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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. How is an ongoing investigation with evidence against the patriots considered a witch hunt? Just because it is your team who is being looked at for doing something wrong doesn't make it a witch hunt to those that aren't new england fans. I bet you think Odin Lloyd's family are on a witch hunt too.

    eyeroll....yeah, a murder investigation is a great analogy for this...

  2. Not at all, this report also says 11 balls are a pound under, this is just another piece of damning evidence on top of it.

    uh...you DO get that saying they are a pound under is exonerating, not damning, right? Mortensen had us believing these balls were all 2lbs under, beyond that natural causes would explain. Now we have 2 different reports backing up that the balls were a lb or less under....

  3. You do realize buried in that story is saying that 11 balls were one pound under. Again, it's a report that is different from Mort, different from Rapoport. This is a small piece of the ongoing investigation. If it was nothing then Wells wouldn't be wasting any more of the NFL's time or money conducting the investigation.

    of course that was buried...anything that goes against the narrative that the Pats deflated a bunch of footballs is going to get buried...it doesn't fit the witch hunt narrative.

  4. Not upsetting at all to me, sorry that it bothers you. Maybe you should consider switching alliances. No one said all the other teams are doing it the right way but since you brought it up, the vast majority of those teams do not seem to have the same issues as the Pats.

    I was of course being sarcastic. The league is filled with phonies in the locker rooms, executive offices, and among the fan bases. The notion that the Patriots are any more or less "honorable" (and that word itself in the context of professional sports makes me laugh) than every other team in this league is beyond laughable. The spotlight shines on the team that wins more than others...that's just how it works. It mattered a little before the super-bowl. Now it's just entertaining.

  5. Yeah right, your team has an unusually high number of "honest mistakes".


    I know - it's upsetting to realize that I root for the only team in the NFL that engages in shenanigans of any type. It's so unfair to the other 31 teams who are all doing it "the right way". Lol.

  6. Having reading comprehension problems this morning? Read it again, or possibly for the first time, they are talking about special teams not Brady, unless Brady was planning to take over kicking duties.


    So...let me get this straight...a guy handed an unapproved ball to an official who noticed it wasn't marked properly and he rejected that ball? Earth shattering.

  7. What QB would ever want to use a K Ball? This story makes zero sense...those balls are brand new, out-of-the box balls. They are slick, hard to grip, etc. More evidence that the league is working feverishly on this smear campaign...pathetic.

  8. I think it's funny that a large contingent of the population would be shocked by this and act like it's a big deal. Pretty much all NFL players broke the rules back then and especially now with all of the drugs. People are so naïve though.

    It's not naivety - it's hypocrisy. I'll admit that I was bothered by all this during the lead up to the Superbowl. It took some of the enjoyment away for the first few days. Now that they've won the game and the season is over, I find it all hilarious. It's so patently obvious that the people mouthing off about the Patriots' legacy being "tainted" are doing so purely out of jealousy and self-interest. Jerry Rice feels as though his own legacy is threatened by this Pats' run, and he's correct - it is threatened...to the point where'd he'd clutch at any straw he could clutch at to try to de-legitimize what the Pats have achieved. This is what happens when glass-house dwellers throw stones. While a part of it is purely hilarious, it's also pretty sad to see legends of the game like Rice and Carter now going at each other over who cheated back in the day, all because somebody felt the need to complain that balls might have been slightly deflated. Back when there was honor in the game, you wouldn't see teams complaining about petty crap like this.

  9. What I read was the Pat balls were brought up to spec after measuring below at halftime. Then all the balls , Colts and Pats were check again after the game concluded. It was reported that no footballs had deflated to below the 12.5. I don't recall reading if they wrote down the PSI of the balls they tested at half time. You would have to conclude that at this point they (refs) knew an investigation of sorts had begun. In fact I believe they talked to league officials and were instructed as to what they should do. If they didn't record the PSI of both The Pat and Colt footballs at the half time measurements , they (league and officials) would have to be total *s. So I think what we have is nothing recorded as to where the balls  measure when checked pre game. This to me is a non issue. Why should they record if they knew nothing of a possible issue. Then I would think that the half time measurements where the Pat balls were under and the Colt balls were ok , would be recorded. I would also guess as this came out the next day that , they asked the official that checked the balls about where the Colts checked out. He should have decent memory if they all indeed measures out at around 13.5 as some are speculating. IMO... lot's of stuff that could be of issue. I say "could be" of issue.

    I thought I read that they just swapped out at halftime and used the Pats 12 alternate balls.

  10. I follow just fine. All of these reports are just that. Reports, not fact. The media circus that has followed this issue has become a joke at best. Both Mort and Rappaport are just media people just like anyone else that can and does have excess to putting a story out. No matter what any of us think or who's opinion you want to believe makes no difference. You can come up with as many sites as you care to but the fact remains no one that has any authority to speak for the NFL, owners and commish. Speculation is not fact. Till the final results of the NFL's investigation is released none of this matters.

    well...except Rappaport writes for NFL.com ...I have a hard time believing he's putting speculation out there that the league isn't on board with. That's not exactly what I'd call an "independent media outlet".

  11. The game started I think at around 50 and remember it was the first half that the balls deflated. They were brought up to what we would think would be the legal limit of 12.5 and they did not deflate in the 2nd half. More strange stuff IMO. Very possible there's an explanation but just not a simple as most Pat fans are now stating. Why 12 balls in first half go under , while no balls in the coder second half go under ? None of the Colt 12 balls go under in the entirety of the game. 


    I'm not a real stickler for facts but here's something I took out of a deflation PSI formula thread I found on the internet . So looks like this old man was not embellishing. Every site I see gives 51degrees at the start and hourly reports I find don't show it going down much at all ... if any in the next 2 hours. But I don't know if east Foxboro or west Foxboro. Feel free to show me that the game was played in the 40's as it may well have been. I just can't find anything to make what I said wrong.






    "We're down to two variables. But we also know the temperature on the field at the start of the game was reported as 51ºF/10.6ºC (283.15 K). Plug it in..."

    it was right around 50 at game time and then went down a couple degrees as the game went on. But that's splitting hairs by me so I'll retract that. But I'm more interested in your comment about the balls not going down in the second half. Do we know this? I had never read anything about them being measured post game and compared to the half-time readings. Did they make note of the half-time readings even, or was that just a "pass/fail" inspection like the pre-game check?

  12. All I really wanna know is this: 1. Were 11 of 12 footballs deflated as originally reported by ESPN's Chris Mortensen yes or no? 2. Were gauges used to measure the air pressure in 11 of 12 balls yes or no? 3. In the interest of fairness for comparison purposes, show me the PSI results of INDY's footballs or let me hear from the zebra who tested the Colts footballs during the AFC Championship Game. Finally, 4. If it is discovered & concluded that NE violated this PSI rule, pay the darn fine & be done with this controversy. No complaining about it. Just man up & pay the piper. 


    Now, if NE is cleared of any wrongdoing in deflate gate, in keeping with my word; I will publicly apologize to all of Patriots Nation for believing these unfounded accusations before the investigation has been completed. 


    TBH with you, my respect for NE is still extremely high & I don't believe their 4 Championships are tainted at all. Will I be disappointed if they are found guilty? Yes.


    But, it still doesn't change the fact that they are an elite, well coached club & 1 hades of a football team. 

    That's actually quite reasonable...I'm not sure what to do now!

  13. So I guess here's what we have if everything you report is true. No offense to you but here I think is a fair assessment of what you have.


    1) The balls were all measured to be a tick under when the refs checked them.


    2) The balls when checked at halftime were as follows. 1 ball 2 LBs under. Many a tick under. The rest around a IB under. So now lets put some common sense to the 3 different readings as to the report that all the balls were a bit under when they first measured them.


    The ball 2 LBS under. Either a defective ball or the Colts deflated it.


    The many balls a tick under. No problem here as this is the exact same as first measured.


    The balls around a pound under. This number is hard to peg. It's the number 12-1 minus whatever "many" is. Here we have a little problem. Why would the " many" balls not change in this "FREEZING COLD" 50 degree first half of the game. All of the Colt balls were also measured to be fine. HUH... this one is a mother t figure out. I'm going got say it has to be some sort of a deflation fairy that got the balls that weren't 2 LBs or a tick under.


    My point is not that the Pats are guilty , cause I don't know. My point is that what you have gathered and presented us as truth has some flaws. Yes MIT says weather can deflate balls but seems to be the facts are presenting just enough to dismiss the possibility that something is amiss here.

    First off, I'm not offended...none of these are MY stories...they are just things that are out there, most of which you've encapsulated above. I would just suggest that you are making an assumption that all balls will react uniformly to the environment when that's not necessarily the case. They are made from animal skins, they are all different to some degree. Obviously if the one ball is way out of whack, that's an issue. The 11 other balls, if they were in a tighter distribution range that may not be abnormal. Also, since you have been a stickler for not fudging the facts, the game was not played in 50 degree temperatures. It was in the 40's and raining for much of the game.

  14. The stories are already planted and have been from day one. Take it on head first? Exactly how else would it be? Taking the filth is not taking it on at all.

    My guess is that if they thought they did something wrong, they'd be apologizing for it, accepting their punishment, and moving on.

  15. That's why I'm waiting for the Wells' report.


    One of the things that hasn't been reported in a definitive fashion is whether the officials even used a meter to measure the air pressure when they approved them for use before the game or whether they just "felt" them.


    If there was no baseline measurement before the game, unless Wells proves that the Pats and not the atmospheric conditions lowered the air pressure, there can be no crime.  We do know that the Pats submitted the balls to the officials before the game to be measured.  In so doing they effectively left it up to the officials to decide whether the balls needed either to be "topped up" or to have air "let out" (see Aaron Rodgers' statements about liking to overinflate the balls).  If 11 of the balls were a "couple of ticks" (what the heck is a "tick?") below the limit at halftime, there's no way of knowing if that wasn't the condition in which they were when the officials approved them for use, whether the pressure had gone down in the cold or whether somebody tampered with them.  So far the only thing that has been rumored to have turned up as possible "proof" of wrongdoing was an older guy taking the balls into a bathroom right off the playing field...for 90 seconds.  


    When Wells investigated the Incognito mess, he got access to text and voice-mail messages, which he will no doubt do in this case as well.  So, he could turn up a "smoking gun" in the form of a text or message from someone nervous in the aftermath, like "Geez, Tom, I took the air out like you told me too and now I'm really nervous."  That's why I'm just waiting for the report.  I imagine he's looking at the text and voice-mail communications on both sidelines, BTW.

    One of the sports radio guys here on the CBS affiliate has been saying for 3 weeks now that his sources have told him that the refs approved the balls in a slightly under-inflated state to begin with. I have no idea who his sources are, but he has been banging that drum hard since the beginning .

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