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Posts posted by OLD FAN MAN

  1. 56 minutes ago, BlueShoe said:






    I am just going to stop posting for the weekend. 


    Not because of the negative threads people create, but because of the merging of the threads. Every time I write up a thoughtful response, the thread gets merged or deleted. When I submit then it’s completely lost because the thread is moved. 


    I think you guys are making a huge mistake to merge all of these threads. It’s way over the top. It’s a bigger overreaction than the threads to begin with. 


    I haven’t even had any of my threads merged in this dump of a thread and it I still find it annoying. I can only imagine what others think about the process in place right now. 


    Merging all these threads is a terrible idea. 

    i like the merging of the threads now we can say anything and its not off topic.

  2. On 3/14/2018 at 6:32 AM, jshipp23 said:

    Tom Coughlin is turning Jacksonville into a freaking Juggernaut...Meanwhile in Indianapolis we can't even resign our own good players or players with potential...So far this offseason we have done absolutely nothing to get better, but instead are too tight to even pay our own free agents...It looks bad..

    ballard might think no positions needed upgraded.

  3. On 3/13/2018 at 10:25 PM, jameszeigler834 said:

    Well we better get somebody worth a crap soon or this team wont be worth watching in 2018 fact.


    On 3/14/2018 at 7:37 AM, chrisfarley said:

    no, "chris" never goes to sleep.  thanks for being behind me, the count-down has begun, T-minus 8h22m47s :thmup:

    could it be that he thinks there are not any free agents as good as the guys we have

  4. 2 minutes ago, DougDew said:

    I have entertained the idea that Ballard believes last year was a QB, a scheme, and a HC problem more than a roster problem.  Despite all of the comments from this forum and sports media that it is the worse roster in the league, Ballard may not think so.

    could be

  5. 3 hours ago, BlueShoe said:

    A lot of people are calling Ballard out. Reggie Wayne is even shaking his head because of the Colts inactivity. 


    He better know what he is doing, because he has put a target on himself.


    I am patiently waiting to see what this plan actually is. For Ballard's sake, it needs to work. The national media is about to light him up. 

    does ballard think with new coaching our present players will suddenly become elite? is that why no new talent is brought in? does he think we don't need upgrades at any position?

  6. 2 hours ago, Peterk2011 said:

    Gosh .... Mister Ballard, please sign someone, so we can talk about something...

    ballard might think our current talent is good enough, with some draft picks that could start in a few years

  7. 9 hours ago, Flash7 said:

    I understand your point, but let's look at this with the small sample we have. Here is Ballard's first draft:


    Round 1 - Malik Hooker. A good guy to build around. Can be here for the long term.

    Round 2 - Quincy Wilson - Looks promising but not sure yet. We'll have to wait and see.

    Round 3 - Basham - I don't see him sticking past his rookie contract.

    Round 4 - Banner - Gone.

    Round 4 - Mack - I see a future in Indy, but here we are still looking for a RB to pair with him.

    Round 5 - G. Steward - I don't see him lasting past his rookie contract.

    Round 5 - N. Hairston - Good rookie. Someone to help with the rebuild.

    Round 6 - Walker Jr. - has potential, but currently a back up and here we are looking for a off-ball LB. Need has not been met.


    We can only build through the draft if we pick guys that we can build around. Looking at Ballard's draft, taking this approach will take far too long.

    the draft is a very slow way to build and if players work out and become good they many times move on for big money. then we start over again in the draft

  8. 10 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    I don't care what he did or didn't offer. If he did offer it, he didn't close the deal. If he didn't offer it, he's an inept GM. He didn't get us Norwell who was a HUGE need to protect Andrew Luck. This isn't up for debate, Luck needs protection, and even if Ballard wants Nelson, he can't guarantee he'll get him unless he trades up. You basically had a chance to get a version of Quinton Nelson and fill that need with only money, and Ballard didn't do it. He also missed out on other targets, meaning he has trouble closing deals, or he's just cheap, which doesn't work in FA. We aren't a great destination, we have to pay more.

    i concur

  9. On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 1:56 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah and Emmitt Smith and Barry Sanders both went Top 20 and many regard those 2 as the 2 best ever. I will stop here because these type of threads I can rip to shreads. I can list 20 Pass Rushers that stunk that got drafted in the Top 20 so if someone says taking Barkley is stupid I can counter it. Goodnight.

    taking a game changer is great no matter the position he plays, I am glad gms don't draft by fan rules like never take a rb in the first. a game changer is rare take him no matter the position he plays

  10. 22 hours ago, Smonroe said:

    They make it sound like the Pats line was great after he left.  They were middle of the pack in sacks and QB hits allowed in 17. 


    Good linemen men help make good coaches.  By the end of the year we had AC, a first round pick, Haeg and Good, both late rounders, and a bunch of guys they found in the stands to fill out the line.  


    Let’s get him some talent to work with!


    I concur

  11. On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2018 at 5:55 PM, shastamasta said:


    Not sure what the best measure of an OL coach is...but I looked at a few team stats from his time as OL coach with different teams over the past decade: 


    Sacks Allowed (ranked highest to lowest)

    2009 MIA - 18th (18th in sack %)

    2010 MIA - 13th (18th in sack %)

    2011 MIA - 3rd (1st in sack %)

    2012 NYJ - 6th (2nd in sack %)

    2014 NE - 26th (30th in sack %)

    2015 NE - 14th (18th in sack %)

    2017 MIA - 22nd (23rd in sack %)


    Rushing Yards/Carry (ranked highest to lowest)

    2009 MIA - 8th 

    2010 MIA - 29th 

    2011 MIA - 15th 

    2012 NYJ - 23rd 

    2014 NE - 23rd 

    2015 NE - 30th 

    2017 MIA - 24th


    I know sacks and yds/carry aren't the end-all for pass blocking and run blocking, but these rankings are not exactly inspiring. I am going to have to trust McDaniels (and Ballard) on this...and have hope that McDaniels' system is a good match. Then again, this guy was fired after two years in McDaniels' system...so I am not really sure what to think...but I will remain optimistic (especially after they sign a couple FAs).


    new coaches cant make pro bowlers out of below average talent


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