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Posts posted by Beauregarde

  1. what so because there picking from top of each round that means every player they pick is going to be good and how do you know if clowney will work out and i dont really see any qb to trade for that would be worth it. who knows it might work out for them but goes both ways

    They are trying to work a trade for Ryan Mallett. Evidently their coach, who knows Mallett well thinks he is better right now that the top three QBs in the draft. I haven't heard anyone outside of Indy (and I hear it here a lot) say anything other than Clowney will be a star and is the best player in the draft.

  2. We played Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Arizona, Kansas City, San Diego, and Cincinnati... thats a rough out of division schedule... so why would we not improve on a 5-5 mark against those teams?

    Because the Colts are just not as good as you think and you are the only human being in America that thinks that O-line is going to do the job.

  3. Houston win the division? With the same offensive line? We don't have the same offensive line there bud... for about the 4th time, Satele, the weakest link to our line is gone, and Donald Thomas is back from injury... and Houston win the division? You have more faith in Houston than us? I dont even know how to respond to that

    Because Houston is going to draft Clowney and have one of the best and most disruptive defenses in the NFL. Clowney will free Watt to become even more disruptive than he already is as he reclaims he Defensive Player of the Year award. Player for player, the Texans are just better than the Colts. Put Andrew Luck on that team and they go to a Super Bowl. Yes, I think they will be right there with the Colts this year and if the Colts have significant injuries again, they could easily win the South.

  4. Really? We cut Satele... and every time he missed a game our line played noticeably better.. don't believe go? Go watch the games then. Not only that, but Donald Thomas will return from injury, who was our best guard, and probably our best offensive lineman behind Cherilus.


    Not to mention that Thornton was only a rookie too, so there is a good chance he improves off his decent play to end the year last year

    Then why did they keep playing Satele? Do you think the coach is an *? Thornton was a rookie, he may be better but he may not. Then keep that same offensive line and watch Houston with the division and you are begging to get Luck hurt.

  5. Wait, if we went 11-5 last season and made some good signings, but San Diego is apparently "Much better" than us, how is that a terrible loss? We should have expected it if what you say is to be believed

    They will be better than the Colts again. The Colts went 11-5 because they play in the weakest division in the NFL. They were 6-0 in the division which means they were 5-5 outside of the division. They are not going to go 6-0 again and if they go 4-2, still very good, they have to go 7-3 outside the division to have the same record. I do not see it happening.

  6. On Holmes, no he was a rookie, so perhaps they didn't want to play him? Maybe he had trouble understanding the entire playbook? Not like either of those scenarios are unheard of. Both guards need replaced? Lol, yep im done with you, not even going to read any further, because Thornton improved and was a rookie, and Donald Thomas was a very good player before getting hurt


    and for the record, not even the Ravens and Chargers fans I know think they are better than us lol


    Bottom line is, we won 11 games last year, with a worse offensive line than what we have as of now so your point is invalid

    How was the offensive line worse? Nothing has been added yet. You need to do some reading and you will see that every expert in the country harped on the Colts fixing that O-line. It was horrible and it is still horrible.

  7. Well with all the problems last year the colts still beat three of the best teams in the league including the current SB champs. So I don't think this team is as far off as you think they are.

    Yes, those were three very good games. There are three terrible losses to, Miami, San Diego and the Rams. Yes, it is a developing team that has about a two year window before Luck breaks the bank then a shot at the Super Bowl will be a very rare event as it is for teams.

  8. ACL injuries aren't what they used to be, and do you even know what Allen's injury was? Lol, so just write them off. Please give me reasons Baltimore and San Diego are much better... You can make a claim Cincinnati is better, although a weak one, but please give me reasons Baltimore and San Diego are better, besides "our offensive line sucks" because as of now, center is our only weak spot, and we do have an unproven player there who could be good or could be awful

    If he was any good, he would have played center last year. Both guards need to be replaced. Allen has his rookie year to look at and that is all. San Diego has a very good QB and they are a very good team. Baltimore is rebuilding their defense after the Super Bowl run and they will be good too. And I will tell you again that if that O-line is not reworked, the Colts will not be able to gain yards on the ground again or protect Luck. Not only does that not make them that good, it is a disaster waiting for a big hit to happen.

  9. The pats only beat the Colts twice. The rest of the time we lost to the Steelers, Chargers, Jets...the list goes on and on ...

    Yes. we should have won some of those games. Others, we were just beaten by better teams.

  10. You are dreaming, we do have an offensive line, Thornton improved as the year went on, Donald Thomas is back from missing nearly all of last season, and we cut Satele, who ironically, the line played better every time he was out. New England will likely lose Edelman, and their best defensive player in Talib, talk to me if they get Revis. Cincy? Can they even get out of the 1st round? Baltimore? Lol? And San Diego? once again no? do you forget we have Reggie Wayne, Dwayne Allen, and Vick Ballard coming back?

    The Colts offensive line is a complete joke. New England will make up for losing Edelman and Talib, they always do. Cincy will get out of the first round if they play the Colts. So would Baltimore and San Diego is much better. Do you forget that Reggie Wayne is an old man now and who knows what Allen and Ballard will bring or if they can stay on the field.

  11. What? Bad teams with two HoFs in Reggie Wayne and Harrison? And then James, Clark, Freeney, Mathas, Sanders. Those Colts teams were stacked. I watched them year after year underachieve. 

    First, Reggie and Marvin are not in the HOF and it isn't clear if they will ever get there and if they do, Peyton put them there. James was good for about four years. Clark wasn't anything special and fell on his face without Peyton. Freeney and Mathis were pass rushers who never tried to stop the run. Sanders had one great year and was hurt the rest of the time. You didn't watch much if you thought the Colts were better than the Patriots in those years.

  12. The Broncos will fail royally. It is not just their approach to signing FAs to go all in, it is the amount of money they are spending on older guys that have lost a step, i.e. Ware and injured/character guys - Talib. One thing to try to build through FA, quite another to make bad deals. 

    I don't see any bad deals. I see a defense that is greatly improved. It isn't meant for the long term. Elway sees a two year window and he is going for it like he should. The Colts have a ten year window and they should build through the draft. These are two entirely different situations.

  13. I think we are the top 2 teams on the AFC

    You are dreaming. We have no offensive line. None and it isn't going to be fixed in the draft. New England is better. Cincy is better, the Ravens are better and the Chargers are better. And if the Colts do not fix these problems, after the draft, the Texans may be better. I love them but lets not get silly. We still need lots of pieces.

  14. What’s going on with #Browns center Alex Mack? I’m told 4 teams have been in contact on varying levels. Waiting for the frenzy to die down

    — Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet)

    March 12, 2014


    On Alex Mack? Yes. Ravens, too. RT @Steve_Cardenas: @RapSheet Are the Colts one of those teams?

    — Ian Rapoport (@RapSheet)

    March 12, 2014


    Will probably cost up to 11$M, Are we legit contenders for Mack?

    I do not see how. There is no center worth that kind of money.

  15. He has had the most talent of any QB his entire career.

    Not when he was in Indy. He dragged them kicking and screaming into the playoffs year after year. Many times there was a lousy defense. He dealt with bad O-lines too but, unlike Luck, he just got rid of the ball so quickly that it hid their shortcomings. Many years there was no run game at all because of the offensive line. Tom Brady played on much better teams that Peyton during that stretch.

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