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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. Jordan Love has looked bad this year. Only completing 56% of his passes with 6 INT's. They play Denver next, if they don't win that, not good.
  2. What makes Mustache above average is, his ability to read defenses (football IQ) quickly and get rid of the ball in tight windows - he knows where to throw it most of the time. That is what has kept him in the league, those are important traits to have. IMO, reason why he hasn't been a full-time starter for the most part is, he is inconsistent. Much like Fitzpatrick was. Those traits I mentioned, you can't teach because that is all brain work by the QB.
  3. We have to hope and pray that Mustache stays healthy because if he doesn't, as positive as I am right now, that will be bad. Sam is nowhere near on Mustache's level.
  4. He looks miserable. By Frank's tone it sounds like to me that Irsay didn't engage much, and this owner does a lot.
  5. We have our QB in AR so we will have stability eventually. He is only 21, just has had some bad luck so far IMO. He could play the next 5 years and never get injured for all we know.
  6. Injuries happen all the time, I think because it is AR, his injury is more magnified in here. I don't wish injury on anyone, but if Stroud gets injured, I wonder what the comments in here would be and to me he is a pocket passer. He takes a lot of hits and has been sacked a lot.
  7. There have been a lot QB's that have had shoulder injuries and have torn ACL's as well and still had good long careers. The Luck PTSD in here is a 10 on a scale of 1-10 .
  8. Have you seen Mustache play, we aren't picking in no top 5
  9. I haven't heard his show lately because of the hours I work. I always thought his show was good back in the day.
  10. Yep. I guess I didn't word my post right. I just figured people would know what I meant.
  11. I know he is; I was referring to the way Matt played when he was older as a backup. I thought I worded it correctly, maybe I didn't. Hope that clarifies what I meant.
  12. To follow this up, all the doom and gloom people and wanting to tank should really start their own thread,. You guys are ruining threads for every positive person in here. Maybe you guys can Bob Kravitz, Greg Doyle, and Skip Bayless to join you lol. If all some watch it for, is us winning the SB, we weren't winning it all with AR this year anyway. Too many other good teams with great QBs right now. I am about improving off a miserable 4-12-1 season and taking baby steps. 1st step is having a good season and winning the division. Building something good, gaining confidence. Which is good enough for now, then moving forward in 2024, the goals should be much higher. AR might even still comeback this year, nobody knows yet. If he doesn’t, he doesn't. At least he has played in 4 games and now has feel for the NFL.
  13. That is who Mustache reminds me of, an older Hasselbeck. Gives you a chance to win games. AR was playing well so his injury is disappointing but Mustache is a great backup.
  14. Yeah I didn't watch it, had to sleep and come in early for work tonight. I seen Raiders won though lol.
  15. You may be joking but I do fully believe we can win the division. Some of these people underestimating our team because Mustache will be playing for a while is mind-boggling. Some giving up on the season, saying they won't watch now makes me SMH. Is having AR out there moe exciting, yes, but he is just a rookie and Mustache is no bum, he is easily an above average QB. We have great RBs, good defense, good coaching. I still feel good about this team winning quite a few games this season. I am truefan though and it's about winning to me. It's not like we lost Peyton or Andrew with a crappy backup, but to the negative people keep on being you .
  16. Drew Brees is another one and he ended up a top 10 QB of all-time.
  17. Yes he did, I give him all the credit in the world. He is still a good QB and has had a very good career with good stats and a Ring. The Rams beat us fair and square. I just wish more people would give us the same credit for beating teams like at Baltimore and beating Tennessee. Instead, a certain few make up excuses for the other team to why we win, instead of giving us credit. We weren't favored in either of those games, Baltimore was a 6 point favorite and Tennessee was a 2.5 point favorite. So apparently Vegas felt like those teams were better than us. Vegas has made billions of dollars, so they what they are talking about. Also, almost nobody gave us a chance to win at Baltimore on ESPN or the NFL Network. It was about 50/50 regarding Tennessee. Baltimore lost yesterday because they had 8 drop passes which was stressed heavily on Get UP this morning, Lamar had 3 passes for TD's that were dropped, clear drops. Baltimore is a playoff team easily. Tennessee was coming off a blowout win over Cincy, Tennessee isn't as good as they were a couple years ago but a team that is still above average at worse.
  18. I hate to say this but Sam stinks. If Mustache gets injured, we are done.
  19. Matt Stafford had the same exact injury when he was young as AR has now and that was over 10 years ago. A Grade 3 shoulder sprain. Stafford recovered fine and has had a very good if not great career. He even won a SB.
  20. AR was still playing well before this injury and yes Burrow missed the last 6 games of his rookie season due to a torn ACL/MCL.
  21. There are some set in their ways in here and will never change no matter how wrong they are .
  22. Nope to answer your question. You know as well as I do though, pro football reference shows the QB's record as a starter with his stats and everyone in the NFL brings up. You weren't born yesterday. All I here is Brock Purdy is 10-0 as a starter, that is ok to most people, because he is came out of nowhere and is a great story, but if someone really likes a QB that has a losing record, it is not ok to bring that up to them it seems.
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