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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. To me this is a hard choice.  Both were great players for the Colts.  It's hard for me to decide who's better.  


    Jeff Herrod: All time Colts unoffical tackler with 1,400, 14.5 sacks, 5 INTS

    Mike Curtis: 22 unofficial sacks, 25 INTs, (couldn't find any unoffical tackle stats), 4x Pro Bowler 


    I think I would pick Curtis but it's a hard decision.



    *Fun Fact about Mike Curtis: Only NFL player named to Pro Bowl at OLB and MLB 

    Having watched them both play quite a bit I lean towards Jeff as the 4 in front of Mike was always better than what was in front Jeff (especially at the tackles with Fred Miller and Billy Ray Smith). The overall defense of the Super Bowl 5 Champions was as good as any defense the Colts have ever fielded.

  2. I am hoping for good line play on both sides of the ball and hopefully some of the young guys to play great and give us big positive surprises. I guess I of the opinion that we are plenty deep enough at the skill positions (baring massive injuries) that if our line surprise this year we could be very good.

  3. Went to a Colts @ 49ers game in 1966 @ Kezar Stadium in SF as a child and left the stadium as a Colts fan not a Niners fan. Nobody in my family was a Colts fan and nobody understood why this happened to me. I prefer fate or love at first sight but from then to this day no other football team has ever turned my head. The Montreal Alouttes are my current home team I live near Montreal but there is no attraction there even though they compete in a different country, league and with different rules. Not to say that I didn't try following the Alouettes when I came to Canada,I did but I can't feel anything for anothert team.... It's not logical.

  4. McNary is the best ILB we have right now (next to Freeman). Like Freeman this guy can cover ground quickly he just needs to hone his instincts and play his techniques better, IMO. However I would ask the question having not played for a long time, arriving to camp late, spending the majority of the year on practice squad and then playing significant snaps at the end of the year did any player show more progress in 2013?

  5. Your entire premise rests on the belief that anyone believed the play was anything other than legal. If Luck had BEEN tripped and it was called as a trip ..and THEN Belichik gave him a big "attaboy" you might have a point. That's simply NOT what happened.


    The Pats DON'T get any special treatment from the refs and there's plenty of empirical evidence to PROVE it. Look at the three games this season that the Pats lost specifically because of odd or "bad" calls. One game was decided on a foul that had NEVER BEEN CALLED BEFORE.


    The real point should be that any Colts fans who blame the refs when their QB couldn't stop giving the ball to the wrong team is definitely blaming the wrong people for the loss.

    my exact words on the refs not calling a trip were "so what" that happens but your m.o. is either to argue against something that was not said, against an idea that was not expressed (I expressed no opinion as to the fairness of the calls in that game or any game the Pats have ever played) or to conflate what I wrote with something someone else my have expressed I placed no blame on the loss of that game (not on Luck, or the refs, or the calls).

    I'd like to think you have a reading comprehension problem or because you're trolling so much it's hard for you to keep all the ongoing post straights as to who said what.

    However, since you start with the premise that noone could see the play and believe Luck was tripped (I guess the announcers don't count) then your lack of ability to be objective renders my ability to express my opinions regarding coaching comportment as a wasted effort..... my apology for taking your time.

  6. It's pretty simple we need at least 2 veteran interior linemen one of whom must be a center and probably are going to command some money. When I say at least, we would be better served by 3 quality OL pick ups. Whom those OL players will be should revolve entirely around the best player for the best value ($). We can't afford not to do it and we can't afford to overpay 1 guy or fall in love with any particular player to the exclusion of other possibilities.


    basketballsteve, on 14 Jan 2014 - 3:59 PM, said:snapback.png

    Rob who is going to "put" Pagano as the db coach? Pagano will demote himself to db coach? Are you suggesting that Irsay intervene and call Chuck into the office and reassign him to db's?  Is it Ryan that makes this decision? Do you know what Chuck's contract says regarding his services as a coach and can he be demoted? You're suggesting that Pagano be fired and then rehired as db coach? Did you spend time thinking this suggestion through and is it a real suggestion or fantasy?


    Thinking out any number of these scenarios has been the most hilarious part of my day thus far

    "Thinking out"……. as in an idea pops into your head and you post it here as if it deserves consideration by others because it's a plausible scenario that could happen and not just a fantasy you would like to see happen?

  8. Put Pagamo as DB coach and hire a real coach and DC

    Rob who is going to "put" Pagano as the db coach? Pagano will demote himself to db coach? Are you suggesting that Irsay intervene and call Chuck into the office and reassign him to db's?  Is it Ryan that makes this decision? Do you know what Chuck's contract says regarding his services as a coach and can he be demoted? You're suggesting that Pagano be fired and then rehired as db coach? Did you spend time thinking this suggestion through and is it a real suggestion or fantasy?

  9. Say what you want about the guy: he has heart, he defeated cancer, his players love him, has a great reputation, etc. But you have to admit that it doesn't seem that he has the fire and "kill em" attitude of a Belicek, Sean Payton, Harbaugh, etc. I honest think we will always be contenders with Pagano. But it's hard to see us winning the SB with such a passive coach.

    In the future I'd like us to target a Gruden, Cowhler, Tomlin, or Saban even

    Oh good grief! I'd like to ask are we allowed to recycle our previous post regarding that charge about Tony Dungy but I see that I've be beaten to that response.


    I think the question you really want to ask Rob is shouldn't we sack Coach Pagano and hire a "win at all costs" kind of coach because winning is the only thing that counts not how you do it. If you think that is correct I would ask you to pick up a copy of "Boys Will Be Boys" by Jeff Pearlman (about the Dallas Cowboys under Johnson and Switzer).


    The book has a great opening scene in which Michael Irvin picks up scissors and stabs a teammate in the neck because the 3rd stringer didn't get out of the barber chair in the middle of his haircut fast enough so that Michael could get his haircut immediately AND it goes downhill from there. Charles Haley Constantly openly masturbating all the time, the prostitutes having their own bus on Super Bowl week and arriving a few days before the wives on their team bus (you get why you gotta have happy players so they play for you) and a variety of other questionable practices that were ALWAYS tolerated on that team because Johnson and Switzer were win at all cost coaches.


    Payton, BB they have their own versions of dirty laundry.


    In my experience the best coaches are the ones that get players to buy into their system and get them to play as hard as they are capable of. Whereas the "kill em" attitude coaches are tempted to do anything to win and overlook anything to win and that leads to corner cutting.


    Put me in the camp of fans that wants to win but not at any cost, the how the Colts do it matters to me.


    If I could see the future and know that AAron Hernandez would suddenly be acquitted on a technicality and signing him would mean we win the Super Bowl I would prefer we pass.


    And lastly, I have zero doubt that all 53 Colts play very hard for coach Pagano but he doesn't shop for the "groceries" and that was the only problem this year (a little lack of talent depth).

  10. Yes, it was incredible how the entire Patriots roster stood their yelling "nice trip!" because that's just how clear it was. 

    Actually, not what I wrote and unless I was a better lip reader I can't pretend I know the exact words used, however in the two examples put forth, Pagano was visibly upset with Walden's head butt and pulled him aside to impart a message that was obviously negative in tone, whereas BB was obviously affirming the play with a positive response not a correction. Take your homer glasses off.


    My interest in responding on this thread comes from my own personal bias as coach. I believe that if a coach doesn't comport him/her self with a high level of sportsmanship don't expect that the players will and that cheapens any victory.


    I understand why Pats fans are so extremely thin skinned regarding their team's history of cheating and poor sportsmanship displays (especially at the end of games by BB). Take heart that the tripping didn't result in a caught cleat or some other result that caused significant injury to Luck resulting in that play being shown over and over and over. The rest of the NFL isn't watching that game with Patriot homer glasses on and me well I'm watching it with my ex coach glasses on and my believe that exhibiting  good sportsmanship is the highest purpose of playing/coaching sports. If Pagano did the same thing and affirmed a play that was a foul I would call him out too.

  11. for the first time in my life I am going to pull for the pats to beat Denver. no I am not a peyton hater, he is  not a colt anymore and I liked what he did for us. this is not about peyton. I want the pats to win because I want a team we could not beat win the superbowl. we beat Denver. so I feel if they win we should have been there. if the pats win at least it took a superbowl winner to beat us.same with the forty niners and the seahawks we beat them too. I have always been a pat  hater and never thought I would root for them so here now,let me have it, yell at me and more.i myself don't know if I can do it I still hate the pats, but I am going to try to root for them for the reasons I stated.

    So you're saying that in 03 and 04 you did not root for the Pats (since as you say this is the first time in your life to root for the Pats) and the reason is because they beat the Colts in the playoffs and you want the Colts to have lost to the eventual winner of the Super Bowl. Either you have a giant flaw is your logic or you were born in 05 and you're 9 years old.

  12. Please build the lines, if you build a good O-line and D-line, everything else will fall into place. Football is and always will be, won in the trenches. Good lines can make up for a lot of weakness at other positions, I would just for once, like to see the Colts have a good defense, O-line and D-line.

    It not the sexy way that's for sure, but it's a more sure way when you have a young talent like Luck in place.

  13. What poor sportsmanship did you witness? Did a Patriot rip the helmet off of a Colts player when they were out of bounds? Luck as he escaped from the pocket in the 4th quarter (clearly shown on the replay) 

    Luck was tripped and ruled down by contact as he tried to escape the pocket at the end of the game. It was a missed penalty (clearly shown on the replay) so what,  that happens. The poor sportsmanship that occurs is the congrats of the staff including the head coach as the player comes to the sideline. Players who lose control or play outside the rules (all players on any team) should be immediately corrected when they come to the sidelines. I coached and that's what I believe and I always did.... call me old fashion.....no coach should encourage players to play outside the rules or congratulate them for doing so.

  14. Yes we are the evil empire. Head butting a player with his helmet off is the epitome of sportsmanship ...

    Sure tripping the other team's star player when the game is decided and then having teammates, coaches and the head coach give congrats as you come to the sidelines, very classy. In contrast to Walden who's actions were neither celebrated by the staff but rather pointed out to all as something that can't happen. You're comparing two similar player actions without taking note of whom it is that reinforces those actions and whom it is that does not.

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