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Posts posted by OLD FAN MAN

  1. 3 hours ago, richard pallo said:

    I think if we had Bell we would most likely be 4-0.  We are a one trick pony with just TY.  And no real running threat to compliment him.  He wants to be here and he's there for the taking and it's still not to late to save the season.  What's a GM to do.  Never mind I know the answer. 

    ballard likes to build over a period of several years with the top picks in the draft and other teams cuts at cutdown time , if we are very paitent we will make the playoffs again someday

  2. On 9/23/2018 at 10:27 PM, richard pallo said:

    LaVeon Bell for one.  And there could be other players available that we are not aware of.  No one saw the Brissett trade coming last year either.  The trade deadline is next month sometime.  I would be shocked if Ballard does anything to improve this team via a trade though. We could be a playoff team this year.  But I think he's going to stand pat and go with what he has.  He's all about his three year rebuild. 

    yes the ballard way building talent through the draft will take several years, if it works we should start having winning seasons ina few more years

  3. On 9/23/2018 at 9:30 PM, richard pallo said:

    Plain and simple.  We need another offensive playmaker.  TY can't do it alone.  Our division is wide open.  Not to late to bring someone in.  

    that is not ballards way to bring in big time talent for big money, we will have to wait for the draft again

  4. 11 hours ago, Hoose said:

    I agree with those who see more of a role for Turbin than short yardage and goal line. He is a strong receiver; solid blocker; and a much more capable runner than most people on this board will give credit. I like Mack but he's fragile; look for Wilkins and Turbin to be the horses by mid season with Hines the scat back and Mack sliding down the depth chart for the number of times he's on the weekly injured list. JMO, of course. 

    i concur

  5. 2 minutes ago, Shafty138 said:


    That's exactly what he was alluding to.  They were able to turn Jax around "fast" because the team actually did a decent job using high draft picks for half a decade.....they didn't build that defense in 2 years,  they just in the last few years started bringing in free agents to fill holes, and when they have to pay all those high picks new contracts, some guys will have to go, but Jax has managed cap space really well.... when guys like Campbell are aging and being cut or retiring, that will add space to sign the high draft picks......

    all losing teams have high draft picks , this does not put a team in the playoffs if they only depend on that name a superbowl team who only built through the draft

  6. 1 minute ago, LockeDown said:

    If you want to emulate Jax then we will need to be the worst team in the NFL for the next 10years drafting in the top 5.  If you want to emulate the Pats, then we need to hire Bill Belichick 

    the current management in jax was what i was talking about they turned the team around quick not just limited building through the draft

  7. 2 minutes ago, ColtStrong2013 said:


    Who have the Patriots paid big in FA recently? How are the Jags going to sustain the high payroll? Years to come? Lol.


    I can't tell if you are being serious or not... seriously. 

    did not say the pats paid big money lately, they get above average talent any way they can as does jax now it enables them to contend each season not rebuild for years and years

  8. On 9/2/2018 at 4:41 PM, Flash7 said:

    As a Colts fan, I get it. This is a rebuild and all of this is a part of the process. A long and painful process as a fan. 


    As a fan, I know we have Andrew Luck and I hate the thought of putting him in harm's way with a roster that he can't win with. We're all hoping that the draft picks pan out, but if they don't, we've essentially wasted much of his time. And make no mistake about it, Andrew is the single most important player on the team.

    i concur

  9. On 9/4/2018 at 1:19 PM, DougDew said:

    But he also doesn't have forever, because good players age and need to be replaced.  His rebuild will have to take a pause when he will have to devote 1st round picks to replace our LT and WR1, which he hasn't had to do yet.  That pause will probably not allow Andrew to make the playoffs unless the rest of the team is top notch, so I hope his career is over in the 10 year range and not the 5 year range.


    Not sure if the fan base will get feisty if we don't make the playoffs in the next 5 years.

    i agree building only through the draft can take a long time there are faster methods the pats and jax are two examples of teams who get above average talent any way they can, pats contend every season and jax under the present regime will rule our division for years while we wait to build through the draft and low pay free agents

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