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Posts posted by OLD FAN MAN

  1. 13 hours ago, MightyLucks said:

    I predict a big win after a "mini by week"


    Something like 30-13


    I think Luck is hungry, AC and Mack back will hopefully help get the running game going.


    No way we drop to 1-5.

    sounds good, i hope

  2. On 10/4/2018 at 2:51 AM, Savage21 said:

    What 2019 free agents would you guys like to see in Indianapolis at the start of the 2019 season? The Colts will have roughly around 120 million in cap space and hopefully will be able to sign a few guys who can really take this team to the next level. Here's my list.


    1. Golden Tate III WR - Lions

    2. Rob Havenstein OT - Rams

    3. Geno Atkins - Bengals

    4. Avery Williamson - Jets

    5. Landon Collins - Giants

    6. Rashaan Melvin - Raiders


    I know most of these guys are bigger names and will command a good contract so signing multiple guys of this caliber is very unlikely. I would be happy if Ballard was able to sign 1-2 bigger name guys but I guess only time will tell.


    Who do you guys want? #Colts



    ballard wants to get talent from the draft and no name free agents, he dosent pay for elite talent, be patient it wont take two many more years and we will compete again

  3. On 10/11/2018 at 11:55 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yes Kelly stayed healthy in college, I wasn't debating that. I really don't think I am that far off base with my comments. He played 15 of 16 as a rookie, missed 9 games last year and is injured again. I guess if he plays Sunday it will prove me wrong but he is shaky for Sunday. A lot of guys stay healthy in college (Steve Emtman for example, doesn't mean jack when it comes to the Pro's) but can't in the Pro's so lets slow our roll a bit on giving NCF a pat on the back for a guy that stayed healthy his rookie season. That is just 1 season. How about last year? No pats for me lmao . I don't need them anyway because this debate is silly to be honest. I probably shouldn't of said anything negative about Kelly LOL. My bad I guess? The guy has had 1 healthy year in the Pro's and 1 non-healthy year and now he is injured again. Lets see if he plays Sunday? I hope he does for Luck's sake.


    -My Post would've been silly had Kelly played 2 years in a row without missing a game in the Pro's and now this injury just occurred but I would've never made my comment if that were the case. I don't see anything wrong with comparing him to Jeff Saturday either. Saturday was a Great Center and basically never missed a game playing here. What do you find wrong comparing ex great Colts to some of the Colts now? Luck is criticized every day by the media and fans when he doesn't live up to his hype or is not Peyton like.

    i concur some players cant stand up to nfl contact kelly may be one

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  4. 2 hours ago, Superman said:


    It's not necessary to applaud a team for being competitive. But that's different from acknowledging that the team is competitive. A team could be totally outmatched, outcoached, and outplayed, and there probably won't be any positives to point out. Or a team could be battling and only losing because of a handful of plays, or penalties, etc. One team needs a complete overhaul, the other team just needs to keep developing. 


    I think the Colts just need to keep developing. I'm certainly not applauding 1-4; I'm actually disappointed because they gave away two games, and sleepwalked through the first half of two other games. Reich said his team needs to be tough and disciplined, and it needs to finish. Tough, disciplined teams don't go down 2-3 scores in the first half (especially at home), and teams that know how to finish, well, they finish.


    There's a good chance some of that gets better this season. The Colts have been missing some of their best players at the start of the season, and playing a lot of young guys, which affects game planning and execution. Get AC and Mack back on the field, get Hooker into form, let Luck keep getting back into a rhythm, and let some of these young guys settle in. Maybe some of these close losses start turning into wins.

    hooker and mack are not proven talents, that is what we get relying on draft picks. draft picks are a crapshoot, once in a few one works out, hard to field a competive team with draft picks and low dollar free agents, our record tells the tale

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  5. 8 hours ago, Calmack said:

    Never said I expected there to be talented players avaiable. But Mitchell is compelte trash, a known bad player. Steelers fans hated him. Why not take a flier on players that can still prove themselves? 

    ballard likes low dollar low impact players and it saves irsay money, ballard is an owners dream

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, DougDew said:

    Move on, especially since Farley is just as good.  Need a high pick on a safety next year, and OT, and WR, and CB, and RB, then one to replace AC, then TY. 


    Running out of years to rebuild with just the draft. 

    i concur

  7. 2 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:

    Sure they listed him as neck/concussion at one point, not a good combination.


    He might have injured his neck turning to watch James White run past him after that whiffed tackle early in the game! Brutal.


    In all seriousness though, that was some shot he took from Michel and even Aikmen said it should have been a flag in today's NFL.

    he seems to be too fragile to play in the nfl does not appear to be a game changer when healthy

  8. 6 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Remember....    the idea is....    the KIDS HAVE TO PLAY!      In the last two weeks, our receivers have caught 40 and 38 passes.     It can't be as terrible as all that.


    But even if it is....


    Hilton was out...     Cain is hurt.    Fountain is on the PS.     We are going to draft another WR next spring.     We might sign another WR during FA in March or April.   


    The idea of signing someone NOW....     isn't going to happen.


    Remember,   the kids HAVE TO PLAY!!


    if the kids have to play we have to learn to be satisfied watching kids play against proven talent that is what we looked like tonight kids playing against men, like high school against nfl talent

  9. 2 hours ago, Flash7 said:

    Here are a couple of reasons that I can think of:


    1. Andrew Luck played half of the season in 2015, where the Colts went 8-8. He last played nearly a full season in 2016, where the Colts were 8-8. He missed all of the 2017 season, where the Colts went 4-12. The fans have started to get turned off by the Colts.


    2. The GM did not spend money in the FA period, alluding to this season being all about the youngsters and their development. He does not think this is a team ready to compete, so why should the fans?


    3. The game has changed, and continues to change. It has gotten to be much softer, and the penalties arising from the changes to the game have turned fans off.


    4. Football is a kid's game played by adults. It's not where I go to get political advice. We should keep politics out of sports, and let sports be just sports.

    i concur

  10. 2 hours ago, GwinnettColt said:

    Our Tackle situation is in great need of improvement....not that no one knows this.


    I wish that we'd have been more active in FA for the O-line and maybe RB.  I wanted Solder and Norwell (Tackle and Guard respectfully).  That would have freed up draft picks for Tackles....perhaps instead of Braden Smith, for example.  Not that he isn't any good. 


    It would have been nice to be able to sign Carlos Hyde.   I feel like we missed some opportunities in FA that would have filled some problem areas.

    ballard dosent like to sign big money players 

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