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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. I think it's possible that they DO NOT RECOVER, but not for the reasons listed here. The defense played well. They were hardly "exposed." The game plan was to give those checkdowns up and tackle. They missed a few tackles along the way but the plan still left Seattle with the game at the end had that bizarre playcall and result not happened.


    I don't think Pete will lose the team in the typical sense and I don't think Wilson is finished because of 1 interception as if Favre, Manning, and Brady haven't lost games on interceptions. I think they are in danger of the less common coaching disaster, not losing the team to the point that they quit, but to the point that he loses control similar to Schwartz in Detroit and in the NFCW you won't salvage any kind of 8-8 season like the Lions did.

  2. I'm not defending the call but I'm going throw a few things out there-


    Lynch was successful in scoring a TD from the 1 yard line only 1 time out of 5 tries this year. 

    Lynch was successful in scoring a TD from the 1 yard line only 1 time out of 4 tries in the post season

    Lynch was successful in scoring a TD from the 1 yard line only 14 times out of 31 tries all time in his career.


    No QB, not a single one, threw an interception on a pass play from the 1 yard line in 2015.  Not one single interception... all year...  all teams...  until...


    And Lynch wasn't open. He was blanketed.  As were the other receivers in pattern except Lockette. Lynch's man dropped off him when he saw Wilson had already let the pass go.  And while I post this, I don't agree with the call either.  ) seing the Pats D, I would have tried a quick count QB sneak). But it is true if Lockette ran his route harder/faster he might have caught scored, or if Wilson throws a little better pass. 





    But let's give credit where credit is due.  A dude working at Popeye's chicken recently made 2 huge plays to save the game for the Pats!  First, on the miraculous Kearse catch.  Butler got up and tackled Kearse before he could himself get up and waltz in to the end zone.  2 plays later, he makes the pick!  An UDFA came in and made not one, but 2 plays at the end of the game.  Seems so unlikely, I have the feeling if Lynch would have run, this kid would have run up and put his hat on the ball and punched it out.  When it is your 15 minutes to shine, it's your 15 minutes!



    Holy lawd I'm used to selective stats when it comes to certain quarterbacks but runningbacks now? How about the fact that Lynch had gotten atleast a yard on ever carry last night which was exactly what they needed.

  3. I obviously won't ruin your enjoyment, you won the superbowl. The rest of the country knows it's their 4th asterisk. Seriously when Brady goes into the HoF he better thank the tuck rule, vinateiri, video tapes, lee evans, billy cundiff, his equipment manager, and russel wilson/pete carroll in that order.


    And you left the biggest advantage out imo.

  4. I'm saying you can't compare who they played with. Rice is in but he played with two of the greatest qb's. But how long did he wait? He didn't, he was a first Ballot. If we go by that argument then he shouldn't have. That's why I'm saying you can't look at that. You have to go by the numbers. Harrison was a better player.


    If you're going to compare how long it took 1 guy vs another guy to go into the HoF when they both will be in anyway, then you can compare who they played with and such. Rice was usually the best player on the 49ers teams, if not always. Then postprime Rice and postprime Brown took the Raiders to a Superbowl with 1 of the most overrated quarterbacks of all time imo. I think I even read the other day that Tim Brown is the oldest guy to score a touchdown who wasn't a quarterback lol!

  5. So did harrison. And you can't use qb play in these instances or many people would have not made the hall and qbs wouldn't make the hall cause you'd have to say that they did it with great receivers.


    Not like Brown and Rice did. And if you're going to dissect the minutiae of who goes in when, when they both go in anyway, then it's fair to compare the fact that Harrison played with Peyton Manning while Brown played with Steve Beuerlein and Jay Schroeder.

  6. It's worth pointing out that his income depends in part on the perception of who is the best CB in the league.  Not just his football income but also income from marketing opportunities. 


    Doesn't bother me that much.


    He made 24 with his hands to point out that they had just scored on Revis.



  7. Well ya, but how do you pick a guy who is atleast 7 places behind in the record books to go in first just because he's been waiting longer. Seems a no brainer to me to pick the best to go in.

    Because he did with guys who weren't fit to wash Peyton's jockstrap, let alone play quarterback on his level. He was also a good special teams player and he had very good postprime unlike many WRs.

  8. Lynch got stopped on 1st and Goal.

    No guarantee he gets it. After those solid completions from Wilson, and he was having a great second half up to then, why wouldn't you throw it?

    He still gained yardage on that play. I think he could have gotten in between the remaining 3 tries and the timeout.

  9. Sick of the selective stats concerning Aaron Rodgers...no picks at home I get it but 2 of the last 3 road games he had 2 picks each and a fumble in the clutch. The other road game was Tampa Bay. And so many breaks that people would never let go if it were Manning or Brady, not just The Reversal. The Jets had them til that debacle on the sidelines happened, and he tried to fumble away the Dolphins game but his OL fell on it.

    Who else got votes?

  10. I still disagree on the Favre exit being the worst choice. Obviously I don't want to see Peyton killed or put into a wheelchair but he wouldn't have to go that far to join Favre, Young, Aikman and the rest of those guys. Even Favre went ahead and "quit" after the Bears game before he got himself killed (he was cleared to play by week 17). If it gets that bad for Peyton than I wouldn't blame him and neither would anybody else. When you go down like that you're respected for it and forgiven for whatever went wrong before alot quicker.

  11. I completely understand. Rain games down here in Florida are like initiations into football. Eliminating them would cheat alot of people out alot of the intagibles of football fandom. When I was in middleschool, we drove to Tallahassee for an away game to watch our 15ish man Aucilla Warriors varsity team play the final game of the season against a 5 A powerhouse called North Florida. Driving to Tallahassee was always a big deal, having lived in our small town, but this time it was like we were going "with the tea." It was the equivalent of Florida/Florida St down here every year even though we got our tailed kicked every time. There were feelings that could win after beating a 5 A school earlier that year. We sat in the rain an watched our team lose 7-20 but after that I felt like I'd just fought a war.

    Just imagine rooting Brett Favre or Peyton Manning on in an NFL stadium in the rain or snow. If you want to eliminate that type of thing from football then eliminate yourself from football!

  12. Namath is in because he guaranteed the biggest upset in history. Nobody has ever even pretended that there was any other reason.

    It's looking like T.O is going in so you can't say that the whole class thing is an issue anymore.

    I honestly think that Stabler and Taylor are where they belong in the Hall of Solid. Ricky Watters was overrated.

    Haley and his medical condition is just to bad. He was diagnosed with a cobdition late in life that people still don't know very much about.

    I think Lynch belongs but I don't think it will happen because he will either retire early or lose a step sooner than later, and I just don't think he'll get the Gale Sayers treatment. Even though he's this week's most hated interview...come on...compared to T.O? Moss? Watters? I personally would like him in though.

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