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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. the statute of limitations on spygate doesnt run out when the same GM and head coach are still there. simple as that.

    so...because of Spygate, it's ok to presume the Patriots are guilty in this completely unrelated incident despite there being no evidence, BUT...


    We can't apply the same pre-judgment to the NFL itself, despite their clear and demonstrated incompetence? The NFL has made it impossible for anybody with an ounce of objectivity to presume that the Patriots are guilty of anything here, short of showing us all a video of Bob Kraft sticking needles into footballs on the sideline. The NFL has zero credibility...zippo. No matter what this report ends up revealing, unless it's hard video evidence of tampering or and admission of guilt by the Patriots, it should be discarded as more nonsense from a league that has perfected that art.

  2. Stalker?  I'm on a Colts forum fan site because I'm a huge Colts fan!  What a concept!  I don't care about deflategate or the patriots.  I take issue with people like you that come onto a Colts fan site and start poking at people by saying Colts fans started this mess, we're a bunch of whiners, yadda yadda.  You have been poking at some people on this site that have been here for years, are good friends, and are incredibly knowledgeable in football.  I don't have a dog in this hunt.  

    sorry, but I haven't "poked" anybody, blamed Colts fans, or called Colts fans a bunch of whiners. I'm posting in a public forum in a thread devoted to a topic I'm interested in. Unless what I'm doing is against the forum rules, then I don't understand why you and others feel the need to follow me around, ask me why I'm here, take threads off topic, and generally harass me. It's actually kind of immature. If you aren't interested in this topic, then it's real simple...don't reply to this thread. I don't know what else to tell you.


    That does have a nice 'ring' to it.  You aint called Bad Morty for nuthin'  :funny:


    Hey you can knit this.... :flyingelvis:

    Since we're all in a "let's learn about Bad Morty" mode, I'll share this for you puzzle lovers...my real name isn't Morty...but the name has meaning.

  4. One thing that the investigation has proved to us is that you absolutely can NOT trust ESPN's reporting of anything. They literally have people on shows refuting reports that they themselves just gave...it would almost be funny if it wasn't so damaging to those that they 'report' about. Everyone now is so quick to be 'the first' to report something that they don't even wait to see if anything is confirmed, then boom, viewers hear it and take it as fact. 


    The reporting on this ball issue has been this way from the very beginning, and that is exactly why Patriots fans got so defensive at first when people were dragging them over the coals for something they heard and took as fact. The things being reported now are so far off what was originally reported, but unfortunately those first reports are what people cling to. Where the heck has Mort been since his 'breaking news' anyways? Where do these 'leaks' come from if this is supposed to be some legitimate investigation?


    The whole thing is a circus, and unfortunately ESPN is the faction that made it so.

    I hear you on that, but frankly I think we've done a 180 on this in terms of who is being damaged. This has become such an exhibit of buffoonery that the Patriots are looking better by the day with each new embarrassing episode like this.

  5. Why do you keep calling it an "investigation"? It's an investigation. Stop trying to insinuate that just because there is a rogue referee that the NFL has fumbled the entire process. Wells did a pretty expansive investigation of the Miami bullying ordeal and I don't see you calling that an "investigation".

    The last "investigation" the NFL treated us to was the Mueller investigation, which 100% exonerated the NFL and assured us that nobody in the NFL office had ever seen a video tape that TMZ was able to obtain effortlessly. Are you comfortable with there being quotation marks around the word investigation in that context?

  6. So did he mean Umpire, Head Linesman, Line Judge, Side Judge, Field Judge, or Back Judge?  These are all NFL officials, along with the Referee.




    I think everyone is embellishing every little leak  for max effect.

    He meant a League Official, not a game official (i.e. a ref). Here's a good re-cap of the latest version of this story.




    I’ll take the liberty to tighten up that explanation. Again, this is Schefter’s reporting from – it appears – one source.

    The issue began when an NFL employee who is supposed to – presumably at game’s end – take the game-used balls complete with official markings and get them ready for charity auctioning, swiped one in the first half. A second league employee noticed a ball was missing. He went to fetch another to give to McNally so McNally could in turn give it to alternate official Greg Yette so it could be put in play.

    Meanwhile, the guy running the scam saw there was a hubbub about the balls. He tried to get the ball he swiped back into circulation by giving that to McNally as well.

    So McNally’s cruising around with two balls – one marked for the game and one unmarked – thanks to the scam the NFL employee was running.

    Yette’s got balls flying at him. Marked. Unmarked. This McNally guy, a locker room attendant that looks like Charlie Weis’ kid brother, is the point man. Yette lets Kensil know.

    The Patriots have been Kensil’s Moby Dick for years and now Kensil’s got ball shenanigans in progress in the AFC Championship Game. Kensil’s apparatus was probably on the field a full second before the rest of his body arrived.

    Now it was open season on pressure-checking, inflation, deflation and accounting for all footballs like a mother hen counting her eggs.

    And the guy stealing the balls from charity?

    Schefter reports he has since been fired. For the AFC Championship foolishness? Nope. Because, Schefter said, “That was a pattern of behavior that exists in this particular individual…”

    So Kensil – whose title by definition puts the swindling NFL employee under Kensil’s purview – allowed an individual who had a pattern of stealing footballs designated for charity and selling them for personal gain to be on the sidelines for the AFC Championship?

    It would seem that’s where we are.

  7. Almost all of your posts are in the deflated balls forums. If those are your top two topics in your short time here and based on the stance you take, hate to break it to you but you aren't wanted here.


    Here's how internet forums work...try to follow...people post stuff, right? Then what happens is that OTHER people read that stuff and either post a reply OR they don't if the topic doesn't interest them. For the weaker-willed types who would like to not reply but can't control themselves, there is an "ignore" function that acts as a substitute for the missing will-power. SO...with that hopefully helpful information, I hope you two gentleman can find a way to avoid my posts if you aren't interested in them. That would be far more civil than this ^ approach of violating the forum's rules and taking personal shots at fellow posters.

  8. Offtopic: Your content have the majority of your posts when it regards to the patriots with the term, "cheating".

    Will you admit to me that you are only here because you have a agenda against the team that the patriots were accused of cheating against? A team that you falsely said you "liked" as a excuse to even come here? If deflate gate hasn't exist, you wouldn't even be here. Because it looks obvious now.

    And will you celebrate/boast/gloat when the investigation goes your way towards certain posters who hate your team?

    After reading this conspiracy theory, I have a better understanding of why you are buying into the absurd allegations against the Pats. Ask yourself this...do people need an "excuse" to come here? Is it required that one "pretend" to like the Colts? I routinely go to the forums of teams the Patriots play against because I'm much more interested in back and forth banter among rival fan bases than I am in a circle-jerk forum where everyone posts "Yeah! Brady!! Gronk!!!" and everyone else says "Yeah!!!! Pats RULE!!!". So I came here around the time of the AFC Championship game, the deflate-gate story broke, the topic is interesting, and here I am. And oh by the way, I happen to like the Colts.


    I hope that this very detailed and completely unnecessary explanation as to why I have chosen to post on this public internet message board will sufficiently answer ALL of your questions so that we no longer need to bore everyone to tears with this. While it may be true that most of my posts are on this deflated balls topic, I would say the the 2nd most frequent topic I seem to address is "Questions from SouthernCal about why I'm here".

  9. Offtopic: If you could care less about off season rumors and moves about a team you like, why are you here?

    I'm here because there is a vibrant discussion here about a subject I'm very interested in. That tends to be why most people post in forums...new to the internet?

  10. Off topic: If you like the colts, why don't you post about the colts in colts related threads?

    Off topic...I like the Pats more, and I could care less about off-season rumors and moves they make. Why would I care about the moves of a team I have only a passing interest in?

  11. I guess an official messing with one ball means the Pats could not have messed with the lot of them.

    pretty much. Even you have to admit this "case" against the Patriots is having its Last Rites read to it...once you have evidence that a freakin' league official is STEALING balls to sell for his own gain, how can you believe a single accusation against the Patriots? The league clearly has ZERO control over its own people and procedures.

  12. Even the New York Post is jumping off the pitchfork and torch bandwagon. I'd say whatever hope haters were holding out here just got snuffed out with this new revelation about the league official stealing balls.




    The official was supposed to take footballs out of play and send them to be auctioned off for charity. He was fired when it was discovered he had sold game-used balls on the side for his own gain, according to the report on “Outside The Lines.”

    “That was part of a pattern of behavior that exists in this particular individual that culminated in him working that game and trying to get another football,” reporter Adam Schefter said, attributing his information to anonymous NFL officials.

    The official’s scheme was discovered by a fellow NFL official during the game, and the official then put the stolen ball back into play in hopes of not being caught, according to Schefter.

  13. Not at all. There are 11 balls that are a pound under, this is just another stupid piece attached to it, like the McNally kicking ball.

    lol...keep the dream alive! What an utter embarrassment for the NFL...their own officials are selling the balls on the side. But let's keep on believing this is a Patriots issue and not an NFL issue.

  14.  but you would think that games that have been played in far worse temps than a rainy 50 degree night would have presented this issue before now.


    For all we know, it has...this is the first time that balls have been re-measured after the initial pre-game check. Had this mid-game check been a standard procedure, there would be a ton of data available to say whether or not a drop at half-time is normal or not.

  15. Honestly do you think that the balls would deflate by a pound on that night....it wasn't even that cold out it was raining. The balls were only used for a half so perhaps on the field for like an hour or two tops. If the balls were a pound under to me that says they were altered by someone. Thats pretty damning evidence if you ask me. A few ounces maybe...not a pound of pressure...thats significant...especially when you go off the low end. Like many people that have played football its a pretty noticable difference...much much easier to grip. That said I don't think the report comes out for a bit. Probably after the draft imo to give the Pats time to respond.

    I think it is utterly preposterous to think that the Pats would stick needles into footballs prior to games after the refs had checked them. I know nothing about the science of air pressure, and I also know nothing about the actual level to which any of these balls were supposedly under inflated (other than that the original reports of 2 pounds under seems to have been exaggerated by AT LEAST a 100% factor). I also don't know for certain that these balls started the game in the range. I DO know that many actual real scientists have said a deflation of up to a pound could absolutely have taken place in those conditions.

  16. Oh no...this story just keeps getting worse for the Pats...it's now being reported that the league is looking into the Pats coin flip protocol. Apparently, they called "heads", and then the coin came up "heads", leading some to speculate the Pats may have somehow altered the air currents at mid-field during the toss.

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