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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. I think what he is referring to is, there were a couple of calls earlier in the game where the Ref called a penalty, then they all gathered and said no penalty will be called. I know the Browns got flagged for an illegal man downfield late in the game, but then the flag was picked up after the REFS got together and discussed it and they said no penalty. That should have happened at the end of the game on our legit strip sack and bogus PI.
  2. If this would have been a playoff game and we had a legit shot of winning something big, there would have been a shoe stuck in the middle of my TV!
  3. Against us, Carr will throw for 400, against everyone else he is a good for maybe a buck 50. He figures when he see's us, he turns into Derek Marino.
  4. They got every borderline key call, it wasn't just 1 call like I said earlier. It was like 5 as a whole. I am one that thinks blaming the REFS is usually a cop out, but sorry folks - NOT TODAY! I wasn't born yesterday. - hey Eddie just confronted Victor Maintland , great classic.
  5. Mustache put up 38 against the so-called greatest defense of all-time, yeah he sucks (sarcasm)
  6. In the 5th grade terms, we got screwed, hosed, and cheated. Carry on.
  7. Yeah, I have Beverly Hills Cop on right now, I am here just so I can read the comments just to see what silly thing comes out of the next persons mouth. By the way Raw was his best stand up.
  8. The way the game was going I figured Adam Tucker would win it with a 70 yard FG to set the record.
  9. Yeah, add that in there with Bull that happened at the end of the game because that killed our momentum. We very easily could have scored a TD, instead it backed us up, then they block a FG. Growing up watching this game, the one thing that used to happen was, the home team usually got all the borderline calls, hell in our case it doesn't matter I guess . I mean today, it wasn't 1 or even 2 calls, it was like 5 that went against us. After a while it would make any fan nauseated and wonder if the crap isn't rigged.
  10. Maybe he needs to be the GM, I am sure things would be much better
  11. We got screwed much worse, we had the lead and made the stop we needed to secure the win and they took it from us. At least here the Rams were down 7 and needed to drive for a game tying TD.
  12. I think they will be the team to beat for a while in the division, I agree there 100%. I just don't see them winning the Conference or a SB because Mahomes, Burrow, Allen, and Tua are all young and have much better teams. Ravens are even better as of now.
  13. I feel the same way and a few on here still have the nerve to say we deserved to lose anyway. I hope there is a game where we have a WR running down the sideline late in a game and he just trips over his own 2 feet and we get the call that sets up a game winning TD. I am going to say SCOREBOARD right back. I am not even going watch the Dolphins/Eagles game. I have my movie night set. Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2 it is, then Trading places. It is going to be an Eddie night before I pass out.
  14. I don't agree with that but at this point I am too tired too debate it and after today, I really don't care to tell you the truth
  15. I don't mind losing at something but one thing you don't do is cheat me. I have said that since I started to become competitive at a young age doing anything. I can take a loss like a man (I am not a sore loser) and even give the other person congrats as long as I lose fair and square. Colts got cheated today and there is no sugarcoating it. Just like the Saints got screwed in the NFC Title game back in 2018 vs the Rams, those were much higher stakes, if I was a Saints fan I would have boycotted watching back then if the refs cost my team to go to a SB.
  16. Time to put on the Simpsons, my football day is over! I don't care about the other games at all.
  17. We had a sack fumble to end the game, that PI call was the biggest bag of crap I have ever seen. The 2nd PI call right after that, the freakin ball wasn't even catchable. Like I said people can pile on that we lost all they want. I could give a damn at this point.
  18. That was the most pathetic display of reffing I have ever seen. We got SCREWED BIGTIME! This crap is rigged beyond belief! Fans don't deserve this; you get excited all week to watch your team play for a sport you love and then you have to deal with a loss like that by being cheated!! This was the straw that broke the camel's back for me as far as caring whether we win or lose. I have never been as nauseated as I am now. People can say this and that, blah blah but everyone knows we got screwed without Vaseline. I am sick of wasting my Sundays just get a win taken away. Not worth my health anymore. I am just going to do my weekly picks because I owe it to the other guys who do picks, if it wasn't for that I would quit watching football and I have never said that in the 47 seasons I have followed the sport!
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