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Posts posted by NFLfan

  1. 1 hour ago, Moosejawcolt said:

    We keep  talking about incident over and over.  The real question we need to ask is this an isolated incident or is this a  pattern of behavior? With counselling can Hunt change? I believe in the NFL policy regarding suspensions.  However, do we simply wash our hands of him and  place a life sentence on him.   People can change with the right kind of intervention.  I have worked with a lot of people with issues ranging from addictions to domestic violence. They come from horrific back grounds.  Generational abuse and addictions.  I worked with families and it is amazing how much a person can change if they r committed. I won't condemn Hunt or place a life sentence because I have made mistakes through out my life.  I allowed myself to grow and actually went thru counselling.  It is amazing the effect counselling can have have on ones life. APIE. ASSESS the situation.  Put a PLAN in place for example counselling. IMPLEMENT with services and then EVALUATE  to c if those services r working.  



    :scoregood: Excellent post. I agree. 

  2. 20 minutes ago, chad72 said:


    Yes, to an extent, I do agree. I had an uncle who was abused by his wife, and believe me, it happens. She had some serious goon connections to threaten him every time he got tough with her, and police would not believe him, and he had gone against family advice to not marry her. So he felt alone and committed suicide in front of a train. That was a difficult day for the family, still remember talking to my grandma who recalled getting his body in pieces in tears. Yes, mental health is a serious issue, not just in this country, but around the globe.


    However, in this case, Kareem Hunt did have a chance, to walk away, even if she instigated things. I remember Reggie Wayne getting in a bar fight and he had a chance for fight or flight, and he chose flight recalling Dungy's words, he said. Kareem Hunt chose fight and paid for it because the video got out. I still think he needs to be given a second chance after this punishment he deals with though life will never be the same for him again.


    Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear. It does happen to both men and women. I know men who have experienced abuse. As you wrote, this here is a different situation. He could have walked away as Wayne did. His friends tried to stop him.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    You see it as antagonistic, is this because you feel threatened by someone disagreeing with you? Because there is no antagonizing, simply disagreeing with your argument. Animals are in no way equal to humans because they do not have the part of the brain that allows them to reason, think critically, and make decisions like we do, that is why humans are separated from animals scientifically.


    The discussion is about men and women, and men are more aggressiveness generally speaking. That is why men fight more than women. Its not even a stigma, its a fact.


    Why would I feel threatened? Lol. I'm done with responding to you. Have a great day. 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    I'm not the one introducing irrelevant information to a debate. You can think what you want, but fact is it shows weakness in your position if you have to resort to strawman arguments and bring in irrelevant information to attempt to distract and derail the true discussion.


    You read it the way you wanted to. Go back and read my posts and go back and read your posts. Look at who is being antagonistic.


    Btw, I added that animals fight to show that it is behavior that is not controlled by what your gender is. Someone wrote that his daughter(s?) should not act as a man. I asked if he was referring to fighting. It is not only men that fight and it is not only humans that fight. That's my point. If you don't get that, okay. Let's agree to disagree.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Narcosys said:

    He's saying if you want to be treated like a woman and hold on to that special privileged right of being put on a pedestal and protected, then don't get in someone's face and instigate a situation beyond what it already is. Don't go attacking and expect to not be retaliated against.


    Also, your last question is a bit naive and deliberately playing dumb. Yes fighting is something men do, I mean there have been literally thousands of years in recorded history of it being a sport. And that's not including all the wars and fighting since the dawn of human civilization. To say that men are not instinctively aggressive is to deny natural psychology and physiology if men. 


    Lol. Human beings fight. Not just men. Animals fight too. 

    • Like 1
  6. 48 minutes ago, coltsva said:

    He repeatedly came back after being led away from the scene.


    That is why all those crying "self-defense" are wrong. Self-defense is to protect yourself, not to retaliate. Instead of protecting himself, he was coming back and exposing himself to possible harm.

    • Like 3
  7. 11 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    See my Post above, it explains how Hunt should've handled the situation. Had he done it like that he would have no problems. That is how every man should handle it when it comes to women unless like you said she is just crazy with a bat or knife trying to kill the guy. I would've snatched the lamp out of her hands and got her out of my room, then shut the door and called Hotel Security. It would've been end of story at that point.



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  8. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    There are reports she hit him with a lamp while in his room. What he should've done at that point was get her out of his room (get the lamp out of her hands), just grab her and force her out and get the door shut. Stay in the room and call Hotel Security at that point. I know in the heat of the moment that is tougher said than done but in hindsight that would've been the right move. Security and Police could've handled it from there. 


    That is what should have been done. That there is self-defense. Forcing her out of the room to protect himself is self-defense. Going after her as he did in the video is not self-defense. It is retaliation.

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  9. 2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

    She was not wielding a weapon in the video. She was outside his room. He came out after her.


    Exactly. It seems that what most of the commenters here are calling "self-defense" is more "retaliation". They seem to be saying that because she hit him at some point, he has the right to hit her. That is not self-defense.  The video does not show self-defense on either of their parts.


    Self-defense is an action taken to prevent harm to oneself. The video does not show an individual hitting someone because he reasonably believes that he needs to protect himself. 


    Note: I believe they are both wrong. She goes after him after he hits her and walks away. She should have left.

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  10. 19 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:



    So you're a trained investigator and you're telling me that hand to hand violence and gun violence is the same thing? Like....it's under the same category? 


    This has nothing to do with the Hunt thing. But seriously. What. 


    My thoughts exactly. 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, PuntersArePeopleToo said:

    Also not insightful. As you know from MLB thread I really do not like Buck he is incompetent and a liar that should have been fired in 2011. Him, Collinsworth, and Aikman are bad at the job and bring nothing positive


    Why should Buck have been fired? What did he lie about? 

    • Thanks 1
  12. 1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I am a huge Jim Nantz fan, maybe it is beacause he has done alot of big Colts games in the past when Peyton played? He also praised Peyton alot. I just love his low key voice as well. I actually like Tony Romo now, at first I thought he was a motor mouth but he's toned that down and he's real knowledgeable about the game. I like him much better than bland Simms.


    I forgot Jim Nantz. I like him too. I too like that "low key voice", similar to that of Kevin Burkhardt. I actually like Nantz and Romo more than the Sunday night guys. 


    I think many fans do not like guys like Buck, Collinsworth, and Aikman because they seem to never stop talking about (praising/drooling over) Brady and Rodgers.

    • Like 2
  13. 24 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    A few weeks ago we had a discussion from Supes about the Monday Night Football crew, and SI just posted a rankings page of where they fall compared to others. Thought it was interesting.






    Joe Buck and Aikman are #1?? I am not a fan of either.


    My favorite is probably Kevin Burkhardt and Charles Davis. I like Al Michaels and Collinsworth too.  

    • Thanks 1
  14. 1 hour ago, RockThatBlue said:

    Ridiculous but hilarious at the same time. UL fans are some of the most delusional fans in the country. Watching them in a meltdown has my week made.

    What team was that?


    The NY Mets. The Vikings and Stanford football have never won a championship. The Vikings have lost 4 Super Bowls. Stanford has won the Rose Bowl but not a national championship. Stanford once beat Nick Saban 38-0 in a Bowl game when Saban was the head coach of Michigan State. He was a hot coach even then. Everyone expected MSU to win. Back in those days Stanford barely made it to bowl games. The score was shocking.

    • Like 1
  15. Just now, PrincetonTiger said:

    Stoops would not go the L and Tyra would not want him(too much bad blood)



       Brown is a Boyle County HS(Danville, Ky) grad then played at UK and UMass then was an Assistant at UMass, Troy, Texas Tech and Kentucky


       He is the HC at Troy


    Ah. Okay. I did read about him. Why is he being tied to Louisville? Does he have any connections to Louisville? 


    I know almost nothing about Louisvile sports. Why is there bad blood between Tyra and Stoops?

  16. 53 minutes ago, HOZER said:

    Hazels son still goes to WLHS and is a receiver on the team, darn good one too! He won the IHSAA mental aptitude award after the game. His dad was unable to be in attendance due to the Vikings playing on Sunday....WTH? 


    I read what you posted about the award. That is a great accomplishment. It is too bad his father could not be there. 

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