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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. You know what they say, when you have a dozen Eggs, all it takes is 1 bad one to ruin the party. That is like in the workplace, you can have 3 managers that are great, hear what you have to say and respect it, and are easy to work for. Then you have 1 that makes the work environment miserable and doesn't respect anyone at all, and my guess is, the reason why they do is because they are miserable outside the workplace and negative themselves.
  2. That isn't the point, he is way underpaid by NFL standards, and you know it. You sound bitter at this point with the way you post about him everyday. I am pretty much over it with people bashing this guy. I don't like how he has went about it, but he is still a great player. In 2021 when he was an MVP candidate, everyone was in love with him when we ran him into the ground and he nearly gained 2000 yards with 20 total TD's. Football is a business and the guy wants to be paid what he is worth. He has 1 year left on his contract and makes peanuts compared to the other top RB's in the league. No matter what I post, you will refute it so I am really wasting my time trying to explain his side of it.
  3. Yeah the early 90's teams were terrible. The 90 Pats and 91 Colts are arguably in the top 5 of worst teams ever.
  4. Only way we can make the playoffs is: Marlins lose their last 3 games, Reds lose 1 more game, and we win our last 2 games. Then we are in lol. If that happens, I will say I have seen it all at that point. Assuming we do miss the playoffs, 1 word to sum up the season for me would be - PUZZLED. I am not going to say disappointed or shocked, etc.. Puzzled fits more. Puzzled because we were playing so great in August and at 1 point had a 90% chance of making the playoffs. Not a disappointing season because before the season, many picked us to either finished last or 4th in the division. We at least were relevant this season.
  5. We have lost our last 8, 1 run games. You would think law of averages alone would've had us winning at least 3 of those. That just is really bad luck. Season is pretty much over now. It wasn't meant to be.
  6. I would still love to hear JT speak about the whole situation. He hasn't said anything, basically everything that has been reported/tweeted, is just rumors. People say his agent is speaking for him, all he is doing is tweeting anything to help try and get JT a nice deal done. How do we know he isn't lying about many things? Until I hear JT say, I know longer want to be a Colt, then I am not believing anything I hear or read at this point.
  7. That has been the rumors/reports since late July and watch, he will probably play next week
  8. I still don't get why some in here doesn't think Taylor can return to 2021 form. He is young with Elite speed and has only been in the NFL for 3 years and hasn't had a bad year yet. Even last year he played good with nagging injuries and his ankle problem. His injury wasn't even that bad. If it were an Achilles or something, I could get that. Also regarding his contract, it is very normal for an all-pro type of player to want an extension in the last year of their deal. It has happened 100's of times over the years. Not hard to understand.
  9. I agree, I am not a doctor let me say that but I have my doubts what a concussion is or not. I have been concussed and had to stay in a dark room with very little noise for nearly 3 days. A headache could definitely be mistaken as a concussion. AR was out in public the very next day after the Texans games, walking around and was fine. That was per the Kevin Bowen show. That doesn't sound like a concussion to me. I think teams and doctors are being extra careful after what happened to Tua and don't need any bad publicity, so they just say concussion no matter what. Like when someone gets a cold, some automatically assume you may have Covid-19. That is the world we live in.
  10. Yeah the last game I went too was in 2013 when Luck and the Colts took care of the Texans, Score was 25-3. I have been to around close to 50 games in here in Indianapolis overall dating back to 1987. Best games I have ever attended was in 2009 vs the Pats, we won 35-34 on a Sunday Night. Peyton vs Tom, the ol 4th and 2 game. I also was at the Cowboys at Colts game in 1999. We won that as well. Marvin burning Deion was sweet, Peyton threw a perfect pass. Both Deion and Marv were Elite players. Seeing Emmit do his thing live was pretty cool too. Have fun at the game, it will be a battle.
  11. He will be fine. He is a big strong dude. Just needs to play smarter.
  12. I have us winning but never said it would be easy. I think we are good enough to get by this week. Cool you are going to the game. Last time I went to a game was 10 years ago, hard to believe in 2013.
  13. It isn't ideal but all teams have injuries as you know. Just Kupp being out alone will hurt them bigtime. When healthy he is a top 5 WR in the league. Also if I am not mistaken, they are banged up on their O.Line as well. We get to the QB very well. If we can put major pressure on Lamar, I know we can Stafford.
  14. We have pretty good depth, I think we proved that at Baltimore. Our backup QB is even average at worse. If Moss gets injured early, that would be a concern because our other RB's aren't that good. Other than that, let the games begin.
  15. That is another thing, it is a bad look when you keep your starter out for no reason. Nobody in here would suggest keeping Peyton or Luck out if they were 100% healthy.
  16. That isn't how it works. He's healthy so he should start. He is the starter. It is football and a dangerous sport, it is what it is, can't keep putting him in a safe bubble. He is 6'4 250 pounds, he will be fine. His injury 2 weeks ago was a fluke and it really wasn't that serious.
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