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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 6 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah we shut alot of people up today. There were many that picked Tennessee on ESPN and the NFL Network, today was a statement game that we are back. The media was wrong about us as usual. We are a small market team and use to the dissing but we have Andrew back, sky is the limit. I hope people keep picking against us so that look like fools lmao 


    On the Vikings site earlier, I wrote:


    Where are all those that said Andrew Luck was done?


    Lol. Many said he was overrated. Glad to see him doing well again. He is so humble for a truly elite player.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 2 minutes ago, SteelCityColt said:

    I'd say All Day is perhaps up there with Bo as the best pure physical specimen to play in the NFL. His recovery from the ACL was beyond human


    I agree. I'm happy for him. I thought his career was over after he left the Saints. He is playing really well this year. He does not look his age.

  3. 2 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    That call was BULL, what is up with flag happy REFS everytime there is a huge return.


    2 minutes ago, CamMo said:

    Good acting =not an actual hold that should have been called. Bull.


    that was awesome to watch. Go Chester.


    That is what the radio announcers in NY said (listening on radio; not interested in watching Giants game. Lol)

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  4. 15 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

    Low 70s and smoky at that God_awful soccer stadium the Chargers play in,   Over-under at 46.


    I noticed that the Stanford @ Cal game was postponed yesterday because of "poor air quality". I guess that is not the case for this game in southern California???

  5. 7 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    What I see in his body language is he has lost the ability to be a leader.  When things go wrong he pouts and don't stand tall in the huddle. Most of all he don't act like a leader. He's by himself when on the sidelines.  He reminds me of Jeff George and how he distances himself from the rest of the team.

    Not only does a QB have to have the talent he also must lead his team especially when things are not going well.


    All true. I thought it was only fans of the Vikings, Bears, and Lions who thought that.


    Didn't Greg Jennings take a lot of heat for saying that Aaron was not a leader? That was several years ago. 


    About a month ago, he said exactly what you wrote (link to video):


    Link: Greg Jennings explains how Rodgers body language


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  6. 15 minutes ago, dgambill said:

    Yes...a dirt ball to be sure. The AD said they wouldn’t have had him back if it was going to be the old Petrino....sadly the good Petrino couldn’t coach. If it wasn’t for Jackson he would have been fired long before. Louisville athletics are a mess.


    Yeah, their fans seem frustrated. If they hire Brohm, that will bring up morale and enthusiasm for the program again.  

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  7. 17 hours ago, Chrisaaron1023 said:

    Won all three fantasy games. Colts won and my 2nd favorite team won (Titians this week)! My Sunday has been completed! Lol


    Your second favorite team = any team that plays the Patriots???


    I wondered yesterday if Colts fans were rooting for the Titans or the Pats.


    As much as I hate the Pats, I had to root for them last week against the Packers. It was strange because I never root for the Pats.

  8. @ColtsBlueFL Great stuff as usual. :scoregood:


    Is it your understanding that "the surgery was greater in scope" means that another procedure took place? Is Floyd's attorney alleging that the doctors are liable because the surgery that he went in for is not what was performed? "Greater in scope" makes me believe that the surgeon should not have performed the procedure because it was not what the player signed up for.


    I support Floyd in this case while not knowing all the facts. I'm biased. haha

  9. 16 minutes ago, ColtJax said:

    So if the Rams don't sign Fowler and he gets a big contract in the off season the Rams will end up getting a 3rd round pick for compensation. Just like Bell, the Steelers will get a 2ND round pick when he leaves, that's why they weren't going to give him up for a 3rd or 4th rounder. 


    I don't believe any team has ever been awarded a 2nd round compensatory pick. I believe comp picks start in the 3rd round. But I could be wrong. 

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