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Posts posted by Beauregarde

  1. You know the team that did that (the Rams) still hasn't even made the playoffs right? Meanwhile we've been twice and actually won a playoff game (4 years ahead of where we were with Manning.)

    Wrong. The Rams did the opposite. They took Sam Bradford to be their franchise QB. How has that worked out? They will be tough because they made good deals trading down and coming up with the second pick in the draft again. I think Sam was the last number one pick on the old rookie scale so they are paying him a ton of money. Yes, you won a playoff game. You survived an absurd three pick game by your new QB, gave up 40 points and still managed to win. I don't think the Colts are ahead of anything. They just happen to play in the weakest division in the NFL. It won't be so easy this year. Houston could easily win that division.



    I get it now. You're still butthurt we let go of Manning. Suddenly things make much more sense.

    Look, we all love Peyton. Sadly, the circumstances we found ourselves in dictated releasing him. You can either accept that and move on or see if www.denverbroncos.com has a message board and go register.

    Not at all. At that time I was all for drafting Luck. I hated to see Manning go but I knew I would get to see him somewhere else. Now, after what the Seahawks and 49ers and Baltimore have done, I would not have drafted any QB with that first pick. I would have taken the boat load of picks that came from trading down and I might have drafted Russell Wilson. I like that scenario. We would have a much better defense and offensive line if we had done that. Luck takes one hell of a beating during the season. That will catch up with him sooner or later.

  3. well both the Texans and matt cassell have mutual interest, so I guess we can scratch them in getting a " good qb " lol

    No, you can say that are not getting a great QB but if they sign Clowney, they won't need one. Look at Russell Wilson, he is not a great QB. Cassel will be alright with that team.

  4. Hey, make silly posts and you get silly responses back.

    My post was not silly. You saying that the Colts QB situation was locked up for 15 years was incredibly foolish. Even Peyton didn't give them 15 years and very few QB ever last that long with one team. Plus, he is playing for a team that has made the move of casting aside a four time MVP and Super Bowl winner before and they could well do it again.

  5. Fundamentals, technique, & live drills with a HOF pass rusher. I see nothing wrong with that at all. Endurance is the key here not athletic prowess. 

    Article by Don Banks at SI:


    AFC South -- Houston: Can't think of anyone in recent NFL history that has fallen further faster than the 2013 Texans, shaving 10 wins off their division-winning 12-4 record of 2012 to hit rock bottom at 2-14 in 2013 (even Atlanta saw only a nine-win decline from 2012 to '13). But perhaps that portends a rise in Houston that could happen just as suddenly, and for inspiration, the Texans have only to look within their own division. The 2010 Colts won the AFC South at 10-6, then suffered a disaster at quarterback in 2011 with Peyton Manning's neck injury, plummeting to 2-14. Armed with the No. 1 overall pick in 2012, Indianapolis took quarterback Andrew Luck and returned to the playoffs that season.


    Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/nfl/news/20140306/afc-front-offices-under-pressure-2014-offseason/#ixzz2vDazvMXQ


  6. Sure.

    You also left out an outbreak of flesh eating bacteria.

    Luck could join a cult dedicated to worshipping neck beards, move to Montana and spend the rest of his days in a naked drum circle.

    The CIA could mistake him for a terrorist and imprison/water board him in Gitmo.

    The radiation from his outdated flip phone could alter his brain chemistry so he thinks he's an orange.

    He could decide football is boring and dedicate himself to fighting crime.

    Or he could just take a big hit and have something break that could not be repaired adequately like his throwing shoulder but be a silly as you feel like. It is a very real risk and players are out of the game with injuries on a regular basis.

  7. College to the pros is a huge leap in competition every single week. Don't kid yourself sir. 


    I would want Warren Sapp to run drills with Clowney 1st. If he signs off on him, I'd be okay with taking him, but not before. Take Clowney to the point of exhaustion & then see how he responds when he's tired. 

    You think Warren Sapp on his best day could keep up with Clowney? There isn't a player at his position with his kind of strength and speed. He makes Robert Mathis look like a slow wimp.

  8. I suppose this is technically accurate.

    Canada could invade the US and outlaw all sports but hockey

    The zombies could rise up and we'd be too busy eating brains to watch football

    A meteor could strike the earth and cover the lands in a layer of ash.

    We could have misjudged the Y2k bug by 15 years or so and end up back in the Stone Age.

    The aliens could land and enslave us...

    But aside from that I stand by my previous post. We're set a QB for awhile.

    Or Houston can draft Clowney and team with Watt in pursuing Luck and end his career in a moment. Luck has taken a tremendous beating in his career. We are all fortunate that he has not been hurt long before now. You also forget free agency. Luck may decide that he has had enough of Irsay and look for a new spot to land.

  9. Cassel is a serviceable backup that's all he will ever be. I thought the Skins decided to keep Cousins? Ryan Mallet has good size & his dad was a football coach. That move could work, but I don't think he is light on his feet if you force him to move in the pocket. 


    Clowney...Until I know that kid is gonna work his caboose off for me every game down he's on the field; I'm not pulling that draft trigger. A lazy pass rusher is the worst thing you can throw millions of dollars at. I would need some heavy convincing first & his college HC did darn him with faint praise. Not good at all to me. Warning sirens would be blaring in my head.  Plus, Clowney strikes me as the type who folds under superior competition at the next level. 

    Clowney had everything thrown at him last year. His coach never praises anyone. Where did you see him taking plays off? It may have looked that way with the double and triple teams but it is far from the truth. I don't think he folds under superior competition either. However, he won't have to worry about that in the AFC South next year. There are no elite teams or superior competition. I would take this guy in a nanosecond just to see he and Watt play together. That is a wrecking crew.

  10. I know but its not like he is putting up big numbers, He is doing well no doubt but I'd find it hard to justify 18 mill per on a long term deal through 2 years of serviceable but not great production, Truth is they could probably find a mid round mobile QB that can put up the numbers he does for less given the offense that they run is not predicated on the QB carrying the load

    You have to be kidding. This kid is a star in this league and he will be for a long, long time. He is well worth that money and if the 49ers don't want to pay it, someone else will.

  11. Sign Matt Cassel really? Jesus, is that a colossally dumb move. If you're gonna do that as a HC, you might as well ride with Matt Schuab then. Cassel had that 1 really good year in 2008 in NE & then he became mediocre at best. He's no QB savior. I don't see Cassel winning to many games for Houston myself. 7-9 maybe. That won't cut it. 


    Knocked down passes are nice, but if you QB still sucks, it won't matter. 

    Cassel played really well for the Vikings last year. He doesn't make anywhere near what Schaub makes so that solves that problem. It also give you a very good veteran QB to bridge the gap to whoever you draft to develop in the later rounds. Derek Carr is a real possibility here even with the problems they had with his brother. I think if they take one of these QB available on the first round, your record prediction would be about right. However, if they sign Cassel or trade for Kirk Cousins or Ryan Mallet, I don't think there is any limit on how good they can be. You read the USA Today article. I have been blowing the horn for this approach since before the combine. They can take a dominant player in Clowney. He is one of those once in every decade players like Luck.

  12. Schaub is not the answer & neither is Clowney. I don't care what a USA Today article says. Houston without a QB is toast. That fan base is fed up with Matt & they don't have a starter behind him right now. Yes Bill can find a QB in later rounds of the draft that's true but a healthy LB's return or RB's return doesn't mean a darn thing if you can't consistently throw the ball downfield without getting it picked off. 


    Even if Clowney helps JJ Watt out, I don't see those pass rushers scoring TD's every down do you? 

    No, but I see them batting down passes, getting sacks, forcing fumbles and creating general havoc. No one is saying Schaub is the answer only that there is not a franchise QB available anyway. They are looking to sign Cassel and perhaps trading for one the two QBs mentioned in the article. There are more ways to build a team and better ways that drafting one of this years franchise wannabes... They build that defense and they won't have to score on every possession. We will see how it goes. I think the days of drafting a franchise QB before you are ready are over. I also do not think there is a franchise QB in this draft and all are high risk.

  13. cmon now ruseman, you're really not fooling anyone.  :36dancing:

    I think you have gone off of the deep end. You may disagree with my posts but I am polite to everyone including you. If you don't like what I have to say, you have an ignore button, feel free to use it. I may use it on you but you once in a while say something I find interesting. Not often but once in a while.

  14. Nice reply Chad. Yes, the only person that Peyton is competing against is himself. He doesn't consume himself with what media pundits think. & You are 100% correct. 1 less than perfect SB performance shouldn't warrant a retirement call. It's not fair to Manning & everything he has accomplished in the NFL. Peyton has earned the right to step down when & where he wants to IMHO. 

    I look for Manning to come back and post another season very similar to the last one. I think they go from 12-4 to 13-3 and have a great chance to get back to the SB. Now, they may have the same problems but they have a lot of important injured players coming back too.

  15. Because of the D which was in place before Arians got there.

    If it was in place before Arians got there, why didn't they win. Arians did a great job in Indy and he was very good last year in Arizona. He plays in the toughest division in football but I would not be surprised to see them make the playoffs this coming year.

  16. I do respect Houston, but they better be selecting a franchise QB & not Clowney. Otherwise, that franchise will be set back 4 years at least & INDY knows how to battle the Texans. I don't trust the Bengals anymore or fear them without DC Mike Zimmer & QB Andy Dalton is not threat if you hit him a few times. The playoffs roll around & Andy crumbles. 


    Denver as the SB loser historically will get knocked out of the playoffs in round 1. JMO. 


    Regarding INDY, our biggest asset is that we are a young, up & coming squad & we fear nobody. We don't dismiss any team; we just have proven that we can overcome a huge scoring hole & still win just ask Andy Reid. 

    Yesterday in USA Today:


    Houston Texans

    Issue: Though the Texans finished with a 14 game losing streak and the league's worse record, their roster indicates they are anything but the NFL's sorriest outfit. They'll have to weigh future of some struggling veterans and their hefty contracts (QB Matt Schaub, TE Owen Daniels, CB Johnathan Joseph).  DE J.J. Watt aside the D-line must be replenished. But a fresh approach from new coach Bill O'Brien, healthy returns from RB Arian Foster and ILB Brian Cushing and top-shelf draft talent they should get in the draft could portent a hasty turnaround.

    Our Advice: Given Schaub's $14.1 million cap figure in 2014, it's difficult to see him returning. But for a team loaded with veterans, targeting an experienced back-up in the trade market (perhaps Kirk Cousins or Ryan Mallet) might be the way to go rather than breaking in a rookie. That would also put Houston in better position to grab South Carolina DE Jadeveon Cowney with the number one pick or deal it. TE Garrett Graham, 27, is a nice young player worth re-signing at a reasonable figure.


    There are more ways to build a winner than just drafting the highest rated QB in whatever draft you are looking at. Look at the 49ers, Seahawks and even Baltimore. Fear the Texans, they are going to be very good and they are loading up to play against Andrew Luck.

  17. I do respect Houston, but they better be selecting a franchise QB & not Clowney. Otherwise, that franchise will be set back 4 years at least & INDY knows how to battle the Texans. I don't trust the Bengals anymore or fear them without DC Mike Zimmer & QB Andy Dalton is not threat if you hit him a few times. The playoffs roll around & Andy crumbles. 


    Denver as the SB loser historically will get knocked out of the playoffs in round 1. JMO. 


    Regarding INDY, our biggest asset is that we are a young, up & coming squad & we fear nobody. We don't dismiss any team; we just have proven that we can overcome a huge scoring hole & still win just ask Andy Reid. 

    There is no franchise QB available in this draft. That is the problem. If there was an Andrew Luck, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. Since there isn't, they should draft Clowney and establish a defense and rush that will work very well against their main impediment to winning the division, Andrew Luck. It would not be the first time that Houston has built a team to work well against a Colts QB. If they don't take Clowney, they should trade down and add picks. I look for them to sign a veteran QB like Cassel for the short term and draft a QB like Carr in the second or third round to develop.


    I don't think history makes a bit of difference in Denver as long as they have 18. I look for them to win their division and probably have the best record in the AFC and they will have a very good chance at getting back to the SB. The Colts are going to be handed their lunch when they play Denver in the mile high city.


    There are lots of boxes who feared nobody but they were no really very smart. The Colts should fear Houston right now. They also should fear New England, Baltimore, Cincy, Denver and San Diego too. The Colts are the product of a very weak division and they won't win all six games against the south this year. They were only 5-5 outside of the division last year. Yes, with Luck, they have the ability to come back but if you keep giving up big early leads, you will eventually pay the price for it. I look for the Colts and Houston to each be about 10-6 this coming year. Their record against each other and the rest of the division may determine the winner of the South.

  18. I wouldn't blame him for the New Orleans loss either other then the terrible pick at the end that iced the game. But there have been plenty of playoff games where he has played poorly - NE, Pitt, San Diego and now this year's Super Bowl. You want to crucify Luck for his turnovers yet Manning had three turnovers in the SB and three turnovers vs the Ravens last year. 


    I don't have Luck on a pedestal. I agree he is not elite yet but I like what I see after two years. He has had to learn to two different offenses and the change in scheme this year was so he did not get killed. Arians O leaves much to be desired when it comes to QB safety and balance. 

    I agree with most of what you said although when Peyton had three turnovers they lost. Luck manages to win anyway. I disagree with you about Arians. I think he was a much better coach that Pagano and his team in Arizona showed that this year (he should have been coach of the year again). I thought Carson Palmer played pretty well under that system. The safety factor for Luck has not improved much this last year except that he just wasn't allowed to pass as often.

  19. Age is definitely a factor now & the SB Champion always has a good shot at repeating as long as their roster remains relatively intact & they don't have to pay QB RW big dollars just yet. I want Denver to lay low, lick their wounds, & regroup. You are correct though. Colts need to make their SB plunge this season & because of that, I only see NE, Baltimore, & San Diego as our only real competition to a SB appearance in the AFC. 


    Exactly Jay! Just like the 85 Bears, any QB could & should have won with that down shutdown D. That's why I can't give RW a ton of credit for the victory. 

    I think you can add Denver and Houston to that group you mention and Cincy too. I think any of those teams give the Colts lots of problems. We will have to see what the 2014 version of the Colts looks like. They have a lot of holes to fill.

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