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Posts posted by Beauregarde

  1. Please no. Just draft a receiver early. It gives you time to. Decker would have to be paid soon and it would make re-signing the 2012 guys difficult. At least with a rookie, you can put him on a rookie contract and only have to pay him pocket change for 3 years.

    And you would get the performance that pocket change would buy. Decker is a need. He is a big strong physical WR, something we do not have. I know many are worried about the money but if you put all of your eggs in Reggie Wayne's basket, that rookie receiver may have to start and get thrown to the wolves. Decker is a proven commodity and he is still young.

  2. If you honest to God believe paying $16m to any player that's not a quarterback is a good idea, then again, you're crazy, and the white coats will be there shortly.


    Paying a punter less than $3m/year might not be the wisest, but it just pales in comparison to paying quarterback money to a cornerback. And that you would argue both of these positions in the same thread is just the height of irony.

    Peter King's column on SI says that cornerbacks are new QBs.....money wise

  3. He's not a #1 and is a borderline #2.   


    He's way too expensive for what he brings.   


    Not to mention he disappeared in the Super Bowl this season.

    So now he is a borderline #2. Ha, ha............. You folks have some serious hate going on.  The whole Denver team disappeared. Seattle was just a whole lot better team.

  4. after read all your posts on this topic i have to ask. Are you deckers agent?

    Nah, I don't even care if they sign him. I think he is far and away the best WR out there and he is young, big and physical. If they team decided to sign him I know he would play well for the Colts in spite of what some people here say. The only reason someone would think otherwise is if they think Andrew Luck won't be as good at finding him open as Peyton Manning has been. I don't think that is the case, do you?

  5. Do a google search for Decker's drop rate and tell me again how I'm so biased. Also, I never said we shouldn't sign another WR, just not this overpriced, not so sure handed, cry baby one.

    What did he drop. I think it was seven passes. That isn't much over a full season and lots of things can go into that. He has good hands.

  6. This is what is funny to me. Some act as if all the Texans need is a QB to be great. Great teams DO NOT lose 14 out of 16 games because they are short a good QB. If they were even remotely close to be as great as some make them out to be, they would have easily won 7-8 games last season with their mediocre QB. The Texans are not nearly as good or as close to be being a top team as many think they are.

    Isn't that exactly what the Colts did? Houston is in much better shape with a good and possibly great defense and a new coach who should give them a shot in the arm too.

  7. The same Texans that won 2 games last year? Yep sounds like they are just a marginal qb away from greatness

    You may make fun all you like but I think we will be giving the front office a piece of our minds when the season is over.

  8. Having an inferior QB is an advantage?

    Remember, this awesome team that has your heart all a flutter went 2-14 last year.

    They won't be 2-14 this coming year. You had better hope that they are not 12-4 and winning the division. Yes, I think they are poised to make a major move this year. A full draft of picking from the top of every round will help. I think they will find a serviceable QB who can manage the game ala Russell Wilson.

  9. "You"??? Shouldn't that be "we?".... I think we have a rival fan posing as a Colts fan here, ladies and gentlemen.

    And you sound foolish speaking in absolutes. None of us knows what the front office will do, so you can stop with the "whether you like it or not" talk

    Not at all, just a Colts fan who has a poor habit of using unfortunate pronouns when he disagrees with someone. I am a fan of Peyton Manning but not of the Denver Broncos. I hope that is acceptable. OK, I'll restate, I think the front office is good enough to know that they need to address the problem at wide receiver and they will if you think that is not the way to go. I hope that is better. I will also try to say we whenever I am referring to the Colts. Not doing so is a habit I want to break and it has been mentioned to me before.

  10. We should probably just go ahead and give the Texans their Super Bowl rings now and save time on the 2014 season.

    No, but they have a tremendous advantage if they are being observant. While we try to surround Luck with the talent we already should have had when we drafted him, they have a very solid team with seven good draft picks and the knowledge that signing a franchise QB is not the only path to the Super Bowl. It is our path and we must make it work. I hope the management is up to the task. I will be watching to see if the formula that seems to be in play works yet again.

  11. Our receiving core was good enough to win us a playoff game without Reggie or Allen. I'm more than confident in that same core, plus those aforementioned players, with another off-season under their belts, mind you. Receiver was not a weakness last year; coaching was. DHB had no business starting, and Pagano was insistant on slamming Richardson into McGlynn and Satele's back over and over again until we had no other choice but to throw because of the holes we put ourselves in. Once Pep threw out the old playbook and installed the shotgun, short passing game, the offense magically started clicking. Like I said, our receivers are fine for next year, so long as we actually throw the ball

    All of that is very simplistic and you act like Pagano and Pep didn't care about winning. Yes, you won a playoff game but the Colts QB threw three interceptions. The Colts receivers are very anemic and that WILL be addressed whether you like it or not either in free agency or with the second round draft choice that needs to be spent on O-line or defense. We are going to pay a huge price for losing those two draft picks. The Texans are picking at the top of every round and unless the Colts do something dramatic in free agency, I see them coming back and challenging the Colts for the division title. They have better pieces in place. Yes, they need a QB but we have been seeing teams get to the SB and win without fantastic QBs for the last two years. The Colts elected to draft Luck (that was the prevalent theory for a championship team at the time) but they have had so many holes that while he has let them to two good records, they might start turning the other way and certainly will in two years when he takes a huge bite out of the salary cap. Seattle and San Francisco may get another SB or two while that is all happening.

  12. Of course it takes balance but a lot of fans don't understand that we can't go out and waste 10 mil a yr. on a #2 reciever and still build balance where the team actually needs it. There are a lot more available guys than just Wilfork too that would be far more beneficial for our team than Decker would be. 

    I don't dispute that but I won't be upset if the team signs either Deckard or Nicks. If they don't, they will have to draft a WR and those picks might be better used for what you want. Too bad we are missing two of them. Mendenhall just retired in Arizona and he was 26. He would be better than Richardson right now.

  13. I don't want him because he drops too many passes. We've had way too much of that the last few years. Also, whenever he can't catch a pass he cries to the ref's for a PI flag. All this for the amount of money he'll want doesn't make much sense to me.

    He doesn't drop that many passes unlike DHB and he makes some great catches. Running down Deckard doesn't make your point it shows that you have another agenda and don't want the Colts to have any first class receivers. Luck is in for a very long, boring career with no one to throw to. Believe me that Indy receiver core is very weak and if Reggie has slipped any, it will be very serious. I guess you forgot the struggles that occurred when Wayne got hurt last year.

  14. Seemingly....NEVEEERRRRRRRR.


    You are reading my mind or you have paid close attention to what I say every offseason. :thmup:  I get so sick of most Colts fans clamoring for skill players and especially WR's every yr.. It's embarrassing and stupid considering that having great skill players pretty much got us nothing for yrs. here with the best QB to ever play the game. I don't know when Colts fans are gonna learn that great teams are built in the trenches and not with a bunch of skill guys that can't do their job because our lines freaking suck every yr..


    Because it isn't true. What is true is that it takes a balanced mix. I can't see the Colts paying for major upgrades on the O-line or defense. They are short two draft picks. Just where are these players going to come from? Vince Wilfork may be available, would you be happy with him for some huge price.
  15. Why does there have to be a clear cut number one? New England didn't have one when they ran a dual TE attack. I think the combination of Wayne (slowed or not) Hilton, Allen, Brazill, Fleener and Rogers is more than enough firepower for Luck. When he ran this same offense at Stanford, he set school records without a true number one, either. You could argue it was Fleener, the TE. Like I said, the infatuation with skill players every off-season is a sure fire way to field a loser. I wouldn't be mad if every off-season move made this year was solely O and D line, draft included, because we sorely need them both upgraded immediately. Screw another receiver. Decker can go be a free agent bust for someone else. We want Super Bowls

    He isn't going to be a bust and they Colts may never get to a Super Bowl in Luck's playing career. If they are, they had better be doing it in the next ten years because then there will not be any money for free agents. I agree with you in general but the Colts are weak at WR. They lack depth and they are counting on a full return to form by Reggie Wayne which may or may not happen. I don't care if they take Decker or not but in free agency you get about what you pay for.

  16. I wouldn't mind him coming in to compete for the number two spot

    So, you are going to make Hilton the number one now? Of course he would be in a competition. That is the way the NFL works. They aren't going to give him anything but the opportunity.

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