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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. Defenses shut down the read option after his first season. They had to transition to making him more of a pocket guy. I do think the team is in trouble this season unless this new HC turns out to be someone special.

    The year they went to the SB wasn't even the year they relied on the read option. However, Kaep still ran the ball when he had to. For some reason he almost completely abandoned the run this past season though.

  2. Kaep won't be starting long imo, but not because he's the worst quarterback in the world. He got off of his game this year when they tried to hard to make some pocket passer out of him. If they would have just STUCK WITH WHAT GOT THEM TO THE SB then they would have been fine.

    Anyway, that team has gotten old and they have the worst lockerroom I've ever seen. 2-14 isn't a bold prediction imo.

  3. People so oblivious, clueless, not to mention defensive and confrontational about old fashioned ways of life are a bigger travesty than old fashioned people who are behind honestly.

    FWIW I don't think that is the case with very many people. They just pretend that they're that sympathetic, progressive, etc. because they're afraid to say otherwise, especially on the internet.

  4. even with a great kicker we've seen the Vikings miss a critical FG in the NFc championship. I don't mind putting the ball in my hof qb hands. The 2nd 1 is totally different. Last option ever in goal line is to throw over the middle. 3 things can happen and two are bad. Tipped balls etc. Brett tried to make a play....much like peyton had done in playoffs in Denver and Indy losing a SB and a first rd game. Every pass is a taking a chance. Favre was a great player. He made some of the greatest plays in NFL history and yes a few of the greatest blunders. He always had fun and played with intensity and joy. I remember him for his years with gb and not the mistakes in ny at the end. He played at a high level for a long time. True hof qb that killed my dads bears teams but always respected him on the field. I'm going to leave the off the field alone but man he was fun to watch. Sad their isn't s guy like him in the league. We were better off with him and just like manning and brady soon the league was not be the same without him.

    Bingo. The Gary Anderson FG is proof that a FG wasn't necessarily the best chance to win.

  5. I am not sure what we are even debating. I never said either team was guaranteed a victory. I am talking win probability. That's it. You keep bringing up Lynch like that is a relevant comparison. It's not. Not in any way. Lynch never had the ball. Favre could have given his team a chance at a victory and he threw the pick. If he runs toward the open field and slides he picks up 5 easy and it is a 50 yard FG in a dome. Not a guarantee by any means but a great chance at a win. That is all I have been debating. Nothing more. And that's my last post on it. Have a great night. Have to go shovel now ...

    And the Vikings stood a better chance at those several things happening that they needed to happen to win the game than the Seahawks did the 1 thing, that 1 thing being 1 yard, to win their game? You're taking Favre over Lynch at rushing? And spotting Lynch 4 yards?

    You can't have both. The 2 things just don't add up no matter how many ways you spin it. You can't say Lynch probably wouldn't have gotten a yard then say Favre certainly would've gotten 5 yards, and got out of bounds, and the FG. And that's not even including the variable of the timeout that the Seahawks had. They had 2 chances, maybe 3.

  6. Favre had open field in front of him so yes he would have gained yardage. Lynch would have had a goal line of defenders trying to stop him so no, I don't know if he would have scored. He didn't 4 out of 5 times during the season. Again, we are talking win probability here. That's it. Vikings had a chance to win if Favre tucks it and gets what he can. He can blame Sidney if he wants but he threw across his body down field.

    But would he have gained yardage, and gotten out of bounds and got what would have been around a 50 yard FG? That's what it would have took to win, not just the gain of a few yards. All Lynch needed was 1. 1 yard. 1 yard anywhere, no out of bounds, no FG, just 1 yard forward and the game was over. I'll take Lynch every time and before you throw that selective 4 out of 5 stat at me again, go look up Favre's 2009 rushing stats.

    BTW, I looked up the box score of that game and the Vikings had six fumbles/three lost. 2 by Peterson and one by Favre were the lost ones. It was amazing that they were even in position to win at the end.

    Yet they only finally lost the game with Favre and AP on the sidelines.

  7. You must have me confused with another poster. The only thing I said on the other thread was that no play is guaranteed and that Lynch had been stopped 4 out of 5 times from the one during the season. And that the probability of a pick on a pass play from the one on a slant route is extremely low and yet happened. Again, nothing is guaranteed.

    That's a mouthfull aka all you said.

    Are you denying that Favre would not have picked up yardage on that play?

    Are you denying that Lynch would have on that play?

    He has admitted that he would have and should have ran instead of throwing.

    "I probably should have ran it," Favre said. "I don't know how far I could have gotten.

    "But I was just late to Sidney. ... It proved costly."


    Favre always takes the blame after the game. Besides, he's since said that Sidney wasn't where he was supposed to be.

  8. Never said it was in the bag but a high probability of a win. Anything there, a dive forward, a throw away, a slide would have giving a chance at the win. Only the INT would sink the chance and he not only threw the pick but threw it across his body down field, a huge no, no for any QB. And you are the one bringing up Lynch, not me. I never denied that the probability of winning was better with him running from the one. Just refuted the idea of any play being guaranteed in football.

    I'm aware of the fact that I'm bringing up Lynch. How could I not when you won't quit saying in the Lynch thread how nobody knows that he would have gained 1 yard? Only to come over here to the Favre thread amd not quit saying that Favre could have gained atleast 5 (you actually said 15 first...)?

  9. Nobody said guarantee but you're laying it on so thick...you're selling it as if the Vikings had it in the bag via a rush followed by a FG somewhere around the 50 yard distance in less time and chance than it would have took Marshawn Lynch on the 1 yard line.

  10. OT never comes if he does not throw that ball and picks up what he can on the ground giving his kicker a chance at winning the game.

    O lawd no...a 40 year old, crippled Brett Favre gaining yards and getting out of bounds plus a 40 yard field goal (assuming he gets 15...5 and 50 was more realistic) is guaranteed if he doesn't throw? But over in the other thread you're pounding it in to everybody's head that a 1 yard Marshawn Lynch run was never guaranteed, in atleast 2 tries, if Wilson doesn't throw. Great Googley Moogley this thread.......
  11. And yet some guy with the initials BC continues to bring up Peyton Manning repeatedly & SW1 is the one with comprehension problem here.

    Yeah, sure keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. haha

    Your last post brought up Peyton Manning. My last post did not. Work with that and get back to me I guess.
  12. Sure but anything but throwing there gives you a shot at the win and avoids OT and the lousy refs. That was probably Favre's biggest weakness. It was not that he threw a ton of picks, it is that he had no sense of the moment and what was required. He just could never seem to take the safe play when it was right in front of him. That is in part why he was such an exciting player to watch. You just never knew what he was going to do. His MVP years in the mid-90's was some of the best QBing of all time. And he really never had great receivers or RBs either.

    I just don't agree. The worst case scenario was OT, which happened. Then as bad as the illegal hits, turnovers, etc. were, what happened in OT was even worse. The Saints were literally pushed down the field in a stroller by the refs.

  13. When a thread is clearly devoted to 1 specific QB who is specified by name, I fail to see the validity in mentioning other field general names unless another NFL QB has an identical problem throwing INTs which inhibits their chance to win SBs on a regular basis? Why is this concept so difficult for you too grasp? Would a pop up book with pictures help you grasp this idea more clearly BC?

    I'm not the 1 having difficulty grasping concepts here.

  14. He rolled out just fine on his ankle. Just run forward 10 yards and you got a 45 yard FG. Even if he just fell forward, you are looking at 50. The only he could not do was throw the pick across his body. But really, Peterson blew that game for you with his fumbles. That is really the forgotten part of the game.

    Rolling out and running 15 yards aren't exactly the same. There are a ton forgotten (ignored) things in that game.

  15. Favre had 10-15 yards in front of him to run and make it a 40 yard FG but instead decided to throw across his body down field. Perhaps the worst decision by a player ever in a playoff game and right up there with Carroll calling a pass play on the one.

    Are we really going to pretend that we don't know why Favre didn't run...

  16. You love Brett Favre & cannot tolerate any criticism of him as a QB. That's the issue here BC.

    How is comparing Luck to Favre a complement when a number of crucial interceptions ended both the Packers & Vikings seasons under Favre's leadership respectively? Now, if you wanna make the logical argument like Gavin did that Andrew needs to reduce his picks to advance further in the Playoffs & have a better shot playing in a SB, I can work with that. But, don't gloss over Favre's interception weaknesses like it's not a big deal or insignificant. INT's are more than "small potatoes" BC.

    The reason why I don't think Luck's comparison to Favre is not applicable is because of INDY's lack of a reliable ground game. Brett had Dorsey Levens. Whose Luck got Boom Herron? Nowhere near the production we need to balance our offense & reduce the need to rely on throwing so much which would lower the frequency of interceptions on Luck's behalf. Okay, you could make the point that Bradshaw was productive but injury issues keep him sidelined forcing us to rely on Trent Richardson's useless running & Boom's good but not great yards on the ground. Favre had a much better running game than Luck does for a longer duration of time & he still threw the highest number of picks in the history of the NFL as a professional QB. Facts are facts BC.

    Alot of the chances Favre took ended in crucial touchdowns, not just interceptions. That's the main similarity he has with Favre among other similarities. You act like quarterbacks can just mash a button to reduce interceptions. They can reduce the chances they take, but not the results of every chance. It's no longer a chance when you know the result before you even throw it. Anyway could Luck reduce the number of chances he takes? Sure...but careful what you wish for. Imagine if Luck started sliding on every 3rd down and lost twice a year to the Patriots for the next 3 years like Rodgers (the posterboy of safe quarterbacks) did against the 49ers.

    Dorsey Levans had 1 season over 1000 yards and 1 season for exactly 1000 yards.

  17. Did Favre throw a pick in the 2009 NFC Championship Game to end the Vikings post season run that year yes or no? The answer is yes. I also complemented Favre on "the beating he took darn near winning that game." So, in effect, I did say or infer that Brett was indeed tough & almost won that game.

    Again, bringing up Peyton Manning's interception record as a whole or season by season has nothing to do with a topic centered exclusively around #4. It's a bait & switch debate tactic with no relevancy to the topic at hand.

    The answer is no. They played a whole other quarter that saw Favre never even take the field, which was a sham because the Vikings clearly stopped them on 4th down. Besides Rice wasn't where he was supposed to be. That's what everybody forgets about that play, along with the fact that the other option was a 55 yard FG like it was automatic. Then over in the Bevell thread ya'll are hold on hold on the Lynch play wasn't automatic.

    Like it or not the fact that Peyton and several other HoFers have threw a ton of interceptions is a part of any topic where somebody talks interceptions. I would say the same thing if this were a Peyton Manning topic that where somebody talked about his interceptions.

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