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Posts posted by ricker182

  1. That's a bit misleading IMO. He didn't throw a pick against the Chiefs until they were down 31-10, and won the game, so I would subtract that from the analysis.

    Starting the Patriot game with a pick deep in Colt territory is a different story. That set the tone.

    Agree. Those stats are very misleading, but a couple of those picks were unforgivable. When you're down by quite a few points, you have to take chances you wouldn't normally take.

    Do people really pin a last second hail mary interception on the QB?

  2. The team was terrible and Manning covered many of the flaws.....and then Grigson came in and cleaned house. Even if you thought that was somehow a good team, many of the players were gone by the start of the next season. But by all means, keep trying to educate me.

    They won 2 games. I'd say that's a terrible team. Even bad teams find a way to win 4 or 5.

  3. I have neither the desire nor the patience to keep up this conversation. I've already explained my position multiple times.

    Good day sir.

    What is so difficult to understand here? You are forced to make plays being down by a lot. You throw balls you otherwise wouldn't have thrown.

    Now that being said, that first INT vs NE was inexcusable.

  4. I get the Manning bashing by Manning haters. But what I don't get is how you all can overlook how poorly Denver's D played and how poorly the offensive line played. Has Manning played well? Heck no. But there is much blame to go around.

    Don't worry. It's only just begun. If you don't want to hear it, I'd suggest you stay away from TV for 12-18 months.

  5. We understand that you're preemptively trying to highlight everything that isn't on Peyton to make it seem like he isn't playing a big role in this collapse, but I don't think this is the time. He is going to get criticism for this and it will be deserved. So far, the greatest scoring offense in NFL history has 0 points through the first 3 quarters. The Broncos are the betting favorite, and this whole week was all about how Peyton Manning was the best ever. You're trying to downplay his failures here, but he deserves a fair amount of blame for saving his worst game for today.

    He has not played well at all, but he can't play for everyone.

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