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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1.  No you are not the one that just lies and hopes people won't check them out. I actually have pinned them down so badly on them saying that "ALL THE BALLS WERE A TICK UNDER" and thus saying the Colts could have "doctored the one badly defaulted ball " when the report from Rapoport never said that. They have the ignorance to keep posting it anyway. Then they come up with the Kravitz report and leave out that Kravitz said 'If they were found guilty.. then.....When you call them out , they go into hiding for a day and then come back with the same lies. 

    "A source told me that dw49 is guilty of murder! If guilty then here is a 3 paragraph essay on all the punishments that this murderer should be subjected to..."


    Yellow journalism is what that's called....using 2 words (if, and, guilty) as a disclaimer to slander people. Oldest trick in the book.

  2. Anytime someone mentions their titles, someone WILL bring up Spygate or Deflategate.

    How does that feel?

    How does that feel? It feels fantastic! It's pretty much THE reason I frequent the boards of other teams fan-bases. I always find a bunch of fun and well versed people who are great to discuss real football with, and then for side-entertainment there are always that handful of cry-babies who post stuff like this ^ thinking that Pats fans will feel "zing-ed" by it. We don't...we find it hilarious and funny...it's THE sign that the team we root for has gone beyond simply winning games on the field and have moved into a stratosphere where their success has begun to negatively impact the lives of some individuals. We all rubber-neck at accident scenes...yeah, we feel bad for the victims, but you can't help but look. That's kind of how it feels for me reading obsessive rants about "spygate" and "cheating".  

  3. LOL, get over it.  The Pats are cheaters, plain and simple.  Everyone outside of NE knows it. If Spygate never happened, you might have a case.

    I love when people who are clearly obsessed and perpetually butt-hurt over the Patriots being the premier team in football tell other people to "get over it". Lol...trust me - we ARE over it. If you are still running around sleepless and hysterical yelling "Bu-bu-but THEY ARE CHEATERS!!!!" at people, then you might want to take your own advice re: "getting over it". There's always next year ;)

  4. I have watched the Super Bowl now a couple of times since Sunday and came away feeling that the Jets defense and Ryan's scheme was much better at slowing down the Pats offense than Seattle.


    The biggest take away is the fact that Seattle just lines up and plays D. There is no motion, no guys moving around and as a result Brady would just walk to the line, call out the mike LB and snap the ball. Rex Ryan always says that if Brady knows what's coming he will pick you apart. And that is exactly what happened Sunday. Brady just stood there and found the open guy every time.


    Perhaps the most telling part was in the Sound FX video of the game. Prior to the last TD drive from the Pats, Belichick comes over to Brady and says, "Let's just make sure we have no negative plays out there. The chances of this defense playing three good downs in a row is not every good. Their pass rushers are running by you and they are getting displaced in their zones."


    I know this has been the best defense in the league the last two years but they looked anything but that vs the Pats. I would have feared the Jets defense more than this team.

    Ryan, I'm convinced, is obsessed with the Patriots the way Captain Ahab was obsessed with Moby Dick. I thought for sure he'd look into the Atlanta job, where they have an established QB. Instead, he jumps at the Buffalo job where basically they have the same situation as the Jets with a strong D and no QB. I just think the guy likes competing against Brady/Bill and he's pretty good at drawing up defensive schemes. Buffalo is going to be a tough out next year. Carroll is on record as saying they don't change up what they do...they believe they are good enough to beat anybody on talent alone. It was clear from the 2nd or 3rd play of the game the other day that they had no answer for the short passing game/YAC that Edelman and Amendola brought to the table. When you re-watch that game, the Pats really should have won that game more easily than they did. They were the dominant team for 3 of the 4 quarters. The end zone pick, the defensive breakdown that led to the halftime TD, and a couple of deep balls were what kept that game from being a blow-out imo.

  5. then who's credible enough to have a opinion/report on the patriots like Kravitz do for the colts?

    It's about not allowing your obvious biases to come through and color your supposed reporting. To me, throwing out a serious allegation and then using the 2 small words "if guilty" as a free pass to then go on at length about what should be done, who should be fired, who should be suspended, who should be removed from the game, etc etc etc when there is nothing other than a single source making an allegation is kind of bush league. The Reiss article on this reads like a news story. The Kravitz and Doyel columns make it pretty clear that these guys have a major agenda against the Patriots and are literally salivating at the prospect of them being caught at something.

  6. Is that any different that the Patriot reporters saying the Patriots did nothing wrong before the finale results are out?


    No "Patriots" reporter said any such thing. Firstly because we don't have "Patriots" reporters here...we just have reporters who report the news objectively and if it is negative for the local team, then so be it...we don't have a lot of "fan-boys" here. Secondly, most reporters here reported what Kravitz and Mortensen had to say without the added hysterical and ridiculous calls for firings and suspensions. I don't recall a single reporter "defending" them unitl there were actual reports that supported doing so.

  7. Kravitz didn't call anyone to be fired/suspended

    yeah...he did...


    Here’s what Kravitz wrote after a very compromised source with an ax to grind against Belichick told him that the Patriots used some underinflated footballs: “If Patriots owner Robert Kraft has an ounce of integrity, he will fire Bill Belichick immediately for toying with the integrity of the game for the second time in his otherwise magnificent career. … If Roger Goodell has an ounce of integrity, and he’s not spending all his time going to pre-game soirees at Kraft’s mansion, he will not only fine Belichick and take away draft choices, but suspend the head coach for the upcoming Super Bowl.”

  8. Literally the investigation are his reports so.....

    A "reporter" would say "According to a source, the league is investigating the situation". Calling for people to be fired and suspended when there isn't one iota of evidence to justify such a thing is irresponsible at best, slanderous at worst. Kravitz is getting destroyed on Twitter by real journalists over this as more and more comes out and he starts looking more and more like a jealous fan boy with an axe to grind.

  9. What did Kravitz do wrong? Nothing. He reported on a story. That's his job. I am shocked that some are dumb enough to actually blame him for "deflate-gate".

    It is literally danger-to-the-gene-pool-stupid.

    If he had stuck to "reporting", I'd agree...you may want to read his articles...there was a LOT more "opinioning and hypocritical moralizing" than there was "reporting".

  10. You can check the ESPN polls, only new england states think Tom Brady and Bill told the truth, also only New England states think Tom B and Bill arent cheaters. It's not really a good win when the rest of the country is calling nonsense

    This was from before the news came out that exonerated the Pats... http://www.marketwatch.com/story/america-believes-the-patriots-cheat-poll-2015-01-29


    According to the poll, 41 percent of respondents believe New England intentionally deflated footballs below the league limit in its 45-7 win over the Colts in the AFC title game.

    Just 27 percent buy into the Patriots’ loud and convoluted claims of innocence, while 32 percent had no opinion.

  11. What I meant by that is I believe he expected Seattle to run the play off quickly and never expected them to run over 40 seconds off the clock. I really do think if someone said Carroll would let the clock run down to 26 seconds , BB probably would have called a TO. But take a few minutes and read the article.

    I read that article, and it's a great one. And this is really a tremendous thing to discuss for everyone other than Seattle fans. I am of the opposite opinion here. I think if Bill knew for sure that Carroll was going to take that much time, any thought he might have had about using a timeout would have been thrown out the window. All you need to do is compare the options Pete would have had if Bill had used a timeout as soon as Lynch was down to what they ended up being. Pete would have been looking at 2nd and goal from the 1 with around a minute left, the clock stopped, and still one timeout, right? So in that situation, they can huddle up on the sideline before the 2nd down play and think about the entire sequence down there, not just one play. They can draw up a full 3-play strategy. That's one huge thing they didn't have the way it worked out. So now on 2nd down, they can run and not have to use their last timeout...meaning that if they don't get in on 2nd down, then their 3rd down play can also be a run because they would still have that timeout available. So in other words, a Bill timeout would have given them 3 chances (if needed) to come to the line with everything available to them, run or pass and the clock not a factor.


    When they scrambled around confused as the clock ticked down to 26 seconds before the 2nd down snap, their options got much more limited. It is a fact that if they were going to have any hope whatsoever of having 3 plays available to them, they HAD to pass it either on 2nd down or 3rd.


    So my view on it is that by keeping the timeouts in his pocket, Bill effectively deprived them of a play. Instead of having 3 chances to punch it in after the Lynch run, they really only had 2, and they made it easier for the Pats to guess that they were passing given the clock situation.

  12. See ^^^^^^ even in a attempt to meet halfway you end up implying that that was exactly how it was all drew up because Bill does no wrong.


    You are reading WAY more into it than is really there. The odds of the game turning out in the Patriots favor given the situation were certainly below 50/50 no matter what option he took (letting them score or trying to defend). So it is a GIVEN that luck went their way. That's an entirely different argument than "did Bill know what he was doing or not". In other words, the outcome doesn't always correlate with whether or not the coach had a strategy or not. The Pats could have put their punt return team on the field by mistake, and Wilson could have tripped and fallen on the handoff and the Pats recovered. In that case, the Pats would have won AND their coaches didn't know what they were doing.


    So again - all anybody is saying here is that Bill had a strategy, he knew what he was doing, and it just happened to work out probably even better than he had hoped.

  13. For people trying to dismiss the Browns texting situation, consider that the people up in the owner's box have access to the network broadcast. There are a lot of camera angles and commentary from the booth during telecasts that would be potentially very useful information for the coaches on the field to have in game. Of the 3 incidents being investigated (deflated balls, crowd noise, and texting the coaches), I'd say this is the only one that really has the potential to tip the scales of fair play. Crowd noise...eh...if you are a road team your offense really ought to be preparing as though you won't be able to hear out there, and deflated balls is a complete joke. 

  14. I don't buy anything other than it being the worst call ever. Rationalize it and try to find an idea behind it to make it a good call from any point of view but you'll never be able to. They just effed up royally and it resulted in a break for NE.


    lol...I have no issue with that. Breaks are part of the game. The Pats lost a perfect season due to bad luck. This time they got some good luck. It all evens out the more you get there.

  15. To the point that he planned on letting Seattle get to the 1 so that he could intercept Wilson? Come on man...

    Did anyone suggest that he drew it up knowing that they'd get an INT? Of course not. The question is, did he fall asleep at the wheel and not use his timeouts or did he intentionally not use his timeouts. If you think that not using the timeouts was a brain-fart on his part, you couldn't be more wrong. He had 2 paths he could have taken to try to win that game:


    1) Let them score, then try to tie it with the time remaining and win it in OT, OR


    2) Try to win it on D by trying to stop them from scoring


    He (correctly imo) felt that door #2 was the better option of 2 admittedly low probability options. Once you decide you are going to try to win it by stopping them, then the absolute last think you want to do is stop the clock. Let them run it down as far as they want...that's on Pete. By being terrible at clock management, he narrowed down the Seahawks' offensive options and therefore conversely improved the Pats' chance of defending them. That's all anyone is saying.

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