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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. That is true, but to complete the legacy , you have to have the Hall. If the air is let out of this Deflategate thing, which it probably will be, I don't think Spygate will be enough to keep them out, but maybe they don't get in on the first ballot. It's up to the writers in the different NFL markets, and how they view the whole thing.

    yeah I don't know what this opinion is based on. I haven't read a single article that has ever suggested that both Brady and Belichick aren't automatic for the HOF. I think you are projecting a bit with that. Have you ever seen an article that suggested they won't be first ballot Hall of Famers because of this?

  2. eh


    Shefter is addicted to being the person that breaks everything.  And this is no exception.  He said he 'knows' and I'm sure he does know one or more people who think this.  .  He does not say WHO and he also does that often. As far as I know, he could be talking about anybody.......so, I'm not swayed


    It's just him making himself the center of discussion.  He's going to have to wait and see just like everyone else. And I'm sure that chaps him no end

    yeah - again...I would still file this theory in the "far-fetched" category. My only point in posting it was to demonstrate that this goes a bit further than just a fan/local media conspiracy theory being spread around the internet as the op implies.

  3. yeah he pretty much said yeah I heard that's out there and I am sure some people believe it. That's hardly a ringing endorsement of it. Since most of the people who believe it happen to live in New England and he was on the biggest New England sports station there is he pretty much blew it off without being a jerk about it. He just confirmed he had heard the theory and that he is sure some people believe it that's all. There is nothing there to say that he thinks or doesn't that is what happened and he clearly not reporting that things went down that way.

    Honestly, this story changes every day and people and now just hearing what they want to hear and twisting things so their side is right. It's probsbly best to just wait and see what the league finds.

    Shefter is probably the best journalist working in sports these days. He's not selling out his credibility to tell a Boston audience what they want to hear. THAT I can assure you. Also, he went a little further than speculating that some people might believe this theory. He stated as fact that he knows  some people do (without naming names).


    My point in posting the article is that this thread started off dismissing this theory as nothing other than a tall tale being spread among fans. What Shefter's report suggests is that it goes beyond that and there are people "on the inside" who are discussing this as a possibility. Personally, my belief in it is dependent on what the real story is on the 12 balls. But IF the story is true that only that ball was significantly deflated then I think this story will have serious legs and I would hope the league would be investigating it.

  4. I wouldn't implicate Jackson the same way I never thought brady was guilty just bc he said he liked deflated footballs (I thought based on original reports he was guilty but I never let that meaningless quote actually mean something). I would think its Grigson or Pagano ordering an equipment guy before I would think Jackson was involved.

    Oh I'm not saying Jackson is involved...just the opposite. I'm saying Jackson probably woke up the next day, saw that someone put this story out there involving him and he was like "huh?!", so he reaches out to the media to set the record straight that he didn't notice anything.


    Now, if you ask me what my "conspiracy theory" angle is...let's say somebody on the Colts side wanted to deflate a ball to screw the Pats....the story about a player intercepting a ball and noticing it didn't feel fully inflated would make a good cover story, right? There has to be something that's prompting the Colts to ask for that ball to be tested....

  5. Again, it's not confirmed if it's 11 balls two under (mort), one ball two under and the rest just ticks (rapsheet), or one ball two under that was the colts ball, many that were 1 lb and many that were ticks with one fine (PFT).

    And this is why Goodell needs to go. This has become an utter joke and we're all becoming 9/11 truthers over freakin' football air pressure.


    I will leave it at this...my first reaction to this story when it first broke was to believe it as reported and to be extremely disappointed and bewildered at why the Patriots would do this to gain a barely marginal advantage against a team they had handled easily in prior meetings. The first time I started to step off the ledge and think "wait a second" was when Jackson came out and distanced himself from the original reports. That struck me as strange from the get-go, given that the original reports were pretty detailed about how Jackson intercepted the ball, noticed it didn't feel right and handed it to the trainer to check it out. Where did that story come from if Jackson came out immediately and said he didn't notice anything wrong with the ball and just wanted to save it for himself.

  6. Excellent question.

    The answer is no.

    Why do you think it's far fetched? Hell - it's a much more fun conspiracy theory with some meat on the bone...


    1) The original story was floated that Jackson noticed the ball was deflated when he picked it off, so he gave it to the sideline

    2) Shortly after that, Jackson went out of his way to say he noticed nothing whatsoever unusual about the ball...he basically distanced himself immediately from that original report

    3) The latest stories suggest that only that ball, the intercepted one, was deflated beyond what would reasonably be explained naturally


    1 and 2 are facts. 3 is an uncomfirmed story. if 3 proves to be true, then I'm sorry...that does shift suspicion to the Colts.

  7. Well...does the fact that Shefter is now talking about the "Colts Deflated the Ball" theory make it a little bit less far-fetched?




    It’s not completely clear where this conspiracy theory started, but it was floated today on Boston radio station WEEI, when Adam Schefter of ESPN was a guest. After the host proposed to Schefter that “The Colts deflated the one ball that D’Qwell Jackson intercepted, and all the other balls were just a tick under,” Schefter said that’s a theory he’s heard.

    “I do think there are people who believe that,” Schefter said. “I know there are people who believe that. . . . I’ll just say, I’m not even going to specify, there are people who believe that, OK? There are people who believe that. And I think there are people who have heard that theory and who say, ‘That’s impossible.'”

  8. That's the nature of media, though.  Not the NFL.  What are they gonna do?  Call the news outlets and tell them they can't talk about what has come out in terms of rumors, leaks, etc.  They can't.  It's the world we live in today.  People talk.  Media outlets then report, speculate, etc.  Is Kraft calling for ESPN, NBC, CBS, etc. to issue an apology?  Ain't gonna happen.  And, how can the NFL set the record straight when they are still saying they don't know exactly what happened.  Kraft can be mad all he wants.  Doesn't matter.

    A well run organization with discipline knows how to keep in-house matters in-house. The culture over there at the NFL offices is rotten to the core, imo, and the fact that all these leaks got out to the media is symptomatic of that. As for setting the record straight...I partially agree. But I would say they knew a couple of things before the story even broke that might have stopped it in its tracks. For example, the report that 11 of the 12 balls were 2lbs under the minimum at half-time...wouldn't you say they knew whether or not that was true right away? If it turns out that Rappaport's story is the truth, where only one ball was "suspicious" and not 11 out of 12, I think that they owed it to the Patriots to get that out there right away...because I think it would have significantly derailed the story. Instead, they basically let the Patriots twist in the wind and allowed this tsunami to build up. The cynic in me thinks they did that to secure ratings for the game, which (surprise surprise) were record-breaking. I think Goodell is a corrupt buffoon.

  9. Didn't Wilson stay in the game after getting crushed by Clay Matthews in the NFC Championship game? It shouldn't come as any surprise that the NFL's sudden "caution" over head injuries is more a PR campaign than any actual effort to change things. Had this been a week 3 game, sure - Edelman might have gone to the locker room. Once the playoffs start, I think that stuff flies out the window.

  10. My problem with Kraft is his arrogance.  The NFL has a responsibility to investigate anything that any team may be doing that is against the rules.  The NFL does not have to issue an apology for investigating a situation that was brought to their attention.  They have an obligation to all fans to find out the truth.  Even if it is found out that the Pats didn't deflate the balls, the NFL had to act on the accusations.  No apology should be given. 

    I don't think Kraft or any Patriots fan has an issue with a complaint against them being fairly investigated. The issue (and the request for the apology) is in the *-poor way it was handled by the NFL (go figure - the NFL botched something). Try to imagine a scenario where the Patriots truly did not do anything wrong here (I know this may be difficult for many here, but try anyway)...if that's the case, then the "media trial and conviction" they were subjected to thanks to the league leaking information AND not setting the record straight regarding incorrect information that was circulating when they should have been celebrating a conference championship and preparing for a Superbowl is an embarrassment and a disgrace. Goodell allowed Kraft's good name to be torn apart for 2 weeks thanks to misinformation leaked by league sources. That's inexcusable and I would expect any franchise owner to be pretty angry about it if it were their franchise.

  11. Exactly, I have no doubt that there will not be enough to find them guilty based on the NFL's track record but I would hope that NE fans would stop trying to twist the actual facts.

    There are no "actual facts", so everyone who is expressing an opinion is twisting something, and that includes you.


    My prediction on what will happen is this...I think the NFL is going to save face here by fining the Pats some small amount ($100K or less) on the grounds that they violated the protocol when the old dude took a leak, and that will officially close the book from the league's perspective. From the internet's perspective, the haters are going to scream that there is a cover-up, the Pats fans are going to complain about the token fine, and eventually it will be summer and people will chill out and go outside.

  12. Thats the first thing I've seen that at this gives a good implication of what the ball other than the 1 at 2LBs under and the many at a tick under measured. It at last strongly implies they were about 1LB under. Which is what you said.

     And any ball within a pound of the legal minimum was most likely not deflated by a human being. Once you start getting into a pound and a half-two pounds, now you can start thinking that there's either a defect with the ball or somebody did something to them.

  13. Well, that's too bad.  There's a lot of sports talk that goes on here with people that have been friends for a long time.  I could care less about spygate and deflate gate.  What I take issue with is people that come on here knowing it's a COLTS FORUM and start to poke at the team the forum is built around.  It's the Colts fault for bringing it out, etc.  It just gets old.

    yeah I'm not trying to pick a fight, but I didn't see any rules that say you have to be a fan of a certain team to post here. I actually like the Colts and think they are on the cusp of taking it to the next level. I haven't once thrown anything in anyone's face here...I simply see a LOT of bitter "they cheated!" whining and I respond with my opinion. People who don't want my opinion are 100% free to ignore me...I won't be offended. This is an internet message board...not the UN Security Council.

  14. You're on a colts forum but only post in forums outside of colts football, specifically only ones related to the patriots cheating that make your fanbase look even worse. Frankly idk why you are wasting your time.

    Well again - thank you for the input, or dare I say concern over how I spend my time? It's very kind of you.



    I think I was disappointed more than anything from what I saw from Seattle. They had to know the Pats would run their short passing game and then look to get favorable match-ups down the field with Gronk and both happened. It was like Seattle had no plan for the short passes and for some unknown reason thought it was a good idea to put a LB one on one with Gronk.


    If you were following the Patriots during the Carroll years, this probably wasn't all that surprising to you.

  16. You said you are a colts fan but you never participate in any colts related threads. In fact almost every post/content of yours are in every patriots/gate/otherteamcheating thread.

    Plus only two Pats fans are actually pure amusement/gloat in this forum. That's you and Viri.

    Also you can't call other fans trolls when you are the one to lurk on other team's boards to gloat/amusement/boost ego.

    So what are you really doing?

    wasting time, like everyone else. This is an opinion forum, is it not? I registered and I post opinions, do I not? I don't believe I'm violating the rules of the forum, and if I am then please accept my apologies and I will stop immediately. So tell me again - what's the problem? I was unaware that one's reason for being here was relevant.

  17. Seriously?  You go on other boards so you can see how your team success negatively impacts the lives of other people?  Are you really that unhappy?  

    People have a problem here with reading comprehension, apparently. I come here to talk football with the people who actually want to talk football. As a side note, the trolls at every forum who can't contribute anything more than "Spygate!" "Cheaters!" "Asterisk!" etc...that's just pure side amusement for me and most Pats fans.

  18. That's the game they got injured in. Besides it was the Packers who gave that game away just like the Seahawks did to the Patriots.


    oh I see...so your point then is that Sherman had 2 weeks to recover? I agree - he looked much better back there vs the Pats than he did running around with his arm frozen in the bent position during the GB game.

  19. People make too much of Seattle's injuries. NE's gameplan was designed to render their best players in the secondary irrelevant by finding and taking advantage of mismatches. We were moving the ball well on them even when Lane and Avril were in the game.

    Brady targeted Sherman only once, Thomas was irrelevant because we never attacked them deep. NE wins even if Seattle had been healthy.


    That Lane INT was an uncharacteristic mistake by Brady. And that catch by Kearse was the flukiest catch I've ever seen. The game shouldn't have been as close as it was.

    All of Seattle's points came on 4 consecutive drives, 2 at the end of the first half, then 2 at the beginning of the 2nd half. Not a single one of those scoring drives was the type of drive where you'd look at it and say "wow - they are starting to assert their will on the Pats". 2 of them were 70 yard drives that were keyed by semi-fluky 45 yard completions to Matthews (a guy who had never caught a pass before), one of them was the inexcusable 30 second drive where the Pats fell asleep on D, and the other came on a short field after the 2nd interception. Other than those 4 drives, they had four 3 and outs and 2 other series where they got one first down, then punted...meanwhile the pats gave away points with the end zone pick. That should have been a comfortable win for the Pats.

  20. All anyone needs to know is that Jerry Rice, while doing an interview and criticizing the Pats for supposedly deflating balls also admitted that he used stickum long after the league had banned its use. So all of those 49ers titles are now "tainted" too...lol...it's so funny reading all this...

  21. This is classic...in the middle of an interview calling out the Patriots for supposedly deflating balls, Jerry Rice admits that he used to use stick 'um after it had been made illegal. Can't make this stuff up...guess all those 49ers titles are tainted now too. Here's a question - if every team has an asterisk, does any team have an asterisk?





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