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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Why is that relevant? Not only is that an apples to corkscrews comparison, but the Seahawks job isn't open.

    You brought "everyone in the NFL" into it, so I compared 2 guys from the biggest rivalry in the division who have played right across from each other 1 on 1 before. You could almost cherry pick guys from the Seahawks to be guys from the 49ers at this point which has to do with the decline of the 49ers talent with age more than coaching.

  2. Why are...so many/people...typing - like this...now.

    The 49ers are so doomed. They're getting old. Gore, Boldin, Smith, even guys like Crabtree and Davis because those types don't last as long and sometimes they just shut off like a switch. I honestly thought that was the problem all year.

    And the 49ers had a few good guys but the team was never talented. The 1994 49ers were talented, the 1995 Cowboys were talented...teams like that win a few games first in spite of the coach even if it implodes down the line. The best the 49ers ever did was 8-8 going between Mooch in 2001 and Harbaugh in 2011.

  3. What he did this time was nothing we don't see EVERY week in the NFL.

    What he did is also something we don't see EVERY week in the NFL because it's impossible to get it all on camera, like when the Packers kept untieing his shoes that 1 game.

  4. I think janitor is the only position in a football stadium that Bill hasn't made look like a football coach. The Pats assistant application should have 2 blanks for 2 signatures. The first should say "I will not help you cheat then turn you in for it." The second "I will give you a million dollars of my multimillion dollar contract that the most desperate team will give me in 2 years."

  5. Panthers 17 Cardinals 9

    Sadly, I predict a painfully bad game that will have everybody crying about rules changes, playoff changes etc boo hoo poor ESPN didn't get the alltime greatest playoff game for a debut bok hoo.

    Ravens 20 Steelers 17

    Good game but not a rivalry classic

    Bengals 31 Colts 34

    Good game

    Lions 24 Cowboys 38

    Good game but that's about it since the Cowboys will always lead

  6. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see who wins and how teams win. Sometimes it's coaching, sometimes it's the more rare but ever aparent case of a guy like Peyton Manning (still coaching...just not the coach lol). Then there are the Seahawks who...well I don't know how to explain them lol!

    I think it's obvious that the 49ers had coaching to thank for what was definitely success. Vernon Davis was the TE version of Jeff George.

  7. I didn't read this whole thread but anyway Watt should get it but he won't. Rodgers will probably get it while everybody ignores how the reason the Packers won yesterday was because the Lions still can't do things like kickoff in bounds, make handoffs, or hit the broad side of a WR. O and the refs...rigged? That was a fumble and they overturned it. Yes I understand the rule where the ball carrier is down once he's touched but the defender clearly knocked the ball from Lacy's arm first. And that 2 Pt conversion was good.

    Anyway...my 1 glimmer of hope for Watt is that people seemed to enjoy somebody besides a quarterback winning it last year and the fact that people have been behind Watt all year long.

  8. Who is talking about winning? You suggested that Seattle's defense has figured out pocket passers. They certainly didn't vs Manning this year or Rivers or Romo. All of them are pocket passers with Romo having more athletic ability than the other two.

    I think Seattle's defense is good. Period. They were great against Kaep both games and handled Philly and Chip's dynamic O as well. They will be tough no matter what type of QB or offense they face.

    Lol did I really have to explain the "winning" part? I mean is there ever some other point to the defense stopping the quarterback?

    Romo and Rivers aren't traditional pocket passers. They've leaned on that as they've gotten older but defenses know that there is still the possibility of them doing a number of other things. If that goes away more and more every year, it'll be latecareer Favre all over again they won't have a chance against Seattle.

  9. Manning torched them in the second half when Denver played them going 80 yards in a minute to tie the game and force OT. And Rivers had a great game vs them as well as Romo. They are beatable by pocket passers.

    Forcing OT isn't winning.

    Romo also counts as a nontypical quarterback even though he depnds more on his arm now. The threat of somerhing different is still there similar to Rivers and those guys.

  10. The Seahawks are beatable, but they are NOT beatable against the most popular offense in the game. That's the thing - they have figured out how to defend the pocket passing quarterback in all phases. What they've done on defense is the equivalent of what Joe Gibbs did on offense against Buddy Ryan.

    It will take a mad Andrew Luck, Rivers or Big Ben type to beat Seattle. The thing there though is that Rivers and Big Ben aren't to happy about running into linebackers and gunslinging anymore. It would take a 2003 Brett Favre/Raiders type throwback game for them to do it. That leaves Luck who will play that type of ball if he gets mad, but they have to beat everybody else first. It really looks good for Seattle.

  11. I was ready to rip into Superman that they were good with Jim Mora, who I'm a huge fan of, but he mentioned him lol!

    Best coach to never win a Superbowl and the best coach Peyton Manning ever had. I wish he would have swallowed his pride that last year and just let Peyton carry him to a ring eventually if nothing else to get 1.

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