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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. Something is fishy that is for sure. Thanks for your honesty.
  2. Who was the high-profile player yesterday that got a call. The Browns don't have a WR that is high profile? The last 2 calls were so bad my grandma without her glasses would not have made those penalty calls. I am sorry but I am not sugarcoating over the Bull Crap that happened yesterday. Nothing will change my mind the fact we got cheated yesterday.
  3. I gave you a LIKE because of your last sentence. Other than that??
  4. I would love to hear @Superman, @NFLfan, @NewColtsFan, @w87rthoughts on this subject because I am very weary of how the NFL is being ran right now. @Jared Cisneros as well wanting your opinion.
  5. @Solid84, if you don't think yesterday's game wasn't altered, I am not sure what to tell you. It was clear as a day we got cheated. You are a different kind of dude that is for sure. Keep being you, without guys like you this forum would be dull .
  6. I quit going to games after the 2013 season. Many factors played into it. One factor was, how I seen the REFS/league getting worse in favoring certain teams with getting calls. I had been to around 50 games or so from 1987-2013 and just decided to quit paying top dollar to go to games that might be altered after 2013. I hated the way the REFS let the Patriots get away with holding all game on defense and offense in our Playoff game in 2013. Luck had no chance to beat the Patriots playing against that team + the REFS. You are looking at a guy that went to games vs Patriots in 2009 (4th and 2), Cowboys in 1999 (Aikman and Emmitt), I seen Dickerson live - run all over the Bucs for 200 in 1987 to clinch the Division Title. I have seen the Jags, Titans, and Texans so many times that I have lost count over the years. Had I gone to yesterday's game, I would be asking for a refund. Simply because we got cheated. I knew one day a loss like yesterday would happen, so I quit going to games years ago. I still watch, still love the Colts, but I will never spend another penny on watching the game or merchandise. I said that after the 2013 season actually. I haven't bought a hat or Jersey since 2012. I bought a Peyton Jersey back in 2004 (white), SB Championship plaque back in 2007 with Peyton/Reggie/Marvin/Bob/Freeney/Mathis on it with our score of 29-17 over the Bears at the bottom saying SB 41 Champions, 2 SB Championship hats back in 2007 saying SB 41 Champions, and an Andrew Luck jersey (blue) in 2012. They are all in my Colts corner in my house. I bought the 2 hats so I could wear 1 and store the other. I am now at a point where I have decided because of my health, getting worked up over these games that are out of my control isn't worth it. I am 52 years old and will always have my memory in February of 2007 at 35, sitting in a lawn chair in Florida on the beach. Smoking a huge Cigar, drinking a strong beer watching the waves come in at 1am with a buzz, looking at the sky and saying we did it! The relief as a fan I felt that night was priceless. I was thinking we just joined a group called 'World Champions'.
  7. Sad thing is, the NFL will just issue an apology to the Colts organization for what happened yesterday, and we have to take the loss. If I was Irsay I would protest it. There are other games over the years that I thought were really fishy as well, I just listed 5 but I can make a list of at least 50 which is way too many! My step-dad brought up the Tuck Rule play when I talked to him on the phone earlier. Where the Raiders clearly beat the Patriots in a Divisional Round Playoff game back in 2001, then the Raiders didn't have them clearly beat thanks to the REFS! That started the Pats dynasty. Brady even admitted he fumbled that ball. To me SB 49 was the Seahawks and the REFS. Seahawks not running the ball with Beast from the 1 yard line was real fishy. Also the Seahawks had twice as many penalty yards than the Patriots had. SB 40 was complete trash by the REFS, then of course us getting screwed in 1995 and yesterday where it was obvious is plain nauseating. Worst non-call in NFL history was the Rams getting away with PI. It cost the Saints a trip to the SB. That non-call is unforgivable.
  8. I voted: Maybe Yes Maybe - I am very disappointed the path the NFL is going down. It is basically all about which teams are popular, entertainment, and the money now days. As a diehard Colts fan, I live for Sunday's and Monday's. I work 5 or 6 days a week and I watch football to get my mind off the nonsense going on out here in the world, and then I have to put up with what happened yesterday!
  9. I have watched the NFL since the 1977 season, 1st SB I watched was the Cowboys vs the Broncos = 77/78. I fell in love with the game at that point. I really didn't have a favorite team until the Colts moved here in 1984 but I have almost 47 seasons of knowledge in total following the NFL. I have watched 1000's of games and over the years have often wondered if the game isn't rigged at times or altered at times. 5 games that have really stood out to me over the years that have me wondered are: +1995 AFC Title Game = Colts at Steelers +SB 40 = Steelers vs Seahawks +SB 49 = Seahawks vs Patriots +2018 NFC Title Game = Rams at Saints +Yesterday's game = Browns at Colts. That took the cake for me and why I am making this thread. I am not crying wolf but these 5 games really have me scratching my head. I am not even a conspiracy guy in general, but yesterday ticked me off so bad that I thought about not even watching football the rest of the season. I am still on that cliff!
  10. My time away from here wasn't long but I am still not picking until Thursday, and I am about to make an important thread regarding the integrity of the game is why I am posting this morning. Philly won last night, I didn't even know it until I woke up this morning. I didn't even watch the game. So I am 4-8 = 65-40 going into tonight. @Moe, you had Miami so at least for this week I have held you off. Has anyone had a winning week so far? I think everyone has SF tonight.
  11. 1 last thing I just read and it is all over the internet, fans around the league want the REFS to be investigated regarding the Colts/Browns game. Fans are thinking about protesting it and even state that they think the game was fixed. Thought I would leave you guys on that note
  12. Well, I have had a lousy week so far. I am 3-8 and the Colts got cheated on top of it. Worst week I have ever had in 3 years of picking here. @Moeyou are also currently 3-8 - I was 61-32 coming in, you were 60-33. You do have Miami tonight and I have Philly, we both have SF tomorrow night. Worst I can do is be tied with you for 1st place after this week if Philly loses. Everyone else did bad too. What a stinky week . I will wait until Thursday to make my Week 8 picks. I need time away from here after today. Get my barring's back but I need to get my mind off of football for at least 2 or 3 days. Today's Colts loss was just nauseating and I posted my takes on the other threads about the Colts loss and the lousy REFS. I am almost at the end of Beverly Cops 1, getting ready to watch part 2 and will do it in peace. Take care everyone.
  13. I think what he is referring to is, there were a couple of calls earlier in the game where the Ref called a penalty, then they all gathered and said no penalty will be called. I know the Browns got flagged for an illegal man downfield late in the game, but then the flag was picked up after the REFS got together and discussed it and they said no penalty. That should have happened at the end of the game on our legit strip sack and bogus PI.
  14. If this would have been a playoff game and we had a legit shot of winning something big, there would have been a shoe stuck in the middle of my TV!
  15. Against us, Carr will throw for 400, against everyone else he is a good for maybe a buck 50. He figures when he see's us, he turns into Derek Marino.
  16. They got every borderline key call, it wasn't just 1 call like I said earlier. It was like 5 as a whole. I am one that thinks blaming the REFS is usually a cop out, but sorry folks - NOT TODAY! I wasn't born yesterday. - hey Eddie just confronted Victor Maintland , great classic.
  17. Mustache put up 38 against the so-called greatest defense of all-time, yeah he sucks (sarcasm)
  18. In the 5th grade terms, we got screwed, hosed, and cheated. Carry on.
  19. Yeah, I have Beverly Hills Cop on right now, I am here just so I can read the comments just to see what silly thing comes out of the next persons mouth. By the way Raw was his best stand up.
  20. The way the game was going I figured Adam Tucker would win it with a 70 yard FG to set the record.
  21. Yeah, add that in there with Bull that happened at the end of the game because that killed our momentum. We very easily could have scored a TD, instead it backed us up, then they block a FG. Growing up watching this game, the one thing that used to happen was, the home team usually got all the borderline calls, hell in our case it doesn't matter I guess . I mean today, it wasn't 1 or even 2 calls, it was like 5 that went against us. After a while it would make any fan nauseated and wonder if the crap isn't rigged.
  22. Maybe he needs to be the GM, I am sure things would be much better
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