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Bad Morty

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Posts posted by Bad Morty

  1. Thomas and Sherman both need surgery , Chancellor played with a bad knee and Lane broke an arm in the first quarter. Plus the pass rush pretty much disappeared after Avril went out with a confusion. You say exposed but I think they were a bit unlucky with all the injuries.

    Injuries are part of it. I don't call the Colts lucky for the 2006 comeback win just because the Pats were down to 4th stringers in the defensive backfield. Other than Lane, the other guys were out there on the field, and they got torched. They are the first team in the history of the Superbowl to lose with a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter. Teams were 0-29 in that situation prior to last night.

  2.  The defense played well. They were hardly "exposed."

    Hmm...I don't agree with that. They gave up 4 td's and if not for a boneheaded pick in the red-zone by Brady the Pats would have hung 30 on them. They also coughed up a 10 point lead in the 4th quarter. I thought that defense was pretty badly exposed.

  3. Then what is this?

    The Colts are my 2nd favorite team. I was a huge Bert Jones fan back in the day. Good times. But haters are haters no matter who they root for, and it's pretty weak sauce to be crying about "cheating" by one team in a league where everyone is doing something. Nobody really cares that much about the Falcons pumping in noise or the Browns texting down to the field...because those teams suck and nobody cares. Crying about the Patriots is pure sour grapes.

  4. haha. I'm not crying and I'm not even feeling bad about it. Their known CHEATERS and EVERYONE knows that,even non football fans know that and Everything they have done and will do is Tainted and has a mental asterisk.

    That's just FACT and that is their LEGACY. Period.

    Lol...really? That's funny - I was just reading the Packers fan forum...they are almost as happy as Pats fans are about the outcome last night. No talk of "tainted legacies" whatsoever...

  5. Don't be fellow Colt Fan.

    This super bowl, just like all the previous ones is tainted for the cheaters. In just about everyone's minds,except maybe for new Englanders and the talking heads their so called accomplishments are because of cheating and fixed games etc..

    Let's hope for a successful off-season for our Colts.

    ah yesss!! The salty tears of the haters....so wonderful!! It's like winning +...my team gets a trophy, and I get to witness the hater tears...life is so good!

  6. The Patriots were beaten in their previous 2 SB's during the last two minutes (by the same team-ugh!).  Did they recover?


    Wilson is young and is probably hard on himself right now.  When this wears off, he'll realize that they were within three step of winning that game.  Butler just happened to be there to catch the deflection, nothing more.  


    They'll be fine. 

    It's not the fact that they lost...it's the circumstances. Put bluntly, their coaching staff basically stole a ring from these guys, opening the door for the players to not have 100% faith in the coaching staff. That's a big crack in the foundation, and this team of personalities doesn't strike me as the type who will pull together, close ranks, and come into next season in the right frame of mind to make another run.

  7. I'm still sitting here in jaw-drop amazement at what happened last night, and the more I get away from it the more this thing is starting to look like the Football equivalent of Bill Buckner or Grady Little leaving Pedro Martinez in too long in the ALCS (Boston baseball references...sorry). So now I'm wondering if Carroll and that cast of extroverted personalities are going to be able to recover from this loss? That was devastating, and I'm sure many of the players on that team are questionning the coaching now. Carroll's success has been based a lot on his ability to be an upbeat, ra-ra cheerleader type of coach. That act fell flat quickly when he was in New England because the players didn't have faith in his ability to put them in a position to win. After that loss last night, you'd have to think that pandora's box is opened now. It will take a LOT of character and leadership for that team to unify again next year, believe in themselves, and make another run....will be interesting to see if they have that kind of character. I have my doubts. The Patriots may have broken them last night.

  8. I would say that it's much easier to win multiple titles in the NBA once you get a franchise player like Duncan. The success of a football team requires a high level of play from many many more people than a basketball team requires. Put Tim Duncan or LeBron or Kobe or Jordan on almost any team with a bunch of decent/average surrounding players and you'll win a lot. It's much harder to do in football, as Colts fans are seeing...you've got the franchise player. If this were the NBA you'd be much closer to a championship than you are in the NFL.

  9. The tears, they're delicious.

    Jealousy is ugly.

    :lmao it's almost better than the win itself...the crying...good lord we are a generation of entitled wusses. Back in the day, people use to accept that they lost, not look for excuses.


    What? Look at Montana's stats in the big game... 


    83 122 68.0 1,142 11 0 127.8 W/L Record 4-0

    Brady up until tonight because I haven't checked the stats. Brady will also be the first ever Super Bowl MVP winning qb to be suspended the next season too... We shall call him Tom ter-tainted.


    127 197 1277 9 2

    The stats are from different sites so they look different, and this forum doesn't show them right for whatever reason.


    Montana is a has been...yesterday's news. It's all about Brady now.

  11. from Ian Rappaort of the NFL Network, then I'd say the story of what happened with the footballs at halftime of the Colts-Pats game changes pretty dramatically. Again, if true, the story would be this:


    - The Pats 12 gameballs all were tested pre-game and were legal

    - At halftime, 1 of those balls still tested in the legal range, 10 were "just a tick" below minimum, and one ball was an anomaly, testing 2lbs lower than minimum


    - That one anomaly ball just happened to be the one that the Colts equipment staff had possession of for the half...the one we were initially told that Jackson had "noticed" was deflated and turned it in. I remember finding it strange that Jackson went out of his way to say that that wasn't true and that the ball didn't feel strange to him at all...he just wanted to keep it as a souvenir.


    So...what an interesting development. Wouldn't it be something if the investigation discovered that that one ball WAS tampered with...by the Colts.

  12. Playing with underinflated footballs

    Concealing who is eligible (by knowing the refs won't take the time to sort it out)

    From what I read, bunching up coaches and players on the sidelines to interfere with the gunner who gets run OB on punts and kickoffs.


    Willie McGinest faking an injury to stop the clock and allow the defense to rest when the colts are driving. (knowing that the refs don't prove that a player is injured before they stop the clock)

    BB constantly listing Brady on the injury report out of spite for getting punished for not doing it once ten years ago,...thereby mocking the rule enforcers.

    A fan base that enables this behavior by their team does not deserve a franchise. I guess you could say that Boston/Providence are not "real" NFL cities.

  13. So by adopting this new signal and changes for next season, the NFL has pretty much acknowledged that Bellichick looked for gaping holes in the way that the rules were currently being enforced.


    That attitude is better defined as being closer to fraud, rather than competition or gamesmanship. 

    That's what all jealous people who weren't smart enough to think of it themselves say. Seriously - it sounds real whiny and sour grapes-filled to be complaining about legal plays. So what if they change the rule? They change a lot of rules every year.


    While some have suggested that the underinflation could have happened naturally because of the cold weather, a Boston College physicist told the Boston Herald, "If the footballs were notably lower pressure, then the only way it could have happened was if someone went in and stuck a needle in the ball and let two-thirds of the gas out, which means it is now up to the NFL to follow the chain of command — but no logical physics can explain the kind of pressure loss they’re talking about."


    lol...you're big on old news, eh? We've all moved past this stuff. No starting PSI measurements were logged, meaning the Colts balls very likely deflated same as the Pats, and most reputable scientists agree that it was due to the weather.

  15. Look man  The long drawn out nature of the investigation is the reward for the cheaters with the SB so close niether Kraft or the NFL want this distraction .


    Its all about the money & not the integrity of the game it does not matter that the Patriots balls mysteriously deflated in the cold weather on there side of the field while the Colts did not


    You need to keep up with the news...the bold part is inaccurate. And the NY Times study above pretty much puts all of this nonsense to bed. Both teams balls deflated due to the conditions. That's all there is to this.

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