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Everything posted by 2006Coltsbestever

  1. It is too early to tell but to my knowledge, Frank wanted Stroud.
  2. That is George Washington with a nice haircut
  3. That is where the problem started IMO. When Tepper stepped in and they drafted Young. Panthers were doomed chemistry wise from there. I will admit, I thought Young would be good, that his size would not matter. That is really the only bad prediction I have made all season regarding Young and thinking the Panthers would be good enough to win that weak division.
  4. I would love to have both next year. It depends on what we offer Moss and if Moss just feels like he should be a #1 back fulltime. You can play great for 4 or 5 games in any stretch if you have talent, but do it in a full season like Taylor has = 2021, that is way different.
  5. When Frank was here he was an above average coach up until last year. It seemed like he lost the team last year, hence everything was bad. FWIW, he wanted Stroud, Tepper wanted Young. Tepper even said he loved Young and Frank has always like the big and tall QB's. So, just by that it is obvious who wanted who.
  6. That is the only post I have made on this thread - above. I will say this, Taylor is better than Moss. Taylor deserved his contract. We almost had to sign Taylor because Moss is a free agent after this season. It would have been devastating to lose both these backs. I can see giving Moss a 2 year deal for 16 Mill with 10 Mill guaranteed and see if he bites. Anything more than 8 Mill a year is pushing it. I can see a team that needs an RB desperately give him that kind of contract because he has played good, and great at times. Taylor in 2021 was arguably the best RB in football, he earned his contract.
  7. I like Ballard, I think he is a top 15 GM in the league = top Half. He was dealt a raw hand when Luck retired. Some of the moves Ballard has made have been great. I pointed out like 10 moves that Ballard has made between draft picks and picking up FA's which have been either good or great on another thread months ago. I think the hiring of Shane was a brilliant hire. So, I am not a Ballard hater. I just had a problem with you saying that Polian had us stuck in mediocrity. Winning 78% of your games and winning a SB, going to 2 over 9 years is not mediocre. That is great on any level. I get it we had Peyton, but it is tough for any QB to win more than 1 SB. If it was easy, Aaron Rodgers and Drew Brees would have done it. They only won 1 SB, does that make the Packers and Saints FO mediocre? Answer is easy, NO. There have been other franchises that have won 2 SB's in a short period of time with just good QB's like the Giants for example but that is rare. They caught lightning in a bottle and were 100% healthy going into the playoffs when they won in 2007 and 2011. Dan Marino won 0 SB's with Don Shula and Shula is a top 5 coach of all-time.
  8. What is funny is, I had the Colts going 8-8-1 before the season and I was being an optimist like I normally am with them and I may be wrong, but in a good way, - they may win 9 or 10 now. I didn't think we would suck like many thought, but I didn't have us making the playoffs either, we may even make the playoffs now. What a fun season so far. I will always remember Mike Chappell predicting 3 wins and Greg Doyle saying we didn't have a team that could compete looking at our roster before the season. They report on the Colts for a living here in Indy. They didn't do their homework apparently .
  9. Mustache even played good. He had the 1 bad INT but threw for 251 yards and made 2 huge 4th down conversions. Taylor had 15 carries for 91 yards and 2 TDs = 6 yards a carry. I think he needs to get the ball more. At least 20 touches a game but Moss is a good 2nd back to have and runs strong. Regarding the defense, it bent a lot but didn't break much, they played good. I thought this was Shane's best day as a coach as well. He made one bad decision when he went for it on 4th and 6, but now that is getting nitpicky. That fake hand off on 4th and 1 and pass to Cox was brilliant. He was playing Chess on that play and the Bucs staff was playing Checkers. He made them look bad!
  10. There is still a lot of football left. 6 more weeks. Anything can happen. You had a great week this week, that is all you can do brother.
  11. I did make 1 tiny error, RollerColt is actually 7th. I had an 8 there for some reason lol. I edit that.
  12. Your winning % is right at 62%. Had you picked the 1st 2 weeks, your projection shows you would be 111-68 which would have been 5th best. You have done a very good job.
  13. My before season picks, I had the Chiefs, Ravens, Jags, Eagles, Lions, and 49ers all winning their divisions. I am 6 out of 8 so far. I will take that all day. The 2, I missed were the Jets and Panthers. Panthers have been my only lousy pick. I will take 1 lousy pick out of 8. Aaron got injured 1st game, so the Jets pick doesn't look that bad. I thought Bryce Young would be a lot better than what he has been + there really isn't any good teams in that division, so I rolled with them. Oh well, everyone has a dud now and then. My Ravens pick to win the SB looks pretty solid as of now. My Lions pick of making the SB looks shaky but at least they have been really good, they are not making me look bad.
  14. Ok here are the updated Standings through Week 12, with only the Monday Night game to go: 1. @EasyE119-60 2. @2006Coltsbestever117-62 (2 back) 3. @chad72116-63 (3 back) 4. @Moe113-66 (6 back) 5. @Chrisaaron1023109-70 5. @w87r109-70 (10 back) 6. @VikingsFanInChennai106-73 (13 back) 6. @coltsva106-73 (13 back) 7. @RollerColt105-74 (14 back) Honorable Mention = @Solid8491-56 Everyone picked solid this week. Moe and Easy are 13-2 so far. Coltsva and RollerColt are 12-3 this week. Great job fella's. I am 11-4 so far but fall 2 games back of Easy because he picked outstanding this week. These look accurate, any discrepancies, let me know. 179 games have been played. Easy is in the leaderboard lead. Chad and I are still real close in the mix. Moe is making his move after he had a monster week! Everyone has the Vikings tonight.
  15. Coming into this week: @EasyE, @chad72, @2006Coltsbestever = 106-58. So far EasyE is 12-2, I am 10-4, Chad is 9-5. We all have the Ravens and Vikings. Looks like EasyE will be 2 games ahead of me, 3 ahead of Chad. This is EasyE's week to shine. I will total up the others W/L records later.
  16. It was incomplete, he lost control of the ball before he made that 3rd football move. Nantz, Romo, and the REF in the box said it was incomplete.
  17. -I don't think anyone in here had us at 6-5 before the season started and in the playoffs. Mike Chappel and Greg Doyle had us winning 3 games and being non-competitive. This is what I think of their predictions.
  18. I had the Jets winning the AFC East but that was thinking they would have Rodgers. I still had the Dolphins and Bills making the playoffs. I had us 8-8-1. I had Ravens/Lions SB, Ravens winning. All my other picks look solid.
  19. @chad72, I found it. Your SB pick and mine are right here before the season.
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