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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. If the colts were tanking in 2011 caldwell polian and the entire staff and front office wouldn't have been fired


    The Arizona Cardinals made the playoffs this year and won several games with their 3rd and 4th string QB's, guys who will likely never play another snap in the NFL. If you choose to be outraged over things that violate the supposed integrity of the game, and you are willing to convict on circumstantial evidence, then I'm sorry but you are enormous hypocrites if you believe there was no tanking involved in 2011....it was just pure coincidence that a team that won 12 games per year for 3 years straight and was then good enough to win 11 games per year thereafter just happened to have an historically bad year during the season when the next franchise QB was going to be available in the draft. What a strange and fortunate coincidence!

  2. We already know it was intentional on the fact that the colts balls never deflated and the balls in the second half never deflated either. Plus it was brought up in the past. They have a history of it. It's just about finding who gave the order now. Chain of custody holds them accountable.

    But if you care to be a blind homer, then that's you. The rest of the world will follow facts.


    There is no rule against underweight game balls at half time. You can scour the rule book all you like, but there is no rule against that. There IS a rule against tampering with game balls. There is not one scrap of proof that any game balls were tampered with - only potentially circumstantial evidence based on the reported state of the balls at half time. So you are leaping to a conclusion that suits your narrative that the Patriots cheated your team out of something in a 45-7 blowout. That's the world we live in apparently...everybody looking for an excuse rather than looking in the mirror.

  3. Teams get kept out of the playoffs by other teams throwing games all the time.  It happens quite often when teams rest players at the end of the season.  Doing so lets some teams in who probably don't deserve it while keeping others out.  It is not team A's job to try to win the game so team B can make the playoffs. 

    I agree...and if it were my team, I would want them to do the same to get a better draft pick or to rest for the playoffs. But once you acknowledge and accept that teams don't always try to win games and in fact sometimes try to lose games, it makes you a hypocrite to cry about other teams harming the integrity of the game. You can talk deflated balls and video-taping signals in plain sight of everyone all you like...that is nothing on the scale of a team throwing a regular season game. But that's the hypocrisy that exists among fans.

  4. Even if they did intentionally throw the season what difference does that make?  There is no rule which says a team can't lose football games to secure a specific draft pick.  There is, on the other hand, a rule specifying an exact range of football inflation pressures, a rule which the Patriots broke and which it looks more and more like they broke it intentionally.


    What difference does it make if a team is intentionally losing games?! If you are a fan of a team fighting for a playoff spot and you aren't playing the team that's tanking that year, then you are at a major disadvantage compared to the teams that ARE playing that team...and at an even greater disadvantage to the divisional opponents of that team who get to play the tanking team twice. I can't cite chapter and verse of the rule book, but yeah - I'm pretty certain that it's a rule that you aren't allowed to intentionally lose games for a draft pick. Your team needs a win to get in the playoffs and you have a choice to either deflate the footballs and play against a team trying to win OR play with fully inflated footballs against a team trying to lose for a draft pick...which would you choose?

  5. The other owners have to want the pats to be punished or they all are culpable for tarnishing the reputation of the nfl.


    Well...unlike the pitchfork carrying mobs that makeup internet fan forums, I would suggest that the other NFL Owners would only want the Pats punished if it's determined conclusively that they are guilty of something, which doesn't seem to be the case. They will require a bit more proof than you do. I think the ramifications of a commissioner arbitrarily punishing a franchise for no reason would be something the franchise owners wouldn't be happy with.

  6. What has that got to do with what I posted? You posted about being amused by people believing outlandish theories and then you post one. Is the irony of that really lost on you?


    Why do you say this is an "outlandish" idea? It was one of the major stories of the 2011 season, so let's not pretend that this is some "new crazy conspiracy theory". Florio, Kravitz, and many many others in the mainstream NFL media believe the Colts tanked that year, and if you went through the NFL record books, you'd be hard pressed to find many teams that had THIS big a drop-off for just one year, and then right back to being a playoff team. But no matter - I don't expect any Colts fans who are lining up throw stones at the "immoral" Pats to acknowledge their own team's "sins". But me personally, I don't throw stones when I live in a glass house. Integrity isn't something I only hold my team's rivals accountable for.

  7. Tanking games? Our QB was Dan Orlovsky and we almost won a week 16 game to Jacksonville that would have cost us Luck. Not really tanked on purpose. Both the teams at the end of Peyton's career and beginning of Luck's are terrible with the QB's bailing them out. Your team flat out CHEATED


    Okie dokie. Lol...again - I don't pretend there's morality in pro-sports, so it makes no difference to me whether they tanked or not, so if you are ok accepting a 7 year run where 69 games were won in 6 of the years but only 2 were won in the year where the franchise QB was draft eligible, then go right ahead. Nobody else in the country buys it, so there's your "integrity" for ya.

  8. All the ones that lost their jobs who would have absolutely nothing to lose to admit we tanked?  

    Curtis Painter is a closet HOF QB if you ask me. He really wasn't trying that season.  


    Saying the Colts tanked that season is the most asinine thing he has said and he has said a lot of stupid things.

    Many/most of the same columnists who jumped on the deflategate nonsense were writing articles accusing the Colts of tanking that season. Don't make it out like I'm the only person who believes this. In fact, after Kraft's speech last night, I'll bet there are more people who believe the Colts tanked that season than believe the Pats tampered with balls. Mob justice is fun, eh?

  9. At least the Colts don't have a John Deere tractor in their Hall of Fame when the first cheat in 1982 occurred against the Dolphins , when they plowed the snow to kick the winning field goal.

    In NE, Mark Henderson, a convict from a work release program road the tractor into infamy. This is a fitting exhibit in this HOF, along with a Tuck Rulebook, Spygate 8 tracks, a copy of the Dummies Guide to Illegal Formations, a ball gauge, and the toilet paper in the stall from the ball boy episode.

     no lie - I was at that game! Those were the days! I bought the tickets on Thursday and went to the game on Sunday...unheard of nowadays.

  10. You do realize most of the people from 2011 we released or fired after that season


    And weren't many of those players on the team that won 36 games in the 3 years prior? Again - this is the type of thing that makes it foolish as a professional sports fan to try to claim any type of moral high ground. Nobody blames teams that tank for a draft pick when there is a legit franchise changing player available. But it's embarrassing to claim that a teams that averaged 12 wins per year for 2008, 2009, and 2010, and then won 11 games per year from 2012 to 2014 (with a rookie QB in 2012) tried it's hardest to win games in 2011 but could only manage to win 2. That's laughable and I suspect you all know it.

  11. Gosh I hope those coaches and the players they instructed to play poorly don't ever come forward..


    lol...so a team that won 36 games in the 3 years prior to 2011 and 33 games since then (with a rookie QB in 2012)...we're all supposed to believe that team tried it's hardest and could only muster 2 wins in 2011, the year when (coincidentally) a generational QB talent was available in the draft? This is hypocrisy. And again - I don't care and I would have wanted my team to do the same thing if they were in the same boat. But spare me the concern about "integrity" when you gleefully purchased your "Suck for Luck!" t-shirt and had a party on draft night (not you personally, but you know what I mean).

  12. Warped...


    Lol...again - I find it hard not to laugh at the "morality" soapbox. Did any of you Colts fans care about "the integrity of the game" when your team was busy tankling games to get Luck? And don't get me wrong - it was a good move..you need a franchise QB to win in this league, the Colts weren't winning the SB that year, so it's a no-brainer - lose as much as you can and get that player. But don't be hypocrites.

  13. Obviously someone would hire him in a second, they would also make sure he didn't step a toe anywhere near the line. That team would also lose the benefit of the doubt when it comes to allegations as well but look at the Patriots, they're going to get to play in a superbowl scott free. Whatever the punishment is no matter how big or small will be worth it for this opportunity.


    He would pick where ever he wanted to coach, and the owner who was dumb enough to try to tell him what "lines" he couldn't cross - that team would be crossed off the list. That's my point...every one of these teams and their fans would sell their soul to have the success that comes with Bill, and they wouldn't care less about dumb crap like deflated balls.

  14. So lets say you are right talking about all sports teams have shady stuff going on. The patriots are an ocean and most other teams are a puddle


    lol...sure - if that makes you feel better about it. Here's reality - if Kraft decided next week that he'd had enough of Belichick and his "shady ways", how long do you think he'd be out of work? My guess is that there'd be a feeding frenzy like never before seen to hire him, and there would be a lot of fans of the teams that didn't hire him who would be * that their GM didn't get the job done...many of the same fans who are now irate and angry about deflated balls.

  15. That's fine with your own personal experiences , if you see it that way. I expect my teams to do things the right way, but that's just me. The teams I've rooted for have won many WS, or NFL Championship wins, but they are celebrated as being done the right way. Just remember all these years later , we still talk about the Black Sox scandal. That taint has lasted almost 100 years.


    I think it takes a sizeable amount of willful naivete to believe that any professional sports team does it "the right way". These sports teams and leagues are multi-billion dollar for profit businesses. It's a cesspool, top to bottom. Hell - it's not even just the pros...it's Division 1 college sports too. So this notion that "my team does it the right way"...sorry...no matter what team you root for you are turning a big blind eye to a lot of filth if that's the premise on which you are basing your rooting allegiance.

  16. That may all come to pass, except for one thing. Other than outside of NE, the majority of fans will look at the Patriots four titles like fans look at the baseball records of Barry Bonds, Sammy Sosa, and Rodger Clemens. They will be disregarded as illegitimate, and forever be marked by the dreaded asterisk.


    Which is perfectly fine. Being a sports fan is a personal experience. Fans of other teams can think that Belichick is a satanic cult leader and Brady is a  cannibal for all I care. It doesn't make it fact, and more importantly it doesn't impact the personal enjoyment I get as a fan out of watching them. Trust me when I tell you - I'd much rather be here getting excited to see the team I root for play in the Superbowl this Sunday while debating whether or not balls were deflated than sitting somewhere else with my team's season over and getting upset about deflated balls.

  17. What's next ?


    My guess: About 4 or 5 weeks after the Pats win their 4th superbowl this sunday, on a late Friday afternon, the NFL will quietly announce that their investigation turned up no evidence that the Patriots tampered with any game balls, then Mel Kiper will release his latest mock draft and the world will move on.

  18. Some of those are quite the stretch. The Colts "pumping in noise" was shown by the NFL to be completely false. Also, Mathis was taking a fertility drug... not really the same thing as your average PED.


    Just remember how much credibility you put in the NFL exonerating the Colts when they eventually exonerate the Pats for this.

  19. These "theories" are fun to read. I'm thoroughly amused at how many people are willing to subscribe to outlandish and unrealistic conspiracies rather than admit that it would defy all logic for any team to take this big of a risk for a marginal advantage against a team that hasn't shown any ability whatsoever to even be on the same field with them. It would be like Florida State risking their entire program to get a tiny edge vs a D2 opponent. It doesn't add up at all.

  20. I think the ball boy was taking some sort of special drug devised by the Patriots's dark ops bio/med team that converted his urine into a magical compound that decreased air pressure. He heads into the stall, takes a leak on all of the Patriots game balls and presto - psi drops 2 lbs.

  21. and I don't think they care about respect....winning is all that matters to them


    They don't care about or expect to receive respect from the fans and ex-players of teams they've been destroying for 15 years, nor should they. Ironically enough, this witch hunt is backfiring on the NFL to such a level that I think it's actually going to end up improving the national perception of the Patriots once the team is fully exonerated of any/all wrong doing here. The hard core haters will always have their tin-foil hat conspiracy theories to fall back on, but as of right now, this story has shifted to one where an incompetent commissioner conducted a witch hunt against one of its premier franchises only to have it blow up in his face.

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