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Posts posted by ricker182

  1. All i'm saying is, I guarantee you Vanderbilt did offer him the job, and he just declined.

    Precisely. There would be absolutely no reason to lie about that. He's a good coach and I'm sure Vandy really wanted him.

    I'm assuming by staying with the Colts, he's losing out on a lot of money. Props to him for believing in what we're building.

  2. Bro I really can't figure it out. Makes me remember why I stopped posting here years ago. We just went 11-5 2 years in a row. There's a lot if cool colts fans on here. But a good majority I hate with a passion. Ok, little deep. Just saying ;)

    Just imagine how angry people will be if we don't win the Super Bowl nest season coming off two 11-5 seasons and a playoff win.  


    The complete turnaround has been nothing short of amazing and the organization deserves a lot of credit. 

  3. I disagree with Pat McAfee's rating. He had quite a few muffed punts and had a lot of trouble pinning the other team deep on kickoffs (or kicking it out of the back of the endzone).


    Also giving Allen and Ballard such low grades isn't right. Should be given no grade or an incomplete.

  4. His ball placement is fine. It's actually greatly improved from last year. Last year I remember him always missing high. He cut that down this season (hence less interceptions).

    His long ball has been ridiculously good, where last year he missed on quite a few of those.

    The thing that worries me is him staring down receivers sometimes and that's where his interceptions come from. He really didn't do this in the regular season, but did it quite a bit in the playoffs (no surprise he had all those ints).

    Anyway, he has greatly improved from a stellar rookie season which is all you can ask for.

  5. I am leery of a spiritual Bill Polian in Ryan Grigson. 


    What would Polian's career have looked like had he drafted Ryan Leaf?


    As solid as the rest of the 2012 draft class looked, would you hold the same respect for Grigson had he drafted RG3?


    If you believe our team would've been better or worse had Grigson drafted RG3, it means that all of your basis for Grigson being great was because he drafted Andrew Luck. His legacy and aura of respect should not be made because he selected one phenomenal player. 


    How many awful drafts did Bill Polian have after 1998? How many did Colts fans put up with because Peyton Manning could take four guys from a corner bar and get 11 wins? 

    He's done a pretty good job putting this team together in a very short time. We were drafting Luck no matter who the GM was so that really doesn't count on Grigson's record.

  6. When Mike Pereira writes that article, someone please post in on the Forum because I would really enjoy reading it. Thank you. 


    I hope & pray that Mike encourages the league to make NFL referees a permanent, 12 month position too. Why? Because full time employees means that zebras will hone their craft more & work harder to make the right call in huge Playoff games. I am a firm advocate for this change ASAP. If Mike Pereira pushes for this, NFL heavy hitters & influential power brokers will listen. Mike is a very well respected individual among professional football circles.

    Here's the article.

  7. Uhhhhh. No. LOL. You guys are crazy. He is the main reason we won a playoff game and still have ~$40 million in cap space. We are 2 years outside of a 2 win season and MAJOR team overhaul. Usually this kind of rebuilding takes 5-6 years. We did it in two. Believe me, other teams are very jealous.

  8. imo a team should be allowed to challenge a non call like a called play. the refs cant see everything as we saw last night. the same loss of timeout rules could still apply. thoughts? I put this in colts instead of nfl because it happened to us against the pats.

    A good alternative is to ditch some rules. I do think PI should be challengeable since it can be so game changing.

  9. It's even more ignorant to claim that the refs were responsible for the colts' loss. Sour grapes.

    Again, Ninkovich and Vellano were clearly held on that play.

    Why aren't Colt fans admitting that? The holds are even easier to see than the trip.

    If you think that's holding in today's NFL then it can be called on 80% of the plays. Wrapped underneath the shoulder pads is no longer holding. Do I think that's dumb? Yes. But when it's so inconsistently called, it makes it unfair.

  10. the last one didn't matter but when you have thrown three before it you don't realty get a pass on the last one. The one to the fullback was thrown behind him so yes Luck did have a role in that one. You can't turn the ball over four times in New England and win. Heck normally can't get away with doing it twice up there and winning.

    It practically hit Havili in the chest. I'd say 1% blame on Luck since it was a little behind him, but any NFL player should catch that.
  11. Colts got out played and lost.

    Rather Pats fans want to admit it or not they got some calls last night. Problem for the Colts they still got out played despite the refs. The refs didn't make Luck throw four INTs and cause the defense to not be able to tackle a running back. Those two things are the reason we lost.

    Hard to pin the last one on him with the Colts already being out of it. And hard to pin the one that bounced off Havili on him too. You can't just look at the stat line. I'd say our inability to stop the run lost the game for us.
  12. Pagano made a lot of bad decisions like this over the course of the year.

    Another one i did not like was taking 2 timeouts into halftime when we still had about 45 seconds or so to play with. This is another thing he did all season long.

    Or calling the timeout when the Patriots had the ball AT the end of the half, getting the ball back, then running out the clock.
  13. Non calls?

    Yeah, those fabricated non calls in your mind are why the Colts lost.

    Not Luck's 4 INTs.

    Not the Patriots 234 running yards.

    Yep, those phantom non calls.

    Pretty ignorant to just look at the stat line when reviewing a game. You might as well not watch the game then.
  14. I agree with most of your points. There some bad coaching and lack of execution by players. But to say that the refs didn't have an influence in the second half of this game is incorrect. If you can't see it than good for you. The rest of us know what happened and I am not the type to lie down and take it just because there is nothing I can do about it. I have a voice and it will be heard wether anyone agreed or not.

    As long as the scared media status quiet, nothing will change. The lack of accountability is what's disturbing.

  15. Would offsetting penalties not give us another shot at converting? Think please.

    I do like how quickly you spun your narrative though.




    Don't feed the troll anymore.
  16. WOW!!!!!

    Look at Ninkovich being held there! AND Vellano!

    Okay, Colt fans! Admit it!!! Textbook hold on Ninkovich there.

    Posting the gif made just caused this thread to end. Two obvious holds on the Colts in that one play.

    I'd hate to break it to you, but holding like that never gets called in the NFL. The Patriots' line did the same thing all game. Being engaged under the shoulder pads has long been considered a legal block since the NFL swung towards the big offenses.
  17. They were caught violating rules and video taping other teams signals. The team and the coach were fined and lost a draft pick as a result. How is there no basis in fact? If you're gonna call somebody out than just do it and don't try to disguise it in a "I'm better than my fellow fans" comment. But when you do at least know what you're talking about.

    The same year they were caught Belichick won coach of the year too.
  18. It's not sad. It's fact. I don't think anyone is saying they're the sole reason we lost, but it doesn't take an excuse maker to acknowledge the refs dropped the ball a few times last night.

    Mike Pereira agrees.

    A C grade from Mike is realistically an F and that's unacceptable in the playoffs.

    There's no accountability for the refs in the NFL. For christ's sake they gave Jeff Triplette a playoff game.

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