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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty






    I think it's funny that Pats fans have so much time on their hands that they come over to Colts forums. Do you have a Seabirds Forum account too??  Lol, so sad. 


    For your troubles, I'll have to ebay a bottle of this for you and send it your way: 




    Seahawks fans aren't as fun...they seem to accept the fact that they lost to a better team and they don't look for excuses. That's kind of dull.

  2. Then take it as a slander. I could care less. I'm not getting into this with another pats patsy about how they are innocent and have never done anything wrong. Face it bro. You're team is a bunch of cheaters in the minds of most NFL fans. For crying out loud, you just how to say, "How have they been caught cheating since...?" in your reply.  If you don't like your team being called cheaters than I suggest actually posting in your teams forum. 

    ah yessss! The hot salty tears of jealousy....how I love them so...

  3. The only explanation is Bill Belichick knew the Seahawks plays before it happened. I find it hard to believe Butler knew the ball was going to Lockette on a slant from intuition.

    Remember the Seahawks had only been in that formation 4 times all year in that area of the field, and I guarantee they didn't throw the slant every time.

    The Patriots stole the Seahawks game plan by cheating, and the rest is history.


  4. I like Boomer.  I always have.   I very much dislike Chris Collingsworth.  I always have.


    It doesn't mean I believe, or disbelieve anything and everything either have to say.  


    It is their opinion they are voicing.  They are both on complete the different end of the spectrum on this debate, and their comments are just their opinions.

    Yes it's clearly Boomer's opinion, and he didn't suggest otherwise. However I give his opinion far more weight than anything anybody here (including me) comes up with. Boomer was never involved with any of the teams here...hell - he was a Jet for much of his career so if anything he'd be more likely to be biased against the Pats. I also have no doubt this petty type of one-upsmanship happens all the time. Brady definitely took a shot at Harbaugh, and Harbaugh is as competitive as they come...I'm sure that went up his butt sideways.

  5. LOL for salary cap violations. Your team's cheating affected the game on the field for years and now more years

    This might be the most mind-bogglingly silly comment I've seen here yet (and I read the entirety of the "Butler's 3 stories" thread, so that's saying something)...violating the salary cap in order to keep Terrel Davis on the team...that has no impact on the game. But a football that's 2 lbs under does. Wow.

  6. So you are so sure the results are going to be nothing in this investigation? We shall see. Once again you deflect what other teams have done as that's some excuse. You have become very good at circumventing the issues that the patriots are and have been in. That's OK, you can take pride in the facts that the Patriots have cheated and still remains to be seen if they are still doing it.

    The Patriots have "cheated" no more or less than any of the other 31 teams in the league. You are either naïve or willfully ignorant if you think otherwise. That's why all the "asterisk" talk is laughed off as bitterness and sour grapes. The Patriots players were throwing around deflated footballs at their parade yesterday...that tells you all you need to know about how much they and their fans are laughing at the haters.

  7. I'm talking about how everyone on the Pat's sideline had given up. The Pats fans (except amfootball...kind of) are trying to rationalize and justify the fact that they didn't call timeout at 1:02 and implying that Bill planned on a pass on 2nd down. There was nobody in the world who didn't think Lynch could have ran that ball in, nor was there anybody in the world who didn't think that was the call except for whatever doofus came up with the other call.

    lmao!! Wait - do you honestly believe that Bill "gave up"?! Yeah - you pretty much just went bankrupt at the Bank of Credibility if you believe that. There's a minute left and it's 2nd and goal. Why on earth would Bill give them the gift of a timeout there? With every second that Pete wasted between the end of the first down play and the beginning of the 2nd down play, his options narrowed as to what he could do.

  8. Never know. That doesn't help that Seattle called the dumbest play in history.

    They did...no doubt about it. Now, let me ask you this...had Bill called a timeout after Lynch was stopped at the 1, do you think they would have run that play? I don't. That's why the timeout wasn't called.

  9. I'm absolutely tired of you and other Pats fans trying to blame the Colts for the Patriots trying to cheat.

    Idk what crazy world you live in, but in the real world the Colts weren't the ones with the deflated footballs.

    Why are you guys even here? Shouldn't you be celebrating in your own forum?

    I thought you put me on ignore?

  10. I think you're right on here. If the Patriots were trying to save clock they wouldn't have tackled Lynch at the 1 on first down, and they would have called for time right away after they did. 


    Maybe Belichick thought about the Giants game, about how they let Bradshaw get in, and decided that this time, going for the stop was a better idea. They have much better corners than they had in 2011 and you can trust them more in man, and crash the line with every other body. 


    They would have had a minute and 2 timeouts if they let Lynch score on first down. That's plenty of time, but I think he weighed in the fact that Seattle's defense isn't exactly the type of D that you should reasonably expect to run right through, AND at that point he'd be playing to tie the game and would still have to win it in OT. Weighed against letting the clock run and trying to stop them on 3 plays, he chose that option. I think had the numbers been different to where a Seattle TD would have only put them ahead by 1 or 2 pts and you very well might have seen them let Lynch score...because now the Field Goal wins it.

  11. I'm hardly "concerned." I don't lose any sleep over Gronk or the pats.

    However, I am allowed to have an opinion. What is this board for if not people giving their opinions and insights? Gronk personifies what people dislike about the pats.


    I'll say it again, it is amazing to me how when someone points out classless behavior, they are the ones who get attacked. I don't know if it's because we like that kind of behavior or if it's because we think people aren't allowed to value character or what.

    I'd say it's because of the transparent hypocrisy that comes from constantly singling out only the behavior of the one out of 32 NFL teams that you happen to dislike the most as if that team and it's players were fundamentally different than any other team in the league, including your favorite team, on this front. I've said it before, I'll say it again...standing on the "morality and class" soapbox when it comes to professional sports teams is the flimsiest form of fan-boy behavior there is. What you are really saying is "I hate this team because they are better than my team, however I don't want to admit that, so I'll make up some crap about them being not classy like my team and that will sound better"....weak sauce.

  12. I think that the decision on not using timeouts was a secondary decision. I think the real decision here was "what is our best chance of winning this game...stopping them from scoring, OR letting them score, then trying to march down the field and tie the game, then take your chances in OT". To me, that decision was made prior to the 2nd down play, because otherwise they would have let Lynch score on the first down play and then had plenty of time. Once they tackled Lynch, it became clear to me that they were going to try to win the game on defense.


    When you look at it in that light, then why would Bill ever use a timeout? I think that by not using it, he effectively took away a  play from Seattle. So instead of them having 4 cracks to run it in, they really only had 3 after the first down play ate 40 seconds of clock. With only 26 seconds to go and 2nd down, they literally had to pass the ball either on 2nd down or 3rd (if they ran it and got stuffed on 2nd).


    Are you a Colts fan or a Pats fan? Serious question. 



    ****This superbowl win for the NE Cheaters will forever have an asterisk on it.****


    Deflategate and Brady lying through his teeth about deflating balls....

    Mark Brunell and Troy Aikman both said there's no way that comes from anyone but the QB.


    Illegal (or gray area) formations 

    Ineligible receivers catching TD's 

    Rodney Harrison juicing 



    But Belichick is a great guy you say! 





    I'm sure you could research to find more examples. 



    Cheating is cheating regardless of how it's done. Whether its failing a drug test, or not using the specified pressures of a football. 





    v. cheat·edcheat·ingcheats
    1. To deceive by trickery; swindle: cheated customers by overcharging them for purchases.
    2. To deprive by trickery; defraud: cheated them of their land.
    3. To mislead; fool: illusions that cheat the eye.
    4. To elude; escape: cheat death.
    1. To act dishonestly; practice fraud.
    2. To violate rules deliberately, as in a game:


    You seem pretty upset.

  14. Boomer Esiaison was on Boston radio this morning. He said you can take it to the bank that the sequence of events that led to this cluster-f went like this:


    1) Harbaugh rants and complains about the 4 linemen formations being "illegal" even though they were 100% legal and he was caught with his pants down


    2) Brady responded to the whining with his comment about how Harbaugh needs to check the rulebook


    3) This comment sends Harbaugh over the edge and he and his buddy Pagano then scheme to get even with Brady by pulling this stunt


    Whatever you think of Boomer, the guy knows the inner workings of the NFL and the above scenario sounds 100% plausible to me. That's not an excuse for the Pats, btw. If they in fact tampered with the game balls then it doesn't matter if they were "set up" or if they were simply caught in the moment...they should be penalized for it.


    However, if the accusation turns out to be false, or exaggerated, OR (and yes, this really is a possibility) the Colts tampered with the one ball in order to avenge Harbaugh, then that is a real poor reflection on the Ravens and Colts.

  15. How can you guys not care about a team that cheats....consistently? 



    Am I saying we would've won the game if the balls were inflated to the rule specification? 

    Of course not. 


    Am I saying that a team should be punished for not following the rules??




    If the Colts would've cheated like the Pats did and won the game, the Pats fans would've come unglued and this whole Deflategate thing would've already been handled. It seems to me like the NFL is trying to sweep this whole thing under the rug now. 

    Can you define "consistently"? I've got "spygate 2007". What else?

  16. You may be right, but I do not recall the Patriots owner or coach saying what they did during Spygate was wrong.



    Kraft spoke of the values of the partnership with the league and how disappointed he was that his team brought negative attention to the league. Colts coach Tony Dungy described the speech as heartfelt and excellent, saying "I appreciated what he had to say."

    Others who listened believed Kraft was speaking from the heart. Once Kraft was done talking, the entire room broke into applause.

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