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Posts posted by basketballsteve

  1. Yes, he will be super motivated, He will have instant locker room support, the Colts locker room is not the Dolphins,  there will be low competition for him meaning low price tag, and he will come as a project not a starter, also, ABBA sings "take a chance on me" as the background music in my head.

  2. Donald Brown will be back. He's the Colts version of Gaffney or Taylor at Stanford. Pep Hamilton is gonna fight to keep him here.

    Bradshaw won't be back due to his injury pile ups & Ballard is a question mark coming off the ACL injury.

    Not everyone can be Adrian Peterson

    He's our Don McCauley I hope we can resign him.

  3. I'll start off with what I'm down on:


    1. Slow starts...  Not sure if its execution or coaching but these starts really bum me out.  The team plays way below their ability and just never look ready to play


    2. The Kick Returner...  Please for all that is good in this world can there be a mix up and we forget this guy in Tenn?  Your basic job is to catch the kick... I have seen the ball hit the turf many a time...


    3.  Trent Richardson...  I didn't like the trade to begin with, especially didn't like the pick we gave up...  But I think it is apparent Trent needs to do what Brown did and sit and learn Vision and patience.  The NFL has narrow spaces and you have to be able to anticipate that space seconds before it appears... It involves speed of the game, mental processing of oline assignments and honestly just quick enough reactions to react to circumstance on the line.  He doesn't have it... not yet...  He has all the ability in the world but if all he is going to do is either A. Run into his lineman or closed hole or B. hit the hole and not have the patience to anticipate a LB to fill and run into the LB, he will have a hard time succeeding at this level...


    4. DHB...  This guy just doesn't have the mental to be an NFL receiver.


    Now for what I am up on:


    1.  Coby Fleener!  The guy just flat out proved me wrong.  He looked very unsettled all last year and early this year.  But man oh man is he stepping up into what he had the potential to be!  I still think Allen is the teams best TE when it comes to all round TE but Fleener is really making an impact as an offensive weapon!


    2.  Andrew Luck!  He did not have a good game last week. But he showed that he is not the young player that will be in a slump and never learn.  He came out on target and for the most part good decisions.  His flaws are getting smaller and smaller as the weeks go on and it is just amazing to see.


    3.  Donald Brown!  The man has finally learned how to run in the NFL.  Keep giving it to him.  20 Carries a game would be awesome.  At least give him his shot, and let Trent know that the job isn't automatically his.  I'm thinking Trent has a mental issue holding him back much the same as DHB.


    4. Defense!  They played sloppy the 1st half and it was pretty bad.  But WOW did they play their tail off the 3rd and most of the 4th.  It is great to see a unit not give up and come back like that.


    5. Coaches!  Whatever they said/did got this team to execute and turn it around.  I just wish it would have started from the beginning.


    6.  Covering the loss of Reggie!  This ties into coaching but also a team effort should be awarded.  This team is slowly starting to find out how to make up for the loss of Reggie.  Having backs and TE's more involved in the game is covering the weak WR core like Reggie used to do.  If our running game comes back and we commit and punish like we did tonight in the 4th we will not miss Reggie as bad as the past 2 games.

    In regards to the slow starts Darius Butler said it best in the post game, they copied St Louis by running crossing and under routes, we played those poorly again and it seemed the coaches did not prepare a sound game plan for covering the TE Walker. Tip, next week be prepared for crossing routes until we show we can stop it.

  4. Walden lost his temper, he had unsportsmanlike conduct, he was properly flagged, the play will be reviewed and he will be fined and maybe suspended but cut no that's a complete overreaction. If the team feels the NFL doesn't do enough they can also suspend but players don't get cut for a play that happens in the heat of the moment especially when the other player is essentially unharmed.

  5. The loss of Reggie Wayne is clearly going to kill this team. Other than TY Hilton, there is no one else who can make a play on this team. Heyward-Bey is TERRIBLE! I applaud his work ethic, but he cannot catch the ball. He is a waste of  the perfect blend of size and speed. Brazil and Whalen are just not that good. I know we want them to be, but they cannot get open and struggle to catch the ball.


    Coby Fleener may be the disappointing of them all. This is the perfect opportunity for him to show he is a legitimate talent at TE. He can't block to save his soul, can't get open, and again, struggles to catch the ball.


    I feel like Reggie Wayne should get some MVP votes. I did not realize how important he was to this team.

    Coby was great tonight

  6. In Nashville last year everyone remembers that Vick scored the TD in overtime everyone one forgets that in the game winning drive in OT it was Donald Brown that carried the ball 6 times on that game winning drive and almost singlehandedly marched that ball down the field to set up the pass to Ballard.

  7. 1. Play Angry

    2. Play Angry for 4 quarters

    3. If things go well remember something bad from last week and take it out on the Titans and continue to play Angry

    4. If any of the players have difficulty channeling their Anger about the humiliation of last Sunday, have them call me I have some extra Anger to spare

  8. Good ideas, great post, agree except Jags vs Cards where I will be rooting hard for the Jags to not only win but to do so by exposing some weakness of the Cards that we can exploit when we play the Cards. Also I would like the Jags to go on a run and win some games so that they do not get the first pick. I don't want anybody in our division to get the first pick. Thse may be small details but when I watch any pro game I always take my time to turn the match over in my mind for any small future advantage for the Colts. I admit it's Guessing game.

  9. That's a lot of love for Jake Locker

    ..who doesn't deserve your love

    Bill Walsh on Steve Deberg (his QB before Montana) "he's just good enough to get you beat"…..Steve Stanley on Ryan Fitzpatrick "he's just good enough to get you beat". I have respect for Fitzpatrick as an extremely smart person but his physical talents are not on a par with Locker so give me the smart, less talented backup every day and I don't think that statement places Locker on a pedestal.

  10. Locker being out and Fitzpatrick being in is a giant plus unless the game turns into a written test in which case Fitzpatrick might have an advantage as one of the smartest players in the NFL But since most NFL games turn on physical performance we gain an advantage with Locker's injury.

  11. How about doing what the Chiefs first popularized in the 70's with Dawson using a "moving pocket" where the QB sprints to a spot? At least try this some of the time. It was used because Dawson's strength was the short passing game and play action passing. This might be a partially effective strategy considering Luck is very mobile, throws well on the run, and gives the receivers different routes and more time to run those routes even in the short passing game. Or keep it more current and copy some of the boot plays that the Texans run to get Luck outside the pocket where he'll often just have one rusher coming at him. Or go wildcat full time and move Andrew to linebacker.




    Now that's more like Jim Mora if you ask me.


    God I hated that guy, I mean I really really hated him when he was in the league.

    "I don't care (slight pause) who you play".

  13. The downside of BTM is the absolute dogma the coaches have preached about stop the run and run the ball (and I would suggest it been strongly preaced from the beginng of this year run the ball from power formations). There is no chance we will look at the playbook and more frequently use the plays that have been effective. The old Celtics played 1 way and they molded the players to the system if you couldn't fastbreak they replaced you, they never adapted the system to the players strengths. That is the philosophy staked out by this coaching staff..... the only way to win is to be a team that can first stop the run and run the ball at will. It's not true but you won't convince this staff.

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