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Posts posted by BloodyChamp

  1. My response to the first post about anybody throwing any interceptions (Luck was implied first actually, followed by Favre in southwest's borderline meltdown) was that the Luck/Favre comparison wasn't all about interceptions and that it was meant as a compliment. Furthermore I just refered to it as "small potatoes." If what you get out of that is that interceptions are a big deal to me then...ugh.

  2. Why are you bringing up other QBs to deflect the issue?

    I'm not deflecting the issue. I'm exposing the issue for the fact that it's small potatoes by showing you the company Favre has in the interception category. Meanwhile forget other quarterbacks, all I did with bring up other Colts. The actual list of all quarterbacks is unbelievable.
  3. Ah yes, the classic I'm losing my own argument so let's introduce Brady something completely irrelevant to the subject matter being discussed at hand.

    Look, you love Favre & I do not. Neither one of us is going to persuade the other one to change their mind on #4. It is what it is. No one is moving from their previous position. So be it.

    Brett deserves to be in the HOF. Beyond that, you & I diverge paths concerning Favre's overall QB legacy. It's as simple as that.

    You asked how Luck was similar to Favre, and insisted he isn't because he doesn't throw into triple coverage or throw picks. You asked that in response to Gavin who wasn't just talking about picks. Since you wanted to concentrate on that 1 stat though, I reminded you that Luck threw 20 of them this year...similar to Favre. A) It was your argument. B) You lost it.
  4. Let's see, Brett threw a pick in the 2009 NFC Championship Game vs the Saints which cost him a shot at his 3rd SB, but you're right, I nit picking. LOL!

    Do you know how many times Brett Favre threw a boneheaded pass that knocked the Packers out of the Playoffs?

    More times than I care to remember. 336 interceptions doesn't just fall arbitrarily out of the sky you know.

    Who cares what other HOF QBs INT Stats are BC. When Bogie started this thread he called it "Everything Brett Favre" right? Not list every NFL QB to ever throw multiple picks correct?

    I hate to pop your bubble on Brett Favre BC, but he's not as exceptional as you think he is. Maybe you & John Madden can meet up & reminisce over #4's greatness together. Should I send Mooch along too?

    And that tied the game. It took OT and the refs to finally put that game away by 3.

    "All things Brett Favre" certainly includes ints. Just don't leave the part out about how Peyton Manning needs 13 more ints to join the 10 most int'd quarterbacks to make that the second Colt on that list.

  5. I'm always slamming Skip Bayless because he clings to that foolish QBR stat. I've never subscribed to that lame concoction that ESPN is almost married to. You clearly don't follow my stances at all do ya?

    That's fine. It doesn't matter anyway. Any person with a Favre avatar is shall we say less than objective when it comes to examining Brett's entire career. Again, that's your choice which is okay naturally.

    Your stance is typical. You're stuck on the int thing. Check his touchdowns and MVPs. If you must stick to the ints, check that int list. Favre isn't the only HoFer in the top 5, or 10, or 20 which includes some guy named Peyton Manning.

  6. I have no idea what in the hades that comment even means BC. Am I a colossal jerk just because I disagree with your assessment of Favre? Take a number.

    LOL! Like I'm devastated & emotionally scarred by your objections. If it makes you feel better, go ahead & slam me. That's your right. It doesn't both me in the slightest.

    Mine and everybody else here who merely acknowledges that Luck threw a pick or 20 this year, without even going as far as to say it. All the first poster said was that Luck has similarities with Favre and he was referring more to the touchdowns in triple coverage than the ints. You've since done a perfect amfootball/Brady impression switching Brady for Luck.

  7. No, Luck doesn't throw into triple coverage like Favre did a good portion of his career. BC, you're crazy if you honestly believe that Luck does that on the same level of frequency as #4 did. Child please.

    I will grant you that Luck has a problem with throwing multiple picks against NE, but if INDY gets a reliable ground game going those Patriots picks should decline.

    You have no idea what in the world you are talking about when you infer that Andrew is on the same level as Brett with throwing intercepted passes. That's just a ridiculous statement on your part & not at all truthful.

    I lived through the Favre era personally. Trust me, you're wrong & way off base there BC.

    Butthurt much?

  8. It had nothing to do with whether you believed it or not, it was obnoxious because it dominated all media platforms related to football and we had to have it force fed down our throats for 3 straight off seasons when I just wanted to get info on the draft, free agency etc

    You get sick of hearing about that stuff over and over, but the media was relentless and I think Favre fed into that

    And all the media platforms related to football have been so tolerable since...

  9. Are you kidding me Gavin? Does Luck routinely throw into double & triple coverage just because he thinks his arm can beat the DB from intercepting his pass? Ah no, not even close.

    Does Luck routinely make bad throws chucking the ball across his body or have difficulty knowing when to throw the ball out of bounds & live to fight another down like Favre often did? Ah no, not even close.

    Plus, let's not forget that Favre had a decent ground game with RB Dorsey Levens either a security blanket Luck hasn't really had. Boom Herron is okay not great.

    The answer to all of those questions is yes and that's not a knock on Luck. Luck plays to win, not get perfect QBRs.

  10. I'll be nicer to #4 once I know officially that Favre is retired & definitely won't be coming back. If you live in WI & endured the on again/off again retirement merry go round with Brett, you will understand where my resentment comes from.

    Once he gets his yellow jacket, I will finally feel a sense of calm wash over me & I will give him his proper dues. I promise.

    The people who bought that he was retiring 40 times are the same people who bought that their exwife had a flat tire every night that took 4 hours to fix. What they endured is on them for being dumb enough to believe it more than anything else.

  11. I'm going to be vague so's not to mess up my friendship with the Seattle football player I'm friends with. I just spoke to him for the first time since the call...he's a part of the 98% side of this debate lol! Before you call bee ess, remember that I've posted how I know several football players who all have 1 thing in common. We're hardly besties up in here but I consider these guys friends.

  12. Green Bay's defense in my eyes has improved. Or maybe that's just my thoughts after watching them in the playoffs, and how they handled Seattle very well.

    Maybe Bloody Champ can offer us a better opinion since it's his team.

    Don't spread it around lol!

    I could be wrong but I think Peppers is the only big name FA Thompson has ever hired, and some will say he isn't really a big name. They don't do johnny come latelys in Green Bay (and alot of them don't want to play there either). It would be scary though...

  13. My favorite player ever now and my least favorite ever before. Punk ruined my #2 ranked Seminoles season in 1989. Obviously I forgave him, having been brought up a Packers fan in the NFL.

    I might bump this up with some YouTube links every now and then. Some cool 90s stuff has popped up over the years.

  14. No - I don't. You aren't within 50 nautical miles of a point, Captain.

    Every post of yours is a giant ramble that implies things like Bill knew Russel would throw a pick, or Bill drew it up that way, etc. On and on and on with it then stop and be all "well you're reading way to much into this..."

    Says the person who has magically figured out exactly what Bill was thinking as the Superbowl ended just like he planned.

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