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Posts posted by Beauregarde

  1. Not a ten million a year upside

    I think the market will prove you wrong. How about $40 million for five years? Is he worth $8 million per year or do you apply any logic on his worth at all and you just aren't interested in seeing him become a Colt and consigning Reggie Wayne to retirement?

  2. Reggie will be fine.

    Again, that is your heart talking not your head. I hope he will be too but I do not expect him to be the Reggie we all knew. Father time gets all of us. He might not have been the same this year without the injury. Decker is young and healthy and probably still has some upside.

  3. Reggie is a superior player to Decker until he shows otherwise

    Not at his age. You are dealing from emotion, not logic. If Reggie makes it back at all it will probably only be for a year at most. Decker is 26, with a good record and good character. I have loved Reggie too. I am not sure he will even be a semi-productive starter next year. I hope and pray that he is but my logical mind screams at me that it is very unlikely.

  4. grigs should be fired if he does that

    $32 million for four years for Decker? That would be a bargain and the Colts should jump all over that. I think he will be offered more than that and a longer contract. He would be the best WR on the Colts roster immediately.

  5. I think as a positive and TRUE Colts fan - your statement is ridiculous.


    Why not focus on REGGIE recovering like Adrian Peterson. Give him the benefit of the doubt and give us all a break with the negativity.


    Reggie is not Marvin.


    Just because Marvin couldn't come back - that means nothing on the Reggie front.  Why start spreading the bad news - which is exactly what you are doing - when at this point - there isn't any.




  6. You failed to answer the question.

    What will they do - pay them or them walk?

    I said that I doubted it would happen that they let them walk. I think that answers the question. I also think signing them will bring both of those teams back to the rest of the NFL and it will be rare if they make Super Bowl runs. Just like the Colts.

  7. This is just a simply misguided notion.

    Let me ask you - when Wilson and Kaepernick contract's are up, what do you think the Niners and Hawks will do? Let them walk and rebuild in the fashion you suggest or pay them?

    The answer is very clearly pay them. Why do you think that is? Because it is the most important position in sports and the one position most responsible for a team winning. If you do not have a QB, you have nothing. This new model you keep yammering on and on about is nothing close to a new model.

    It would be interesting if the 49ers decide to let Kaep walk and bring in another QB on his rookie scale to keep the rest of the team intact. I doubt it will happen yet but I think within a few years this could be a model for getting back to the SB quickly.

  8. Nah Tate is better better hands, better routes, better at getting YAC, better at pretty much everything. He put up almost 1,000 yards in a run first offense.

    Well, we will see what he is paid. I think Seattle is going to cut him and he will be a free agent. He is offering a discount to stay.

  9. All I'm saying is why pay 10 million for a receiver if he's not one of the best in the league. There's a better way to get a receiver or we can stick with our own this season.

    He is one of the best in the League and he has proven it.

  10. I'd rather have Golden Tate. He's the better receiver anyway and will only cost half as much. 

    Golden Take has not and will never be able to walk in Decker's shoes. I like him but we don't need any more little receivers. Decker is a big, tall target.

  11. Dude, I told the other guy I hit the 3 instead of the 2. It should have been 2012. In 2012 Those were Wayne's numbers.

    I see. It happens but that is two years ago and a serious injury later. We do not know what we have in Wayne.

  12. Decker needs someone on the other side who gets the main coverage or he disappears. And he will not take less money to play for a winner or he'd go back to Denver.

    That is nonsense. What is your evidence to support that. Before Manning came along his passes came from Tebow and I don't think that means much at all. Where does everyone get this crap that players should take less money to play for a winner? This may be his one and only big payday and he should make it count. He is a salary cap casualty in Denver. They would love to keep him if they could pay him. They can't and they have a promising receiver to take his place.

  13. Richardson was a need and if you can trade a late 20s pick for a top 3 pick in the previous draft in an area of need you do it. We mis-managed him which ultimately led to his lack of production. A second round pick for Vontae was an absolute steal he was playing at an all pro level before he got injured late in the Denver game. Werner was a solid pick in an area of need as well((Though ou of all 3 of your arguments this one holds the most merit because there were other players we coulda got that were arguably better).

    You have to ask yourself why a rebuilding team would trade their number three pick for a low round draft pick. The reason was that they already knew what Richardson was and what he lacked. Now, if you want to argue that they should never have spent the number three pick on a running back at all, I would agree with that. The fact is that just about any back late in the draft or available would be an improvement over Richardson. I will give you that we go two years out of Davis but second round picks are precious and I think we would be better off with those picks than the player we wound up with.

  14. Wow, really?

    You are a Colts Fan?

    Sorry, kind of hard to believe....

    I am and I like Luck as much as you all do. I also thought at the time it was a no brainer to draft him. But after seeing how the 49ers, Ravens and Seahawks got to the Super Bowl, I think the day of taking the QB first is a thing of the past. I am watching Houston closely to see who they draft. I'm betting they take Clowney or trade down and take a QB on the second or third round. That will be a very dangerous team for years to come and they will play with a QB on his rookie contract and they will be able to keep a good line and defense around him. We are already feeling the Andrew Luck penny pinch now.

  15. They won the Superbowl because they rushed 3 talented linemen and dropped the rest back in coverage.

    They won the SB because they built their O-Line and D-Line before they looked for a young franchise QB. Because he was on his rookie contract, they were able to keep the team together. Unlike the grab Andrew Luck and let him get beat up for a few years before you build a line or a defense. When he gets the big bucks, they won't be able to do that.

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