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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. I don't want to hear anymore about the Cowboys paying the refs. How do you go from running the ball all game to 2 straight sacks and why didn't #26 try to catch the ball? He had an easier catch than the GB WR.

  2. Try 22 iirc...atleast 20, and the Steelers weren't even the best defenses he ever coached to some people. He coached those old Packers defenses and those Bengals defenses that were pretty good.

    He was also a HoF player who was 1 of the best players on the Lions behind Night Train Lane and that other guy whose name escapes me...guy on the NFL Network's top 10 players not in the HoF list.

    He played offense and defense at Ohio St. He was just a beast in every level of football.

  3. How about this one Bogie...you'll think I'm making it up. I was raised a Packer fan without any explanation, and a Seminole fan but no explanation was needed because we live in the small town next to Tallahassee. I watched my Dad all but cry during the games that came on local TV when they couldn't even beat Tampa Bay. Another time we BOTH cried was when some little punk upset our #2 ranked Seminoles the first game of the year in 1989. Forget his name...think he might have popped up in the NFL in 1992 lol!

    Favre was the king in Green Bay immediately in 1992. By 1996 he was the country's favorite until 2004.

    I get the Packer's end of the debate towards the end but I'm not sure they know that it wasn't long before Favre that the Bears beat that Packers 61-7...that's a bigger whoopin' than what we saw the Packers do to the Bears that Sunday night. Now obviosly there are some fans somewhere that remember that but they sure aren't people on the internet or in sports mags. If they were, they would be a little easier on The Ole Gunslinger.

  4. lol. How many rings Seattle got again? Same as your goat Favre, right?

    And Young, and Manning, and Bradshaw, and Warner, and Rodgers which is more than Marino, and Tittle, and Kelly etc.

    Now who can tell me which of those names doesn't belong there?

  5. Perhaps you should quit while you are ahead ... in your own mind that is.

    O and lets not forget the guy who also can't even comprehend reality on January 8, 2015 in the middle of January 8, 2015 when Seattle is a 1 hit wonder...in his own mind that is

  6. I can't get 1 guy to understand that what happened in 2007 doesn't indicate what happens in 2014 and I can't get the other guy to understand that what happens in 2014 doesn't indicate what happened in 2007.

  7. What? Romo and Rivers are pocket Qbs. Always have been. And your statement about them beating Seattle early makes no sense as Seattle crushed Rodgers who has more mobility than Romo and Rivers combined and that was in week one.

    I think Dallas has a very good chance of beating Seattle again if they get by GB because they have the run game to keep the heat off of Romo and they can play as physical as Seattle on both sides of the ball. They match up the best with them in the NFC.

    Romo and Rivers weren't always typical pocket passers. They weren't ever Cam Newton, but they weren't ever Tom Brady either. They play more like Tom Brady now because they're a few years older.

    Rodgers hardly ever runs the ball or takes chances. Mobility doesn't mean much when you either get sacked or slide for 2 on 3rd and 6.

  8. 1 SB= one hit wonder.


    And why wouldn't I defend Brady? Your statement is pure conjecture against the QB with the most playoff wins in NFL history who put up almost 400 yards vs Seattle D in Seattle when they last played ...


    1 SB = Favre, Manning, Young. Go ahead and call them 1 hit wonders too, but then I guess Bradshaw > Brady because...ya know...4.


    Conjecture better describes your statement than mind. You referred to "Brady's stats the last time he played Seattle IN Seattle" which was in 2012 like that guarantees victory in 2014. The only stat you elaborated on was total yardage from that game in an era where guys like Flynn, Stafford and Foles equal that stat pretty often. You left out 36-58 and 2 picks. Then you threw in some "NFL history" to go with it. Conjecture.

  9. Romo and Rivers had great games this year vs Seattle ...


    They're not traditional pocket passing quarterbacks career wise even though they played like them this year. Meanwhile they both beat Seattle early. The threat of scrambling and slinging it was there.With the threat of scrambling and slinging it gone when playing Romo, do you think Seattle will lose again?

  10. Not the 1995 NFCCG...it was at Dallas in the only game that I ever hated Mike Holmgren's playcalling. He did turn Favre loose in the 4th Qtr and they almost pulled of a GOAT comeback but he waited to late.

  11. Sure but any defense can be beaten by Brady too. He has the history of doing that time and again and not a one year wonder like Seattle ...

    In what universe are they are 1 hit wonder? They've been to the playoffs the last 3 years, won 1 Superbowl and have the number 1 seed right now but anyway you're clearly just blindly defending Brady at this point.

  12. I didn't say the Pats would win but you said Brady would look worse than Manning. He has played in five SBs and won three and lost the other two by a combined 7 points. He would never look like Manning did vs any team in the biggest game in football ...


    Any quarterback (any pocket passing quarterback anyway) is in danger of having the worst game of their life when they play Seattle. Old stats and accolades don't cancel that out.

  13. I'm a Seminole fan who has said what I'm about to say a few times already. Winston is overrated. Every single player on our team is an NFL calibur player. Just look at what our 7th round RBs did once they got some carries late this year in the NFL. Winston is good but that's about it. Any team who thinks he'll be their savior is badly mistaken.

    Mariotta makes dumb throws (was actually shocked that he had so few ints) but he makes good ones too. His read option isn't like RGIII's, Vick's etc. He does in the way it's drawm up as fluently as a Madden play. Those other guys just run around in circles which looks good until somebody gets 1 good lick on them.

  14. Dallas didn't play, NE, Denver, GB..they played the non-division winners schedule

    And every division finishes the same ever year, especially the NFC East

    Bluntly, NE is better than Seattle...but Dallas has beaten Phily, Seattle the Colts and Detroit...

    What Seattle would do to Brady will make what they did to Manning look tame

    They beat Seattle early...I think they'd lose a rematch big...Phily had a backup QB...

    And they didn't when they played GB?

    GB wins in that weather more than they lose..they live in it..GB had a bye while Dallas played poorly last week and got bailed out.

    The main reason they win in that weather more than they lose is because 8 or 9 wins usually takes that division.

  15. I still question Dallas' schedule so far...they've drawn every break

    The weather favors GB greatly..they have a QB who always plays in bad weather and a big strong back who does not have a broken bone in his hand....

    Both teams give up a lot of yards

    The Cowboys beat the Seahawks and the Colts. The Packers beat the Pats, Eagles and Dolphins in spite of Rodger's fumble and thanks to a trick play. That's 2 or 3 more big regular season games than they usually win (they usually don't have that many tough games on their schedule).

    The fact that they actually got it done in a couple big games this year makes me not predict a typical Packer playoff meltdown but still...January Lambeau cold is a whole other animal besides other Lambeau cold and it has kicked Rodger's butt a few times now.

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