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Posts posted by ricker182

  1. Sweet holy mother of sour grapes. We got soundly beaten. By a game plan everyone on here agreed we had to implement. It sucks, we are out, but whinging about the refereeing is sad.

    Just tired of seeing the Patriots get every call. Happened all season and happened last night too. There were some huge calls/non calls in the game favoring the Pats that completely changed the flow of the game. You can't deny that.

  2. ahhh yes forgot about the late hit on luck also.. and you are right about the INT's the very first one was the worst one.

    And even then, it's hard to place blame. We don't know if he ran the wrong route or something messed up his timing. Without knowing the play call, I can't place blame accurately on anyone.

    To me it looked like Andrew stared down Brazill?.

    In the end all I wanted was a fairly refereed game and didn't get it. This always seems to happen when teams play the Patriots.

  3. Yea……

    That 4th int was a gift, it was over by then

    Pats drive took 9 mins off the clock.

    By then, luck was just throwing it just to throw it.

    Well, when we have no running game we have no choice, but to throw it causing INT to happen.

    You know your bad when you can't run against the pats defense this year, while everyone else could.

    Luck first interception was his fault, but now that i look at it what the heck was brazil doing it looked like he was blocking.

    Unfortunately people will only look at the final stat line and blame Luck. Everyone is going to forget those incredible passes he made to even keep us in the game.
  4. here is a couple....

    Edleman pulled gordy to the ground on 3rd down and it was clear that he did and Gordy gets the PI call.

    Whalen was body slammed by the DB before the ball even got to him on 3rd down , no PI called

    Luck starts to scramble, pats DL sticks foot out trips him with the ref standing right there and no call. (2nd and long play)

    all week i have heard on the radio, read on the internet that a " Luck vs manning " AFCCG would be bad for the NFL. well now i know why these refs blew these crucial calls. that Edleman PI resulted in a TD run and if called the other way which i believe it should have then it would have been 4th down for the pats, the Body slam on whalen would have been an automatic first down if it were called,

    BUT that being said 4 INT's dont help matters. although one was really not his fault

    One of those interceptions isn't on Luck and the two of them were forced because we were down. The only really bad interception wad the first one.

    The no call on the late hit on Andrew is what really got my blood boiling. All season the Patriots have gotten the calls.

  5. That wasn't the only blown call of the game either. Edelman grabbed Gordy on that PI, the missed holding on Brady's third down conversion around the 30. PI on Whalen, and the tripping call.

    All of those were in the open field too so there was no excuse to miss those. WWE.

    I thought that was going to be PI on Edelman. He pulled Gordy to the ground.
  6. On the tripping:

    @MikePereira: That is a trip and should have been called. Umpire in his old position would likely get that.

    On the ridiculous late hit on Luck:

    @MikePereira: @willrussell_3 >>I thought it was late and should have been called. The defender hit him after taking two steps.

    @MikePereira: Closing up. Lots of haters taking shots tonight. I give the crew a C. Too many big misses when the game was on the line. Will write about it

  7. "@MikePereira: Closing up. Lots of haters taking shots tonight. I give the crew a C. Too many big misses when the game was on the line. Will write about it"

    I know the Colts ended up getting blown out but there were some huge calls again that went in the Patriots' favor that completely changed the game. A 'c' from Mike is realistically an 'f'.

  8. Great season for you guys. Pats dominated today. Your guys fought hard but in the end just too much up front from the Pats on both sides.

    I don't think the Patriots are very good, but as long as they have Brady and Belichick, they're a force. Congrats and good luck even though I'll be rooting against you guys. Respect.
  9. Very good season guys. Patriots got done good calls, but the Colts didn't play to expectations. We're still building the monster and are still 2 years outside of a 2 win season. Teams would be begging to be in our position.

  10. Bringing it back this week:

    Skillet - Monster





    The secret side of me

    I never let you see

    I keep it caged

    But I can't control it

    So stay away from me

    The beast is ugly

    I feel the rage

    And I just can't hold it

    It's scratching on the walls

    In the closet, in the halls

    It comes awake

    And I can't control it

    Hiding under the bed

    In my body, in my head

    Why won't somebody come and save me from this?

    Make it end!


    I feel it deep within,

    It's just beneath the skin

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I hate what I've become

    The nightmare's just begun

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I, I feel like a monster

    I, I feel like a monster

    My secret side I keep

    Hid under lock and key

    I keep it caged

    But I can't control it

    Cause if I let him out

    He'll tear me up

    And break me down

    Why won't somebody come and save me from this?

    Make it end!

    I feel it deep within,

    It's just beneath the skin

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I hate what I've become

    The nightmare's just begun

    I must confess that I feel like a monster


    I feel it deep within,

    It's just beneath the skin

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I, I feel like a monster

    I, I feel like a monster


    It's hiding in the dark

    It's teeth are razor sharp

    There's no escape for me

    It wants my soul,

    It wants my heart


    No one can hear me scream

    Maybe it's just a dream

    Or maybe it's inside of me

    Stop this monster!

    I feel it deep within,

    It's just beneath the skin

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I hate what I've become

    The nightmare's just begun

    I must confess that I feel like a monster


    I feel it deep within,

    It's just beneath the skin

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I'm gonna lose control

    Here's something radical

    I must confess that I feel like a monster

    I, I feel like a monster [4x]

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