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Posts posted by Btown_Colt

  1. On 12/1/2017 at 6:24 PM, JaguarsWoman said:


    Any Given Sunday. But this time Sacksonville has an even bigger chance of doing what they have already done.

    I’m not disputing that Jacksonville will beat us. It was your childish Andrew Luck comment that showed what you are. 

  2. On 11/30/2017 at 12:28 AM, JaguarsWoman said:


    I don't want to derail the thread, but Chuck Pagano's job security has not been mentioned at all this year - probably in case Andrew Suck comes back in his peak form instead of the QB who plays like a LB.

    Get out of here troll

  3. 14 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

    I'd pass on Reid.  He has a history of poor clock management and many KC fans are saying he's the part of the reason for their current downhill trend.

    Yea, same with Pagano, so no difference there.


    I was just thinking about his offense and what he has done with Alex Smith. Imagine him and a healthy Luck. If available, he would at least have to be on the list. None of this matters though because I doubt he gets fired.

  4. 2 hours ago, chad72 said:


    I disagree with the bolded statement. Most good teams score consistently to a certain average. If Hulce was so good, he should have been able to control what his team scored better. On average Team Trueblood scored more, period. 2 out of 3 losses for Hulce, he scored 98.4 and 101.6, well below his season average, also the weeks his opponent scored 144 and 163 respectively, thus making the PA lop sided in his favor if we were to agree to your theory. So, he was not even competitive, I could clearly make that argument there. Since Week 5, Team Trueblood has not scored below 137.


    Since teams change, and there is a lot of flux during the course of a season with waiver moves and trades, we are not talking about same teams over the course of a season either. So, the only true gauge of how a player has adapted is how they have continued to score and improve i.e. control their own team. PA is just as much chance in reality as PF but PF is something a team GM can control to an extent by playing match ups.


    That is why PF should remain as tie-breaker over PA, IMO. Again, since teams change so much, the strength of schedule changes too if a good team goes bad or if a bad team goes good. The safest barometer is PF. That is my vote.


    I concur

  5. 1 hour ago, BlueShoe said:


    Miami went that route. Not really working out well for them. 


    I want a carefully chosen retread coach. We do not have time for someone to come in here and learn on the job. 

    Sean McVay says hello. 


    Just messing around, but for every example of a coach that didn’t work out there is one that did.  I like your idea of a retread coach..like Josh McDaniels and let him bring in a good DC. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Narcosys said:


    Well that got out of hand real quick. So much for close game.

    Yea it didn’t look good for me at the start. AJ Green getting ejected in the 1st quarter hurts. I also watched Julio Jones drop a 30 or 40 yard TD. He was wide open and the ball hit him right in the hands, he just dropped it. Those 2 things don’t happen and I think you win. 

     I was kicking my self for playing Jaguars D then they finally got that punt return for a TD that saved me.

  7. 40 minutes ago, BPindy said:


    Well Forbath is currently averaging more points than Ajayi and only 3 less than Jones, so I don’t really see how that helps your argument. Obviously no one would do that straight up, but it was a part of a 4-2 player trade. 


    And by by the way, defenses have single handedly won me a few games.

    Not sure I had an argument. Just offered you a trade. Ok, I have and will trade you the Jaguars D, Eagles D, Succop, and Gostkowski for your #1 WR and #2 RB. That’s the #1 and #2 D along with the #3 and #4 kickers. A 4-2 player trade.


  8. 2 hours ago, BPindy said:


    I didn’t see any problem with it at all. Kickers get criminally undervalued by some people

    Ok, I’ll trade you my kicker for your #1 WR or RB anytime you’d like. Heck I’ll even throw my D in as well for icing on the cake! Seriously no kicker is worth Julio Jones....

  9. 14 hours ago, Narcosys said:

    Looking at her other receivers, she got two better receivers than anything else she had. devon funchess is now the #1 in carolina. Ginn has big ceilings and flex floors. Plus she has golden Tate who is better than jones currently. Jay ajayi hasnt been performing at all and wont be able to perform for another 3 weeks and is still a risk at that. Frank gore is currently better than ajayi fantasy wise.  The kicker is also the #3 kicker and scoring more points than vinatieri.


    14 hours ago, Narcosys said:


    Vinatieri is hurt and forbath has outscored him by a field goal on average every game.

    Who cares, it’s a kicker. Matt Prater is sitting a free agent, averages 10.1 points per game and has already had his bye week. Forbath averages 10.9 but hasn’t had a bye yet. Not a big difference there.



    14 hours ago, Narcosys said:

    Jay ajayi hasnt been performing at all and wont be able to perform for another 3 weeks and is still a risk at that. Frank gore is currently better than ajayi fantasy wise. 

    Ajayi has averaged 9.3 points a game with a week 1 bye. Gore has averaged 9.8 and hasn’t had a bye yet. Ajayi was just traded to one of the best teams in the league where they intend to use him this year to help get to a Super Bowl. Saying he is risky is a bit rich. Not much difference there either with Ajayi having more upside.


    14 hours ago, Narcosys said:

    Looking at her other receivers, she got two better receivers than anything else she had. devon funchess is now the #1 in carolina. Ginn has big ceilings and flex floors. Plus she has golden Tate who is better than jones currently


    14 hours ago, Narcosys said:

    She lost a decent receiver for another #1 and one that is better than anything else she had. So instead of having two receivers to work with she now has three. 

    Jones is one of, if not the best, WR in the league. Sure he has a down year, to his standards, but let’s not pretend he is just decent and that Ginn or Funchess are anything close to him. And the chances that Jones keeps underperforming are slim to none and you know it. Otherwise you wouldn’t have traded for him and a “risky” running back. Ginn is  boom or bust. Jones still averages 13.9 points per game and has had his bye, and has put 10+ points in every game except one. The only reason his numbers are lower is because he hasn’t found the end zone like he has in previous years He still has HUGE upside and is a WR 1 every week.. Ginn averages 11.6 and had his bye. Still he has only put up 10+ points in 3 games. Funchess averages 10.8, hasn’t had a bye, and only put 10+ points twice.


    14 hours ago, Narcosys said:

    Because she can play every player, those players are projected to get 16 more points a week than what she gave me and should score around 100 more points over the season than the players she gave me.

    No she can’t, she can only play 3 and has Tate and and Garçon who has been as good as if not better than both the receivers you traded her. She has Maclin who has been as good as if not better than those you traded her. His numbers are down cuz he missed 2 weeks due to an injury.



    No one she got is going to substantially help her team out compared to the benefits you got of adding Julio Jones and Ajayi and if they are only just “decent” why did you trade half your team to get them? It’s my opinion if you offered that same trade to anyone else in the league it would of got rejected. She is 2-6 and has a very slim chance of making the playoffs. You are 4-4 and adding a stud in Julio Jones and RB with huge upside  going to the Eagles is just what you needed to make your push into the play offs. 



    Anyway im over it already. I probably shouldn’t have said anything, I just thought it was odd and if I am out of line and way off base than I am sorry. I just don’t think the trade would of been accepted 95% of the time. It’s a free league and I do enjoy it so I’m not trying to cause a ruckus. I try to stay on top of this and put effort into it so that it can be a fun, competitive league and I don’t want my time and effort shot to hell or done in vain because a team who probably has no chance of making the playoffs trades their players to try and help another team out.


    Sorry for the fuss and good luck this week. I think it’s going to be a close game.



  10. On 10/10/2017 at 7:04 AM, Narcosys said:

    @BPindy, @Lucky Colts Fan, @IndyD4U, @Bluefire4, @Btown_Colt, @Coltman51, @chad72


    Couple of Ideas about next years format and scoring system. It's obviously early but would like to get the discussion going now while it is fresh in my head.


    As per the previous poll on ESPN I posted, the idea is to change some of the scoring for defenses.  Couple of options would be to increase the yards needed for point/yd return.  Increasing it from 25-50 would be a significant increase, and I would need to do a full assessment of the actual points garnered from return yards to find a good spot.  Another possibility is to decrease the points per deflection from one point down to .5 points. We could do one of those, both of those, or none of those. If you have any other ideas, please let me know.


    The next option is for the actual playoff format. Currently it is set up to select the top 2 teams from each division. This can leave good teams out who have better records. A possibility would be to eliminate divisions and select the top 6 teams, with #1 and #2 getting a bye.  This would most likely shorten our season from 14 game down to 13 games. 


    The last topic deals with draft order.  Currently we use last seasons rankings in reverse order to determine draft order. As we all know, the #1 pick can be as much of a boon as the #9 or #10 pick.  The idea is to continue to use the reverse order, but have people select their position, rather than automatically being slotted.  This allows the worst performing teams to get the best possible spot. This can be good or bad and I can see both sides of the argument fairly evenly. But it will help alleviate difficulty in determining draft orders when people drop out.


    Think about it, discuss it, and let me know what you think. As always I would like to get a super majority (7/10) before making any changes.  All of these proposed changes would not occur until next year.

    I say one rule for next year is make it so a person isn’t allowed have his wife trade him her 2 best players in return for a kicker, a mediocre running back, and two mediocre receivers. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Superman said:


    Who is that guy?


    From listening to Pagano's presser, it sounds like Mewhort has had more knee operations than we know about, on both knees. So it wouldn't surprise me if he hangs it up. I said after hearing about his knee injury last year that I had questions about him long term, given the nature of the injury, and it seems like it's worse than we knew. 


    That said, he has 9+ months to get ready for next season. If he wants to play, I'd be in favor of a one year deal with games played incentives. Won't be able to rely on him, either way.


    Either way, this further emphasizes the need to invest in the OL next offseason. AC seems to have stabilized after a couple bad games to start the season (that's been his MO for three years now), Kelly is back, Haeg and maybe Clark will get more chances this year, but there's lots of help needed probably at both guard spots and RT, depending on how Haeg and Clark finish the season.

    He is the producer on 1070 AM for JMV. Maybe producer isn’t the right word but he is the guy that works with JMV

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