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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. @LJpalmbeacher2, I would still be weary of putting Cincy that high. I get it though because of the last 2 years and Burrow is great. Burrow to me doesn't look near 100% healthy though. I still think the Ravens win that division.
  2. That was a damaging loss to say the least. Up 6-0 and can't hold it. I have been saying all year that the 1 weakness we have is our Bullpen. We have trouble holding leads and have lost way too many 1 run games.
  3. I am not just going by record; I just brought it up to add to my opinion. I would rank the Chiefs higher than Philly and Philly is 3-0 for example. We went into Houston just last week and pretty much dominated is why I would have us ranked higher. We also won at Baltimore, Houston got smoked by Baltimore. I can't see 1 argument that Houston would have to being ranked higher than us. JMO.
  4. We went to Houston and smoked them and sacked Stroud 6 times. So I disagree, we are also 2-1 and they are 1-2. We just beat Baltimore on the road who is easily a top 10 team as well.
  5. I will be picking at 1259PM on Sunday - anything after 1pm doesn't count
  6. I want AR to start and I want to win. AR sitting on the bench does him no good with his progression. I was just saying if Minshew did start a game here and there and we win, I am not going to complain.
  7. I agree but 28th is comical. These lists mean nothing but at least if someone is getting paid to do these things, get it right . I do agree with their Top 3 = 1. Miami, 2. SF, 3. KC, after that the person that did this list fell asleep at the wheel. Like many of these media people, they follow around 6 or 7 teams and know nothing about the 25 others, especially small market teams
  8. Stafford has always thrown for a lot of yards. This season many have been in garbage time. That was like Stroud last week against us. People were saying I was dissing Stroud when I said Stroud did not play great, it was based on the Yards he threw for. Many of those yards were meaningless because we were way ahead and was playing prevent, You have to take that into account.
  9. Fair enough, from what I have seen, AR keeps defenses off balance because of his mobility. He is also completing over 60% of his passes so far. He just needs to stay healthy. I am pretty sure if you ask any D Coordinator who scares them more between AR and Minshew they would say AR. I like Minshew and could really care less who starts as long as we win so I wasn't trying to debate here, I was just giving my opinion.
  10. They have the Colts ranked 28th , that is so comical, this list stinks on many levels not just because of that but the Colts at 2-1 should easily be rated higher than the Texans and Titans. Colts are probably around 15th IMO.
  11. I still have to mock it a little. I really don't care, I thought it was funny actually. I will have my picks in by Thursday, at worse I will pick Thursday's game and pick the rest this weekend . So far, I am: Week 1 = 9-7 Week 2 = 12-4 Week 3 = 12-4 33-15 overall.
  12. From the short sample size I have seen of AR, he is better than Minshew. Minshew is a great story but even if you look at Sunday's game, we really didn't move the ball that well. Minshew was getting pressured all day because he has limited mobility. He made 1 great pass, that was the TD to Moss, other than that we basically ran the ball and tried to kill clock and relied on our defense and kicking game to win. The 1 pass to Pittman, was all Pittman, he caught that in double coverage. We are lucky it wasn't picked off. Minshew = great backup, average starter is how I see it. Average was good enough on Sunday but our defense was great and so was our Kicker. Also, for the record, I wanted AR to start from day 1 and posted that a lot in here when some others wanted Minshew to start. AR sitting on the bench doesn't do him any good, he needs REPS and needs to get better. You don't do that by holding a clipboard.
  13. Beth Mowins was ready to celebrate when that ball was in the air. Then she goes just short in a sad voice . I have to admit, I thought it was good too, it was right down the middle, and he rarely misses.
  14. Stafford is in his Matt Ryan stage right now, he looks done and a statue back there. Their O.Line is struggling, and we are sacking everyone. We even got to Lamar.
  15. Some in here just double down because they want to be right on how they have posted about Pittman since day 1. Saying he isn't a #1. He is a #1 but maybe not a top 15 WR in the league. For about half the teams in the league he would be a #1 though is my point. He just isn't a great deep threat which many thrive for. Pierce is supposed to be our deep threat but so far he has struggled.
  16. Well, we have been screwed many times by the REFS, what comes around goes around. Was that a PI at the end, I would say yes but hear me out. We also won with a backup QB, Center, and RB on the road. Nelson, the guy you usually rip, controlled the line of scrimmage, give credit where it is due. We punished them up front. They didn't get 1 call 'BOO HOO', Pittman got Cleary interfered at least twice and they were also holding a lot the whole game, I guess I can cry too . Harbuagh actually was a big reason they lost. I would have brought Tucker back out again from 62 and he punted instead. He just barely missed from 61 and has made 1 from 66 before. Also on 4 and 3, you throw it to Andrews, not a rookie, it was a bad play call period.
  17. I went 12-4 again. I split on my 2 bets. I won $50 on the Lions, they won by more than 4, but the Packers only won by 1 point, I needed them to win by 3. Still $200 to the good for the year at 5-1. I had the Dolphins winning 30-20, I did miss that by 40 points @sb41champs, you went 12-4 too, great job, . I am not picking until Thursday so nobody can cheat off my picks
  18. AR will be back, their O.Line sucks, Stafford will be running for his life. Colts by 10, 27-17.
  19. Yeah how someone can leave a pet like that to die is mindboggling. I would have put that person in jail. She was maybe a week old, barely could open her eyes. She was yelping loudly though . I took over from there. That was my baby.
  20. That sucks! I had a cat when I was in my 20's. I am not cat man but she was laying there with a bad shoulder yelping for help on my door step. I was like what the hell is that noise, it was her. She was just a baby, someone left her there to die. I took her in and got her back to full strength. Fed her tons of Tuna and water. She lived 10 years and slept with me every night. She ended up passing away because she got cancer but I gave 10 great years. Now I just have my mom's dogs
  21. His leg still isn't right, hopefully he will be close to 100% by next week. He looked around 50-60% right to me with the way he was moving.
  22. If Jake Brown would of had to come in, Cincy would have been in deep crap
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