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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Call plays that are going to work. Real hard. That's not where the work goes on on a football field. I don't know why it's an exclusive job really, especially in this era where many quarterbacks either call the plays or know what play the OC is going to call next. I would think a guy whose team had Charlie Weis would know this.

  2. What good would an admission do even if it were true? Like SF needs that on their plate too.


    They did the right thing. They have since been to a Superbowl and another NFCCG, which was the real Superbowl that year in my mind. Nobody thought that the team would tank in year 4. Sure there was talk about Harbaugh not being like as recently as 2011, but when teams tank they either do it right away or they don't. I don't know what made them just quit in year 4.

  3. The Broncos are scary but nobody gets it. Favre's and Warner's most promising seasons (as far as winning, not necessarily stats), just to name 2 recent examples, were when they looked toasted towards the end of the season then they woke up during the playoffs.

    And this is coming from a guy who has been quick to remind everybody that Peyton has won a playoff game 2 years in a row once in his life.

  4. I've been waiting on this topic to come up again (assuming this discussion was had before I arrived...it had to have). I think they need to go back to the rules as we know them now minus the triggerhappy refs. Not just this rule but most rules that we complain about have been rules for years. The difference of this era is the fact that the refs throw flags at anything that even looks like a penalty. If it's a bang bang play, let it go. If a defender targets a WR, call targeting. If a defender merely leaves hit feet, don't call targeting.


    I realize that concussions keep going up. The answer to that isn't more rules or penalties. I actually think that's the problem. To much damage control causes more damage. If to many guys are bailing water from a sinking ship, they'll stumble over each other and spill all of the water in their buckets. 


    Obviously football is more complex than the example I just used but the Kirk Cousins hit is an example. If he didn't think he was safe from a hit he wouldn't have been just standing on the field during a play. Then there is what these rules are doing to football on the game level alone (stat inflation, fundamentals of the game becoming a lost art, etc) but that's another post.


    Meanwhile ask any player if they'd rather take a helmet to the knee than to the head. 

  5. Do you really think he treats his players like boys...

    The guy put an unknown football program on the map, put Stanford back on the map then did the same for the 49ers who were bad. Heck he was Rich Gannon's QB Coach when Rich won the MVP.

    He was pretty dang good player too. He was every bit as tough and dedicated, and *almost* as good as other good quarterbacks of the time (Favre, Young, etc). That's basically the blueprint of a future successful coach.

    I could go on...I would be reaching but I could go on. Dad was a coach, brother was a SB winning coach etc. Anybody who thinks Harbaugh is a bad coach reads to much junk on the internet.

  6. If they can Harbaugh (and I think they will) then I will have no respect for that franchise. The GM, owmer, or whoever should step in that lockeroom and let them know that the only coach whose won a few games in the last decade is in charge and there to stay. And seriously...get rid of Vernon Davis or whoever that lockeroom mole is who can't take coaching (same thing after Singletary's 8-8 season remember).

  7. I've had this game on the TV in the background, but haven't really been paying attention due to watching the Bills/Broncos game on the computer.

    Am I the only one who has been thrown off by the unis tonight? I keep thinking the Seahawks are in the all black for some reason....

    No you are not. It's annoying.

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