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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. I am going to change my Saints at Falcons pick. I may regret it, but I will say Saints 27 Falcons 23 instead. I will stick with everything else as is. Usually when in doubt I take the home team but with Carr being cleared to play, I just think he is much better than Ridder. This is also a chance for the Saints to take control of that division.
  2. To me, the GM's that inherit a very good or great QB will look good or great. It is real easy to get one when you pick 1st in the draft. Polian had Peyton = pick 1, Grigson had greatLuck from 2012-2014 = pick 1, Tobin has Burrow = pick 1. When Ballard had a healthy Luck in 2018, we went 10-6 and won a playoff game. Nobody had a problem with Ballard then the way he was building the team, funny.
  3. I feel pretty good in saying that AR will be 100% healthy coming into next year. His whole body should feel like a million dollars. Now he also has a little experience too in the NFL with the 4 games he played in which is bigger than a lot think. I am seeing him having a good year in 2024.
  4. One thing I have noticed about Mustache by watching him over the last month, which is why he has never been a good starter in the league, = he has below average accuracy on the deep ball. He has pretty good arm strength but his accuracy throwing deep is his downfall. He is accurate 15 yards and in. He is still an average starter and a great backup. Glad we have him. Without him, I doubt we would have won a game after AR went down. Sam stinks, sorry, but he does. We would be sitting at 3-7 talking about next year without Mustache.
  5. I can't wait to read your posts tomorrow. They are always entertaining during the game. I hope we blow them out, so we can relax a little
  6. I don't think he meant he was being profiled by black officers. I think he meant he was being profiled because of who he is. He is basically a celebrity with a lot of money, so the cops knew by pulling him over they would make a good name for themselves, and it would be big news. Cops knew who they were pulling over, he lives in Hamilton County and cops even run people's plates before they even pull people over. Once a plate is ran it shows who owns the vehicle. Having said that, he deserved to get pulled over for driving erratically. He was under the influence of prescribed pain killers, you should not drive while taking those. He did and he got arrested.
  7. There are some people in here that have had season tickets for years. I never went that route. I wanted to go to maybe 2 or 3 games a year and just make a day out of it. Walk downtown, eat at St Elmo, etc.. 8 times a year was a little much for me. I have been to around close to 50 games dating back to 1987. Great memories, after 2013 I quit going to games. The group I was going with every year, 1 person got married and a lot going after 2013. Another moved to Florida. I was getting older anyway and watching at home was ideal for me at that point. Cheaper and I could watch all the games on Sunday with internet in my recliner relaxing . Been doing that for a decade now with my strong Beer and Hot Wings. I applaud people in here and everywhere that still go to games. Without them, we wouldn't have much of a HFA.
  8. The year I was able to go to the Broncos playoff game, I got lucky. Those tickets were expensive but someone my mom worked with could not go. He had 2 tickets, my mom got those tickets, so a friend and I went.
  9. I was actually at the Titans game that year, when we got our 1st win. Donald Brown busted off an 80 yard TD run. I have only missed a couple of Texans games from 2002-2013. Those tickets were always easy to get, and you could get decent seats for a good deal price wise if you got 4.
  10. I am pretty sure, if he had illegal pills on him, he would have been charged with that. That charge outweighs the DUI by a lot. It is Hamilton County; prosecutors would have jumped all over that. He had been taking prescribed pain killers for years because of his back. He also had hip Surgery prior to getting pulled over, so I am sure he was prescribed more pain killers. Being who he is, I am sure the Doctor prescribed him a lot of pills so he wouldn't have to keep getting refills. In Hamilton County, they don't let anything go. I was once pulled over for going 7mph in Hamilton County, got a warning luckily, but 7?? Hell here in Marion County unless you drive over 10mph, they won't even pay attention to you . Bottomline is, it was never proven he had unprescribed Pain Killing pills after an investigation was done.
  11. Everyone in here went 2-1 yesterday, does anyone have the balls today to switch their pick to the Jets today? Come on @chad72and @EasyE, I know you have it in you . Just joking. I may switch 1 pick, but not sure yet. I just found out Carr is good to go Sunday for the Saints. As of now, I still have the Falcons. If I change it, I will post it before gametime.
  12. Great stuff. I wasn't at that game, one of the rare Jags games I missed going too. Once the AFC South was created, 3 others + myself would always go to 2 or 3 games a year. Get cheap tickets and make a day out of it. Eat at St Elmo, etc.. Usually it was always division games. I have seen the Texans, Jags, and Titans so many times from 2002-2013 that its comical. In 2004 I actually went to the Texans and Titans + the Broncos playoff game that season. Also traveled up to Chicago for a 2004 game = 4 games in total. I remember that year like it was yesterday because that was the year Peyton broke Marino's TDs record with 49. To add to this, I have actually been to 4 Jets games as well. When we were in the AFC East, it was an easy ticket to get.
  13. Yeah they beat the bad teams badly. Can they beat the 49ers or Eagles though? I still put the Lions in that mix too even though they were Turkey's today - I am not giving up on the Lions. Goff scares me though.
  14. Well, this game is over. 31-10 Dallas. Dak looks like a superstar against the bad teams but when he plays teams like the 49ers and Eagles he shrinks.
  15. Best game I ever went too. A classic. Watching Tom and Peyton go at it was priceless. On a Sunday Night too.
  16. The problem with some people in today's society, they want to blame everyone else and won't take blame for their own actions. Sad if you ask me. If I screw up, I will own up to it, maybe it was the way I raised.
  17. This thread never gets old. Being a fan since 1984, I love reading these posts. Everyone always wants signature games they have attended. Mine in a nut shell: 1987 vs the Bucs in the Dome. Last game of the season. We clinched the AFC East Division by winning to go 9-6, and Dickerson went for nearly 200. 1996 vs the Chargers in the Dome. We lost but I got Jim Harbaugh's autograph and had a chance to talk to him for a minute. Great dude, my mom loved him . 1999 vs the Cowboys in the Dome. We won, Peyton to Marvin burning Deion. I got to see 2 legends in Troy Aikman and Emmitt Smith in person as well. 2004 at Chicago. Only road game I have ever went too. We smoked them that day, easy win! Edge was a truck that day. 2004 season playoff game vs the Broncos in the Dome. My only playoff game I went too, and it was fun. We just kicked their butt so bad! Peyton was a machine that year. 2009 vs the Pats in LOS. 4th and 2 game. Peyton to Reggie for the win 35-34. That put us 9-0 and in complete control for HFA. Beating Brady and BB in the way we did was perhaps our greatest regular season win ever. 2013 vs the Texans in LOS. Last Colts game I have been too. Andrew Luck took care of business, didn't disappoint. We smoked the Texans 25-3 and we did win the AFC South Division that season.
  18. No matter the situation, I would have never waived him now. If we wanted to do it, it needed to be done at the end of the season. He still gave us LB depth and seemed well liked among other teammates. That just my opinion. In the middle of any playoff run, you don't need any unnecessary distractions or locker room problems. It seems like every time this team gets momentum, and everything is positive, we throw a wrench in things. The Colts sometimes create their own problems.
  19. Explain the facts to me about that? I know you are a Pats fan so you don't even want to get me started about Kraft and underage girls. So quit while you are behind and don't forget to hide/destroy the video tapes in football where the Pats cheated and in his case getting massages
  20. Lions didn't look ready. They looked like a bunch of Turkey's
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