there. It's like taking Freeney and Mathis away from your defense a few years ago and what kind of effect it would have on them.




    FS Lewis. Probably the worst FS in football and responsible for most big plays given up by the Chiefs. He's always late in coverage and he's an awful tackler. If Luck has time back there then watch the big plays given up by Lewis. Or if Brown breaks off a big run the watch Lewis wiff on the tackle. His terribleness was masked for 9 weeks due to Hali/Houston pressuring QB's.


    OLB Houston and Hali. While i've been hearing that they are healthy, it's always a concern until you see them in action.


    WR Bowe: Typical got paid then mailed it in. He's been awful this year effort wise. Hopefully he turns it up a notch for the playoffs as he's the only legit receiver that the Chiefs have.


    K Succup: Missed field goals have haunted this team in the playoffs. And a normal sure thing < 50 yards out he missed a gimmie 41 yarder against SD to win the game.


    Keys to winning for the Chiefs: Run, Run, Run...which unfortunately, is against Reids DNA. Get pressure on Luck, something that they rarely did the first matchup.


    Keys to winning for the Colts: Ball Security. The Chiefs thrive on turnovers and not turning it over. It worked for you guys the first matchup perfectly. Protect luck and big plays. Take advantage of an awful FS in Kendrick Lewis early and often.

    Would you mind terribly forwarding this information to Chuck

  9. My experience says that as a player when I played against a team that I expected to dominate and win easily, and you can best believe that's exactly how the Chiefs felt after that first drive, then to be dominated and hunbled at home, well that creates a very SMALL kernal of doubt in a players mind. That COULD create a very small disadvantage for the Chiefs if the Colts get off to a great start and that doubt begins to grow. As a player when that happened to me I found myself trying to push back the desperation and the urge to try too hard. You play best as a player when you can push all those thoughts out of your head and stay completely in the moment playing fast. loose and free with the body taking the lead not the mind. Will that disadvantage materialize for the Chiefs? Probably not, but I would still prefer to be in the Colts position of having no disadvantages, not the crowd, not the weather, not performance doubts even vague ones. And if you don't believe doubt creeps in to the human psyche the just repeat out loud for me 3 times.... I want to play San Diego, I want to play San Diego, I want to play San Diego.

  10. We have so many good people/good players on our team that are so easy to root for, humble with a dash of underdog ( except Luck who has the humble in spades). The coaches are pretty easy to like as well complimentary of the other teams and players, positive and always preaching work ethic and doing things the right way. Sweet times.

  11. II heard a grumor that Jon Gruden is finally wanting back in the game and has been quoted as saying he'd like to coach Luck and the Colts, Kirk Cousins, or Geno Smith. Would you want Gruden to replace Pagamo?



    I heard a grumor that Jon Gruden is finally wanting back in the game and has been quoted as saying he'd like to coach Luck and the Colts, Kirk Cousins, or Geno Smith. Would you want Gruden to replace Pagamo?

    I guess you don't think the believe message that Pagano is preaching is important and neither is continuity with our young players? It seems to stand out to me that there is a lot of unselfish play on Chuck's team. Player are in/out up/ down in the depth chart but even those whom are demoted T-Rich DHB seem to keep on playing hard with a good attitude. The Colts may lead the league in fewest penalty yards and in fewest turnovers. Aren't all these things signs that the Colts are a well coached team? If we go out in the playoffs I think it will be due to a lack of talent in the o-line and the loss of Allen Reggie. If we had Allen Reggie I think we would be very tough. I don't think you replace a coach unless he doesn't have the locker room in control, doesn't have an adequate scheme, or the talent severely underperforms.

  12. My goodness what a find.

    He's becoming one of my favorite players the guy just has that "it" factor.

    He may very we'll be that middle linebacker that I have been waiting well over a decade for us to have..

    He should be a pro bowler for sure.

    The guy just makes plays..

    I think if our other LBs get better and they are with McNary and Werner gaining experience Free will end up being our Clay Matthews the difference maker that can hurt you every way (blitz, TFL, strip fumbles and interceptions too).

  13. Luck days this all the time at the line...wonder if he got it from the Flo-Rida song? Good tune btw. Just an observation.

    When I hear him say it on the field it sounds more like "Let it roll, let it roll, let it roll!"


    Kind of always in threes.

  14. The Pro Bowl is a beauty contest. The new format makes it even more of a beauty contest. Andrew (neck beard) Luck does not play the game nor comport himself as a beauty queen and thus he did not make it. If my statement above is not clear, I mean that Andrew would happily do whatever you asked him to do to win, hand off 50 times a game, throw only short, throw only long, play conservative like a game manager, Andrew is about the team and winning. If you think NFL QB's are all like that I invite you to peruse the career of Jay Cutler and tell me that this guy doesn't always try to do his own thing and play his own style. How about Ryan Fitzpatrick? Ben Rothisberger is finally getting rid of the ball but how long did that message take to get through? I know Andrew is a winner and he WILL get us to the Super Bowl and I'm confident that whatever it is the team needs Andrew to do his ego nor a need to control things will never be in the way.

  15. Because they need to put a stop to boomstick now! He is a media icon waiting to happen and is waayyyyy too wild and unrestrainable to become an ESPN sheep.

    I have a feeling that most things in life are somehow connected back to the franchise and his remarkable influence on us all.

  16. Far too often there is no real reason for hate in the world other than people not responding to the better nature of our angels. Hate is easy but it's a fire inside that demands to be fed and robs people of their time and peace. As others here have said just let it go and find the light that is the Colts success this year..... however much of it we are granted to have and just enjoy it without being robbed of the joy by someone else's negativity.

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