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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. I'm confused by you packaging those three examples together....surely you aren't insinuating that the Patriots somehow cheated by using the Tuck Rule to beat the Raiders in 2001...?


    I'd also be interested in hearing what "unprotected" might have looked like if he considers the Pats to have been "protected" for Spygate.

  2. That is continuous. More than one is plural.


    When you were handed over the highest fine in the league history, one would think you would be a little prudent to follow the rules?.


    It's an interesting world you live it, I'll give you that. When I was 7, I used to think my teams were all good and the other teams were all bad. I outgrew it, but it's cool that some sports fans still hold on to that child-like naivety.

  3. I like how you ignored the second line. Way to go !.


    I didn't ignore it...it wasn't there when I quoted your text. Can you define "continuous rules violations" a little better for me? We have "Spygate 2007"...this in 2015. What were the "continuing" violations?

  4. Oh NOW you are "qualifying" it. Bravo !.


    are there not degrees in the world you inhabit? I'm pretty sure the media loved OJ Simpson back in the day. It's not terribly surprising that the media support dried up when it became apparent he decapitated a couple of people. Me, I put that on a different level than psi in a football...maybe you seem them as equivalent.

  5. I really can't believe this has gone full cycle and we are back to this. Sneaking footballs into a bathroom and stabbing them after they have been inspected is not the same a WR's using stick-um. 


    What mental gymnastics does one have to go through to make this statement? Sticking pins in a football  isn't allowed (if that even happened...we have no proof of it)...putting stickum on your hands isn't allowed. They are 100% the same.

  6. So, let me rephrase of your opinion.


    "You can do whatever you want but be nice to the media, everything will be alright?".


    Not "whatever"...Ray Rice might have been the nicest guy on earth to the media for all I know. But when a horrific video emerges of him dropping a woman with one punch, then all bets are off for him.


    We're dealing in the realm of far less serious issues here, such as who took steroids or how much air came out of a football. These stories can be spun considerably by the media depending on the agenda involved. And the fact is that if you are 'media friendly', you will be protected...if not, your carcass will be left clean by the side of the road.

  7. They love Pettite as well, he isn't getting in either.

    He's not a HOF caliber player...it has nothing to do with steroids. There are steroid guys in the hall of fame though. Do you disagree?

  8. Ortiz isn't going to the hall. He is a juicing DH.


    He used steroids, just like A-Rod did. But the media adores the guy...you are fooling yourself if you think this won't matter.

  9. Nice.


    Its all because of Belichick with the media. Brilliant.


    Yes...that's my opinion. Want proof? How do fans in general view A-Rod? Now, how do fans in general view David Ortiz? Both guilty of the same thing, one is an arrogant *, one is friendly "Big Papi". And at the end of the day, A-Rod will probably be denied the Hall of Fame while Big Papi has a legit shot of becoming the first DH to get into the hall of fame.


    You are in complete denial if you don't think that the media plays a MAJOR role in how scandals are either way over-blown or swept under the rug. Bill ran afoul of the New York media on the day he left the Jets, and they have been leading the pitchfork and torch brigade ever since then.

  10. What Tom Brady and the Patriots did collectively is much worse than any form of sticky glue, silicone, whatever. When you manipulate a FOOTBALL, there's nothing more important than that, because it's capable of passing through the hands of various Patriot players across all the offense's positions. Most importantly, it's much easier to protect against fumbles with a deflated ball. To me, deflate-gate benefited the run game more than anything, and evidence has shown the Patriots led the league in fumble avoidance by a wide margin. It will be interesting to see New England's fumbles next season, now that the league has its eyes on them.


    I think 'stickum' probably prevents more fumbles than .3 PSI of air pressure. I'm also guessing Montanna probably had a pretty good idea Rice was using it when the ball he was handling on every play was covered in it. 


    This stuff has gone on forever. Belichick's personality to the media and the internet are the 2 biggest reasons that fans everywhere else get into irrational histrionics over minor, routine infractions committed by the Pats. If Bill Parcells were coaching the Pats through this era and they were caught doing the same exact stuff, I'll bet there is nothing even remotely close to what's going on now. Parcells would have held a press conference, cracked a few jokes about the good old days, reminisced with the NY Media about Lawrence Taylor and the 80's Giants, and this whole thing would have been viewed 100% differently.

  11. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000215983/article/bengals-colts-skipped-aaron-hernandez-in-2010-draft



    Interesting that even Cinn had him off their board. I tend to believe the teams when they say a player was taken off their board. What would prevent a former Colt employees who had access to our board from saying "Polian never took such and such player off our board."

    I have no doubt that several teams ruled him out completely. I'm simply saying that the motivation for teams doing that was less about any "morality" and 100% about the fact that they thought the player wouldn't help and/or would harm their team. So I'm sure some teams said "Hey - this guy is bad news...we are 100% sure he's not going to work out, so we aren't taking him no matter what"...other teams said "eh...guy is trouble, we're all set for tight ends...pass"...and a bunch of teams probably had the same view as the Pats had..."too risky to use a high pick on, but if he falls to a certain point in the draft, then we're in".

  12. Where do I say it was a lousy draft pick ? I just stated that some teams have been known to not put as much emphasis on character when drafting or signing players. I think a case can be made that NE and Cinn are two such teams. Comprende ?


    Things change rapidly...back in the day when Hernandez was drafted, the league was pretty dramatically different when it came to how teams viewed "character" issues. The concern teams had about "character"  began and ended with how their issues might impact the player's on-field performance, not about any morality stance. Players like Hernandez were always a "risk/reward" scenario when it came to the draft...a math exercise. Everyone knew the guy was a first round talent. The concern was that he'd screw up and land in jail or be a disruption to the team or whatever. So nobody wanted to risk a bust first round pick...or 2nd round pick...or even 3rd round pick. But by the time the 4th round came along, the risk was minimized. Who cares if a 4th round pick doesn't pan out? It happens every year. I'm convinced that he would not have made it through the 5th round had the Pats not grabbed him. I'll bet there were several teams that would have taken him at that point (though obviously nobody will admit that).

  13. I think maybe the point some are making is that some teams take players off their draft boards because of character issues. I'm sure no one is stupid enough to thinks Hernandez would have gone unsigned if NE did not make him a 2nd rounder . I think 2nd rounder .. I don't want to bother to look it up. Comprende ?


    The Pats used a 4th round pick on him. He put up first round pick numbers for the duration of his rookie deal without getting into any off-field issues. So...was that a lousy draft pick? When they extended him, that didn't work out. But it's hard to conclude that the pick wasn't anything other than a great one.

  14. .

    Or.... A bunch of *s fans see their team put in their place for cheating and kick scream and deflect like children because they can't just accept that their joke of a team are a bunch of cheaters....if I talked as "honestly" as I'd like to about the issue I would be banned from this forum.

    I guess this must be the next best thing to rooting for a team that wins...

  15. To pats fans maybe. Everyone else sees a team that thumbs their nose at the rules and think they don't have to follow them. A history of rule violations is certainly relevant.

    If a person is arrested and convicted of burglary and is later found guilty of burglary, the judge will certainly take the first case into consideration when handing down a punishment

    Everyone else sees a team that wins all the time and is jealous of it. Therefore, they are gleeful like children that a ridiculously harsh and crippling punishment has been handed down for a trifle of an offense. I guess I'm the only person here willing to talk honestly about this issue.

  16. The funny thing about most Boston sports fans in particular is that they are almost on suicide watch all the time with their sports teams. If they win, they will get on every other sports teams forum and rub it in, if they lose, they are trying to find a reason not to kill themselves. No one cares about your superbowl win on here, and the sad thing is that you act like it changed your life. You won't convince anyone here the Pats didn't cheat and you aren't making any friends with your stupid comments. At least some other Pats fans here are obviously trying for a reaction, you actually believe the crap you say in this thread is true. No one buys what you are selling here.


    Lol. Yeah I can pretty much assure you that I've never considered suicide over the results of a game. There are probably 5 million words on this forum dedicated to the New England Patriots. Forgive me if I disagree with the assertion that "no one cares". It seems apparent that you and most everyone here cares a great deal about it.


    Deflategate has taken up way too much of everyone's time.


    Brady is guilty, and if he would have just admitted it from the get go,  I don't think it would have been nearly as big a deal.


    NOW he looks like a spoiled brat, along with being labled a liar and a cheat.


    And  the Pats fans  are  beside themselves that Kraft said  we're taking our punishment and moving on...


    That along with the fact that Belichick has basically said he never believed Tom's story,  well it flat out doesn't look good for Tom.


    But it's not life or death.  He needs to just own up to it, take his punishment and move on...


    Outside of New England, though,  I believe he'll always be viewed as a cheat.  Don't you?


    Outside of New England, people love to sanctimoniously pretend that their team is "clean" and the team that wins is "dirty" as an excuse to soften the blow of all the losing that team inflicted on their team. Footballs that were tenths of a pound of psi lower than some science outfit who said 2nd hand smoke doesn't cause cancer thinks they should have been, even though there is zero comparative data available because nobody has ever tested footballs at halftime before...must be an organized cheating operation. Lol.

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